Reason for change

We have added new quantities, renamed a few for consistency reasons, fixed a few minor bugs.

Test Procedure

We have processed data on DEV with this version of L1Proc.

Rollback procedure

We can roll back to the previous version of L1Proc.

CCB Jira



dataMonitoring/AlarmsCfg v1r0p4
- Added doc/release.notes: GDQMQ-64

dataMonitoring/FastMonCfg: v1r0p10
- Updated the MergeHistos_FastMon.txt file with the 3 Histograms for Clock tick deviation to 20MHz with the digiEOR. Relevant jira(s): GDQMQ-27
- Synchronized Histograms for Clock ticks deviation to 20MH with the digiEOR. Relevant jira(s): GDQMQ-27
- Bug fix on the previous fix. Numpy uint8 is interpreted by ROOT as Char_t. Original type of the quantities was enum, that is compatible with any uint type. So DFI enum types are now uint16 and the monitoring application is happy. Relevant jira(s): GDQMQ-80
- Fix the type of the meta_context quantities according to DFI documentation. Relevant jira(s): GDQMQ-80
- Add the quantity clocktics_dev_20MHz that counts the number of tics between 1pps and gives the deviation with respect to expected 20MHz, and 2 associated  histograms in the config configuration file. Relevant jira(s): GDQMQ-27
- Added meta_context_current_earlyevent and meta_context_previous_earlyevent in the baseConfig configuration file. Relevant jira(s): GDQMQ-70 (G
- Bug fix in the text configuration file for the merging of FastMon histograms. Relevant jira(s): GDQMQ-71
- Release notes updated with references to the relevant jira. No change in any of the functionalities at all. Relevant JIRA: GDQMQ-64

dataMonitoring/Common: v3r0p13
- The set of tools for fitting ACD pedestals and CAL peds/gains is now in a reasonable shape, with many improvements and bug fixes. Not yet in the pipeline, so no change in the basic functionality at the moment. Relevant jira(s): GDQMQ-65
- More work done on the fitting tool for the CAL pedestals/gains. Some work done on getting the normalization and rms values right for the modified gaussian function. Not yet in the pipeline, so no change in the basic functionality at the moment. Relevant jira(s): GDQMQ-65
- Bug fix in the alarm handler (a variable in pAlarmBaseAlgorithm was referenced before assignment). Relevant jira(s): GDQMQ-78
- Handling of error bars into the alg__values algorithm. Relevant jira(s): GDQMQ-57

dataMonitoring/FastMon: v3r0p13
- Add the quantity clocktics_dev_20MHz that counts the number of tics between 1pps and gives the deviation with respect to expected 20MHz in Relevant jira(s): GDQMQ-70
- Spacecraft latitude and longitude are now in degrees instead of radian. Conversion is done in pSCPosition. Relevant jira(s): GDQMQ-63
- Added meta_context_current_earlyevent and meta_context_previous_earlyevent in Relevant jira(s): GDQMQ-70
- Bug fix in the script generating the text configuration file for the merging from the FastMon xml configuration file. Relevant jira(s): GDQMQ-71
- Release notes updated with references to the relevant jira. No change in any of the functionalities at all. Relevant JIRA: GDQMQ-64 (G

svac/Monitor: v1r0p13
- Add FastMon trending quantity meta_context_open_modechanges to trend the LAT mode changes as requested by GDQMQ-13 (G
- Fix meta_context_open_modechanges and meta_context_open_mode variable types according to GDQMQ-80.
- Changes to address issue reported in Jira GDQMQ-74
- Add FastMon trending quantity meta_context_open_mode to trend the LAT mode as requested by GDQMQ-13.
- Corrected bug in MergeHistFiles.cxx: GDQMQ-88
- Corrected bugs in MonInput_DatagramInfo.cxx, and MonInput_Delta_CCSDSTime_EvtTime.cxx: GDQMQ-89
- Corrected issue addressed by GDQMQ-84.

dataMonitoring/DigiReconCalMeritCfg: v1r0p15
- Add FastMon trending quantity "meta_context_open_modechanges"  to trend the LAT mode changes as requested by GDQMQ-13.
- Change of names in config files to keep consistency: GDQMQ-76.
- Changes in the config files to address the Jiras: GDQMQ-74, GDQMQ-75, GDQMQ-77.
- Add FastMon trending quantity "meta_context_open_mode" to trend the LAT mode as requested by GDQMQ-13 (G
- Change of names in OBF variables in digi trending job to be consistent with the new filter names: GDQMQ-67 
- Added new quantities in digi trending (monconfig_digi_trending.xml): GDQMQ-90
- Added ACD pedestals in digi CalLong trending/histos. This addresses JIRA GDQMQ-59.
- Added actual distributions of pedestals for ACD and CAL and the optical gains. Those distributions will be fitted later on, extracting the meaningful quantities Mean/RMS; that should be comparable to the truncated ones: GDQMQ-91
- Level of truncation is decreased from 10%, per side of distribution, down to 2%. In this way the RMS from the truncation will be sensitive to outliers whose fraction is more than 2% of total number of events: GDQMQ-92.
- Change in monconfig_recon_trending.xml to address problem described in GDQMQ-97.
- Live time fraction related quatities removed from monconfig_digi_trending.xml

svac/TestReport: v5r8
- New file release.notes added: GDQMQ-64
- xml utilities included. Changed range for histos.

ScienceTools v9r5
- Synching up with ASP, SSC-17.
- Affects makeFT1 (used to make FT1 and LS1) makeFT2, and makeLS3. 

Complete set of tags for L1Proc 1.44

Code Versions

GlastRelease (sim/recon) v13r11p4

ScienceTools (Level 2) : v9r5*

Science Ops (task defs, scripts):

Level 1 pipeline code and applications running in L1:

svac/L1Pipeline: v1r44* 

dataMonitoring/AlarmsCfg: v1r0p4*
dataMonitoring/FastMonCfg: v1r0p10*

dataMonitoring/DigiReconCalMeritCfg: v1r0p12*
dataMonitoring/Common: v3r0p13*

dataMonitoring/FastMon: v3r0p13*

datMonitoring/IGRF: v1r0p1

svac/Monitor: v1r0p11*

svac/EngineeringModelRoot: v3r12

svac/TestReport: v5r8*

users/richard/pipelineDatasets: v0r4

ft2Util: v1r1p44

GPLtools: v1r10