Some Talks and Demos of Interest at ADASS XIV, Pasadena, CA, Oct 17-21, 2004
- Blind Deconvolution, Tony Chan (UCLA)
Both the image and psf are recovered from a blurred and noisy image.
- Pan-STARRS, Eugene Magnier, IfA
Wide field imaging.
- Science with Virtual Observatory tools Paolo Padovani, ESO
Doing real science (finding QSO 2s) without doing real observations.
"Focus" Demos
- Python Tools for Analysis and Visualization of Astronomical Data
- Tools from Space Telescope Science Institute:
- numarray A replacement for the Numeric package; offers similar array manipulation functionality as matlab or IDL.
- PyFITS A nice interface for accessing data in FITS files.
- numdisplay Steer image display using ds9 or ximtool from Python.
- PyRAF Python replacement for the IRAF command language.
- matplotlib A default plotting package for Python?\\\\
An example:test_plot.pyfrom matplotlib.matlab import * def join(x, sign=1): x1 = list(x) x2 = list(sign*x) x1.reverse() x1.extend(x2) return array(x1) func = "x**3 - x + 1" f = eval("lambda x: " + func) x = arange(-2, 8, 0.01) y2 = f(x) indx = where(y2 > 0) x = x[indx] y = sqrt(y2[indx]) x = join(x) y = join(y, -1) figure(1, figsize=(6, 6)) clf() plot(x, y, 'k') xymax = 20 plot([0, 0], [-xymax, xymax], ':b', [-xymax, xymax], [0, 0], ':g') xx = arange(-1, 8) yy = sqrt(f(xx)) indx = where((yy % 1) == 0) plot(xx[indx], yy[indx], "D") xlabel(r'$x$') ylabel(r'$y$') eq = '$y^2 = ' + func.replace('**', '^').replace('*', '') + '$' legend((eq, '$x=0$', '$y=0$')) xlim(-1.5, 2) ylim(-2, 2)
Here's the plot that results:\\\\
- Tools from Space Telescope Science Institute: