Xrootd server Setup
- Create a new files system for the xrootd data on weka: sdfdata/xrd
- increase SSD cache (set to 100TB)
- increase HDD object space. The space was increased to a usable 3.8 PB
- New Xrootd server that exports the S3DF space. server name: sdffermixrd001
(the server FQN is sdffermixrd001.sdf.slac.stanford.edu . As the sdf.slac.stanford.edu name is not exporter outside the S3DF the IP address, which is routeable, need to be used. - Ensure that the S3DF server is accessible from within SLAC: centos7, fermilnx-vNN, lsf batch nodes
- Connect S3DF xrootd to glast-rdr
sdffermi-xrd001 was added to glast-rdr 2024-07-31 around 10:10
- Connect S3DF xrootd to glast-test-rdr
- File Archiving
File Migration
- Migrate data from fermi-xrd012 (server has been shutdown)
- Restore files from fermi-xrd012 that were not transferred but are on tape to S3DF
- Migrate data from fermi-xrd011
- Migrate data from fermi-gpfs
- Xrootd preload library for RHEL8/9
- statx is not supported by xrootd
- ensure fits files can be read with preload lib
- Move fermi xrootd tools from afs to S3DF
- Do the redirector need to be moved of the fermilnx-vNN (02,12, 03,06)
- Slow access if files are only in the Object store (OBS)
- Reading a file sequentially if it is only in the OBS is about 10 times slower compared to reading from the NVME cache.
- If many clients read the same file at different offsets the rate scales with the number of clients.
{"serverDuration": 42, "requestCorrelationId": "c91bdacc572737e5"}