
Optical measurements

Quality check

Quality check table for original metrology file

pair:        S1      S2     dS1     dS2        L1      L2     dL1     dL2    <dS/L>  angle(deg)      D1      D2      dD   d(dS)   d(dL)    dz3(um)

Quad  0
pair: 0   20910   20910    -180    -180     43550   43540      90      80   -0.00413   -0.23684   48304   48306      -2       0      10     99.997
pair: 1   20920   20920    -200    -200     43560   43630      10      80   -0.00459   -0.26285   48309   48401     -92       0     -70    100.033
pair: 2   20910   20100      10     820     43550   43540      10       0    0.00011    0.00658   47960   48305    -345    -810      10   1724.336
pair: 3   20910   20900    -140    -130     43540   43530     -60     -70   -0.00310   -0.17767   48294   48294       0     -10      10      9.995
pair: 4   20900   20910    -220    -210     43540   43550      90     100   -0.00494   -0.28289   48296   48311     -15     -10     -10    -69.579
pair: 5   20920   20900      40      20     43200   43550     -20     330    0.00069    0.03968   48304   47999     305      20    -350     34.059
pair: 6   20910   20910    -130    -130     43530   43540     -70     -60   -0.00299   -0.17109   48294   48298      -4       0     -10      0.002
pair: 7   20910   20909    -130    -129     43540   43540     -60     -60   -0.00297   -0.17041   48302   48298       4      -1       0    -30.000

Applied corrections

  • pair 1: Correction to point 2: x+0.07mm; 0.01 → 0.08
  • pair 2: Correction to point 16: x−0.8mm;  44.63 → 43.83
  • pair 5: Correction to point 24: x+0.35mm;  90.62 → 90.97

Gabriel Blaj reported that "Z deviations larger than ~150 micron are typos, or the metrology microscope focussing on the wrong surface. Please use the other 3 and assume a
flat surface to extrapolate the real Z". So, we apply Z correction: 

  • point 13 Z=−1.76 → 0
  • point 17 Z=−1.75 → 0
  • point 18 Z=−1.80 → 0
  • point 21 Z=−1.76 → 0
  • point 22 Z=−1.75 → 0

Quality check table for corrected metrology file in X-Y

segm:        S1      S2     dS1     dS2        L1      L2     dL1     dL2    angle(deg)   D1      D2      dD   d(dS)   d(dL)
Quad  0
segm: 0  -20910  -20910    -180    -180     43540   43550     -90     -80   -0.23684   48306   48304       2       0     -10
segm: 1  -20920  -20920    -200    -200     43560   43560     -80     -80   -0.26306   48338   48309      29       0       0
segm: 2  -20100  -20110      20      10    -43540  -43550       0     -10    0.01974   47960   47964      -4      10      10
segm: 3  -20900  -20910    -130    -140    -43530  -43540      70      60   -0.17767   48294   48294       0      10      10
segm: 4   20910   20900     220     210    -43540  -43550     100      90   -0.28289   48311   48296      15      10      10
segm: 5   20900   20920     -40     -20    -43550  -43550     -20     -20    0.03947   48314   48304      10     -20       0
segm: 6  -20910  -20910    -130    -130    -43540  -43530      60      70   -0.17109   48294   48298      -4       0     -10
segm: 7  -20909  -20910    -129    -130    -43540  -43540      60      60   -0.17041   48302   48298       4       1       0

Quality check table for corrected metrology file in Z

2015-03-05 14:32:33 (info) CalibManager.GUIMetrology: Quality check in Z:
segm:        SA      LA   XSize   YSize    dZS1  dZS2  dZL1  dZL2    dZSA  dZLA  ddZS  ddZL     dZX   dZY   angXZ(deg) angYZ(deg) dz3(um)
Quad  0
segm: 0  -20910   43545   43545   20910     -90    10   -90    10     -40   -40  -100  -100     -40   -40  -0.05263   -0.10960     99.997
segm: 1  -20920   43560   43560   20920     -40    60   -80    20      10   -30  -100  -100     -30    10  -0.03946    0.02739    100.000
segm: 2  -20105  -43545   20105   43545      50    10    10   -30      30   -10    40    40      30   -10   0.08549   -0.01316     39.998
segm: 3  -20905  -43535   20905   43535       0   -10    10     0      -5     5    10    10      -5     5  -0.01370    0.00658      9.995
segm: 4   20905  -43545   43545   20905      20     0    40    20      10    30    20    20      30    10   0.03947    0.02741    -20.009
segm: 5   20910  -43550   43550   20910     -10     0    20    30      -5    25   -10   -10      25    -5   0.03289   -0.01370     10.000
segm: 6  -20910  -43535   20910   43535      10    10   -10   -10      10   -10     0     0      10   -10   0.02740   -0.01316      0.002
segm: 7  -20909  -43540   20909   43540     -20    10   -30     0      -5   -15   -30   -30      -5   -15  -0.01370   -0.01974    -30.000



