


Text in the excerpt box will show up in lists of meetings.survey going out for angles; port locations; IFE white paper team

Discussion items


Beam input
Discussed survey for asking UAP about 15 to 30 change for "near co-linear" 

Port locations

Discussion of port locations changes:

  • Luke reviewed the parameter space for XRTS and the issues with port locations being more than, say 22.5°
  • Make sure that we keep the scattering angle from the plan… but the port location shouldn't define the scattering angle
    • Luke B. Fletcher to make a technical note about the potential issue and how we can make ourselves believe in a spectrometer design and deployment that makes things better.
  • Non-symmetry gives more options for angles. Some instinctual fear of this 
    • Some agreement that it feels like symmetric angles give more ability to collect the same thing.
    • Can we have maybe one important set of paired angles? 
    • Can we use the above tricks to recover differences in angles?
  • Original angles (request access)
  • New angles (request access)

Luke to invite Brian Haines to contribute to section of IFE white paper