Electronics status
- carrier board assembled and going for wirebonding
Mechanics status
- Prototype assembly going on
- We need to get feedback from Andy about the possibility to perform insitu calibration for the 2M detector.
- Tytanium kalpha signals, with the detector closed in. But Andy needs to make some calculations.
- SSRL could be a good place to do it.
- silver behenate can be another way to calibrate it. That will be a geometrical calibration. It could also use a diode for I0 measurements
- alternative, we can go to MFX and perform calibration with 8keV.
Andy told us that detector chamber bot will be purchased on the next fiscal year. There is no use for the 2M detector before CY 2024.
Small detector
- Chamber will have the below going out straight, towards the door and that should simplify the routing
- It will use single welded below
- The detector module should stop at the flange. Bellows are part of the chamber design. Marco will get that changed with Don's G.
- Check the exact temperatures for the chiller and sensor on this detector.