2015-03-05 14:32:33 (info) CalibManager.GUIMetrology: parameters of type "center":
 199.76   198.51   307.20    98.55   628.98   629.41   711.43   498.54  
 199.76   198.51   307.20    98.55   628.98   629.41   711.43   498.54  
 199.76   198.51   307.20    98.55   628.98   629.41   711.43   498.54  
 199.76   198.51   307.20    98.55   628.98   629.41   711.43   498.54  
 306.45    94.25   623.52   624.25   513.94   726.85   198.35   199.14  
 306.45    94.25   623.52   624.25   513.94   726.85   198.35   199.14  
 306.45    94.25   623.52   624.25   513.94   726.85   198.35   199.14  
 306.45    94.25   623.52   624.25   513.94   726.85   198.35   199.14  
  -0.05    -0.14     0.00    -0.07    -0.14    -0.11    -0.09    -0.16  
  -0.05    -0.14     0.00    -0.07    -0.14    -0.11    -0.09    -0.16  
  -0.05    -0.14     0.00    -0.07    -0.14    -0.11    -0.09    -0.16  
  -0.05    -0.14     0.00    -0.07    -0.14    -0.11    -0.09    -0.16 

2015-03-05 14:32:33 (info) CalibManager.GUIMetrology: parameters of type "tilt":

-0.23684  -0.26306   0.01974  -0.17767  -0.28289   0.03947  -0.17109  -0.17041  
-0.23684  -0.26306   0.01974  -0.17767  -0.28289   0.03947  -0.17109  -0.17041  
-0.23684  -0.26306   0.01974  -0.17767  -0.28289   0.03947  -0.17109  -0.17041  
-0.23684  -0.26306   0.01974  -0.17767  -0.28289   0.03947  -0.17109  -0.17041 

2015-03-05 14:32:33 (info) CalibManager.GUIMetrology: parameters of type "geometry":

# TITLE      Geometry parameters of CSPAD
# DATE_TIME  2015-03-05 14:32:33 PST
# METROLOGY  /reg/g/psdm/detector/alignment/cspad/calib-mec-2013-12-20/2013-12-20-Quad-MEC-Metrology-corr.txt
# AUTHOR     dubrovin
# CALIB_TYPE geometry
# COMMENT:01 Table contains the list of geometry parameters for alignment of 2x1 sensors, quads, CSPAD, etc
# COMMENT:02 All translation and rotation pars of the object are defined w.r.t. parent object Cartesian frame
# PARAM:01 PARENT     - name and version of the parent object
# PARAM:02 PARENT_IND - index of the parent object
# PARAM:03 OBJECT     - name and version of the object
# PARAM:04 OBJECT_IND - index of the new object
# PARAM:05 X0         - x-coordinate [um] of the object origin in the parent frame
# PARAM:06 Y0         - y-coordinate [um] of the object origin in the parent frame
# PARAM:07 Z0         - z-coordinate [um] of the object origin in the parent frame
# PARAM:08 ROT_Z      - object design rotation angle [deg] around Z axis of the parent frame
# PARAM:09 ROT_Y      - object design rotation angle [deg] around Y axis of the parent frame
# PARAM:10 ROT_X      - object design rotation angle [deg] around X axis of the parent frame
# PARAM:11 TILT_Z     - object tilt angle [deg] around Z axis of the parent frame
# PARAM:12 TILT_Y     - object tilt angle [deg] around Y axis of the parent frame
# PARAM:13 TILT_X     - object tilt angle [deg] around X axis of the parent frame
# HDR PARENT IND        OBJECT IND     X0[um]   Y0[um]   Z0[um]   ROT-Z ROT-Y ROT-X     TILT-Z   TILT-Y   TILT-X

