TLC | Meaning | PV |
PKD | Cavity is tuned off frequency so it doesn't affect the beam | ACCL:{LINAC}:{CM}{CAV}0:PKD |
INV | Invalid: one of the PVs necessary is not responding to caget or has INVALID status | ... |
ARU | Awaiting run up: Station needs attention from LLRF/SRF groups before it can be used. A status set and cleared by experts | TBD |
MNT | Maintenance: Station is known to be bad and awaiting attention from experts | TBD |
HWI | Hardware Initialization (a.k.a. rack checkout) needs to be run. Don't trust current values | TBD |
CKP | Check phase: if something is done to the system that makes 0 phase no longer knowable and ops need to re-fold. A status set and cleared by experts | TBD |
SSP | SSA Permit: SSA permit to turn on faulted | ACCL:{LINAC}:{CM}{CAV}0:SSA_LTCH |
SSA | SSA Faulted: SSA not on | ACCL:{LINAC}:{CM}{CAV}0:SSA:AlarmSummary.SEVR |
FRO | Frequency Offset: LLRF has shifted the frequency - it's offset from nominal. | ACCL:{LINAC}:{CM}{CAV}0:FREQ_OFFSET.SEVR |
CSI | Cryo Summary Interlock: He Level and He Pressure are summed into the Cryo Summary Interlock in the Resonance/Interlock Chassis. It's faulted. | ACCL:{LINAC}:{CM}00:CRYO_LTCH |
RLK | Resonance/Interlock Link faulted | ACCL:{LINAC}:{CM}{CAV}0:RESLINK_LTCH |
BLV | Beamline Vacuum too high | ACCL:{LINAC}:{CM}00:BMLNVACA_LTCH and BMLNVACB_LTCH |
CPV | Coupler manifold vacuum too high | ACCL:{LINAC}:{CM}00:CPLRVACA and CPLRVACB |
CP1 | Coupler Temp 1: Temperature sensor on the top of the coupler indicates high temp | ACCL:{LINAC}:{CM}{CAV}0:CPLRTEMP1_LTCH |
CP2 | Coupler Temp 2: Temperature sensor on the bottom of the coupler indicates high temp | ACCL:{LINAC}:{CM}{CAV}0:CPLRTEMP2_LTCH |
STT | Stepper motor temp: Temperature sensor on cavity tuner stepper motor out of tolerance | ACCL:{LINAC}:{CM}{CAV}0:STEPTEMP_LTCH |
QCH | LLRF system detected a cavity quench | ACCL:{LINAC}:{CM}{CAV}0:QUENCH_LTCH |
RES | Resonance Chassis Summary Fault | ACCL:{LINAC}:{CM}{CAV}0:RESINTLK_LTCH |
RFP | RF Permit: Latched cavity interlock summary fault | ACCL:{LINAC}:{CM}{CAV}0:RFPERMIT |
PZT | Hardware summary status for piezo | ACCL:{LINAC}:{CM}{CAV}0:PZT:HWSTATSUM |
CVC | Cavity Characterization needs to be run: Due to changes in the LLRF system, the cavity characterization needs to be run | ACCL:{LINAC}:{CM}{CAV}0:CAV:CALSTATSUM |
CTL | Cavity Controller problem: Cavity LLRF controller misconfiguration | ACCL:{LINAC}:{CM}{CAV}0:CTRL_SUM.SEVR |
RFR | RF (not) ready for beam: RFREADYFORBEAM status is faulted, i.e. not in SELAP mode &/or RF is off | ACCL:{LINAC}:{CM}{CAV}0:RFREADYFORBEAM |
PZF | Piezo feedback is not on | ACCL:{LINAC}:{CM}{CAV}0:PZT:MODECTRL |
PZO | Piezo feedback is indicating a problem | ACCL:{LINAC}:{CM}{CAV}0:PZT:FBSTATSUM |
AFB | Amplitude feedback is out of tol: the feedback maintaining the amplitude is unable to keep the amplitude within tolerance. | ACCL:{LINAC}:{CM}{CAV}0:AMPFB_SUM |
PFB | Phase feedback is out of tol: The feedback maintaining the phase is unable to keep the phase within tolerance | ACCL:{LINAC}:{CM}{CAV}0:PHAFB_SUMF |
FBS | Feedback Sum: The feedback is unable to keep either phase or amplitude within tolerance | ACCL:{LINAC}:{CM}{CAV}0:FB_SUM |
AMJ | amplitude jitter | TBD |
PHJ | phase jitter | TBD |
CCR | cryomodule cryo - if any statuses from the cryo instrumentation list for specific cavities turn yellow. | TBD |
??? | If any analog instrumentation that feeds an interlock turns yellow (CPLRTEMP, vacuum, LL, pressure), show it | TBD |