QUAD:V1        0  SENS2X1:V1     0      21957    33685       -5       0     0     0   -0.23684 -0.05263 -0.10960 
QUAD:V1        0  SENS2X1:V1     1      21820    10360      -15       0     0     0   -0.26306 -0.03946  0.02739 
QUAD:V1        0  SENS2X1:V1     2      33767    68537        0     270     0     0    0.01974  0.08549 -0.01316 
QUAD:V1        0  SENS2X1:V1     3      10832    68617       -7     270     0     0   -0.17767 -0.01370  0.00658 
QUAD:V1        0  SENS2X1:V1     4      69137    56492      -15     180     0     0   -0.28289  0.03947  0.02741 
QUAD:V1        0  SENS2X1:V1     5      69185    79895      -12     180     0     0    0.03947  0.03289 -0.01370 
QUAD:V1        0  SENS2X1:V1     6      78200    21802      -10     270     0     0   -0.17109  0.02740 -0.01316 
QUAD:V1        0  SENS2X1:V1     7      54799    21890      -17     270     0     0   -0.17041 -0.01370 -0.01974 
QUAD:V1        1  SENS2X1:V1     0      21957    33685       -5       0     0     0   -0.23684 -0.05263 -0.10960 
QUAD:V1        1  SENS2X1:V1     1      21820    10360      -15       0     0     0   -0.26306 -0.03946  0.02739 
QUAD:V1        1  SENS2X1:V1     2      33767    68537        0     270     0     0    0.01974  0.08549 -0.01316 
QUAD:V1        1  SENS2X1:V1     3      10832    68617       -7     270     0     0   -0.17767 -0.01370  0.00658 
QUAD:V1        1  SENS2X1:V1     4      69137    56492      -15     180     0     0   -0.28289  0.03947  0.02741 
QUAD:V1        1  SENS2X1:V1     5      69185    79895      -12     180     0     0    0.03947  0.03289 -0.01370 
QUAD:V1        1  SENS2X1:V1     6      78200    21802      -10     270     0     0   -0.17109  0.02740 -0.01316 
QUAD:V1        1  SENS2X1:V1     7      54799    21890      -17     270     0     0   -0.17041 -0.01370 -0.01974 
QUAD:V1        2  SENS2X1:V1     0      21957    33685       -5       0     0     0   -0.23684 -0.05263 -0.10960 
QUAD:V1        2  SENS2X1:V1     1      21820    10360      -15       0     0     0   -0.26306 -0.03946  0.02739 
QUAD:V1        2  SENS2X1:V1     2      33767    68537        0     270     0     0    0.01974  0.08549 -0.01316 
QUAD:V1        2  SENS2X1:V1     3      10832    68617       -7     270     0     0   -0.17767 -0.01370  0.00658 
QUAD:V1        2  SENS2X1:V1     4      69137    56492      -15     180     0     0   -0.28289  0.03947  0.02741 
QUAD:V1        2  SENS2X1:V1     5      69185    79895      -12     180     0     0    0.03947  0.03289 -0.01370 
QUAD:V1        2  SENS2X1:V1     6      78200    21802      -10     270     0     0   -0.17109  0.02740 -0.01316 
QUAD:V1        2  SENS2X1:V1     7      54799    21890      -17     270     0     0   -0.17041 -0.01370 -0.01974 
QUAD:V1        3  SENS2X1:V1     0      21957    33685       -5       0     0     0   -0.23684 -0.05263 -0.10960 
QUAD:V1        3  SENS2X1:V1     1      21820    10360      -15       0     0     0   -0.26306 -0.03946  0.02739 
QUAD:V1        3  SENS2X1:V1     2      33767    68537        0     270     0     0    0.01974  0.08549 -0.01316 
QUAD:V1        3  SENS2X1:V1     3      10832    68617       -7     270     0     0   -0.17767 -0.01370  0.00658 
QUAD:V1        3  SENS2X1:V1     4      69137    56492      -15     180     0     0   -0.28289  0.03947  0.02741 
QUAD:V1        3  SENS2X1:V1     5      69185    79895      -12     180     0     0    0.03947  0.03289 -0.01370 
QUAD:V1        3  SENS2X1:V1     6      78200    21802      -10     270     0     0   -0.17109  0.02740 -0.01316 
QUAD:V1        3  SENS2X1:V1     7      54799    21890      -17     270     0     0   -0.17041 -0.01370 -0.01974 
CSPAD:V1       0  QUAD:V1        0      -4500    -4500        0      90     0     0    0.00000  0.00000  0.00000 
CSPAD:V1       0  QUAD:V1        1      -4500     4500        0       0     0     0    0.00000  0.00000  0.00000 
CSPAD:V1       0  QUAD:V1        2       4500     4500        0     270     0     0    0.00000  0.00000  0.00000 
CSPAD:V1       0  QUAD:V1        3       4500    -4500        0     180     0     0    0.00000  0.00000  0.00000 



Alignment check with rings

Left plot is from Zhou e-mail obtained with constants for MecTargetChamber.0:Cspad.0 from 2013-12-10 

Right plot is generated with latest available optical measurement for MecTargetChamber.0:Cspad.0 from 2013-12-20  (different date and corrections to measurements were applied).


Geometry parameters

Parameters for center, tilt, and geometry are available in

Archive: /reg/g/psdm/detector/alignment/cspad/calib-mec-2013-12-20/calib/

Deployment: /reg/d/psdm/mec/mecf9615/calib/?



  • X coordinates are corrected for points 2, 16, 24
  • Z coordinate is corrected for points 13, 17, 18, 21, 22
  • After that all deviations are ~10um.








  • No labels