There are several scripts which need simple modification to adapt them to new features which have been recently added to IEPM-BW. They are written in perl.
show-probe-commands [-n aliasname]
This reads from the mysql data base TOOLSPECS table the components of the commands which are performed by the monitoring. Currently, when called without any arguments, it prints the exact commands executed to do a test. If called with '-n aliasname' it only prints the commands for that aliasname.
Modification needed:
show-probe-commands [[-n aliasname] | [-g groupname] | or no -n or -g] [-T probetype]
where either -n aliasname or -g groupname or no -n -g parameters can be provided and/or '-T probetype' can be provided.
If 'show-probe-commands -n aliasname' is provided, it currently shows just the probe commands for just the aliasname provided. If -n is not provided it shows the probe commands for all nodes.
Modifications requested:
If 'show-probe-commands -g groupname' is provided, it shows the probe commands for each node in the group.
If 'show-probe-commands -g groupname -T probetype' is provided, it shows the probe commands for each node in the group for just the 'probetype' provided by the -T argument.
If 'show-probe-commands -T probetype' is provided, it shows all the commands for 'probetype' for all the nodes.
If 'show-probe-commands -n aliasname -T probetype' is provided it shows just the command for 'probetype' for the node aliasname.
Vaild 'probtypes' include : iperf, miperf, tlaytcp, mtlaytcp, ping, traceroute, pathchirp, pathload, owping
Scripts which may be useful in completing these modifications can be found in the Group Table Access Commands documentation
Geoplot Modifications
Fawad put together a package using GEOPLOT for displaying lines and monitoring hosts and target hosts around the world.
The data that it uses to create the display has an 'abbreviation' field in each line and it is displayed (only a few of them are currently displayed) which characters on the map.
The problem with this is that the characters are far from the point on the map, and if points are close together, the characters overlap and make a mess.
I would like to have a simple mod made to the display such that the characters for the node abbreviation are not displayed on the map, but instead, a mouse over the dot representing the site shows the abbreviation (or other string in the abbreviation field).
Note that also, a mouse click on a line (which represents a probe) also provides information on the probe that was done.
The code can be downloaded from SLACand it is the file geoplot.tar.gz in the code directory. The file update-geoplot.txt is an example of the data file that Geoplot to displays.
Script to Load the NODESPECS Table
A script is needed to load the NODESPECS table. This table is defined to store the specifications for the target nodes and any calculated optimal window size and number of streams for iperf or thrulay probes. The window size is calculated and stored in the table daily by 'find-winsize'. No script have been written to calculate the optimal number of streams to be used, but there is a field in the table for it. Currently for multistream iperf and thrulay probes, the window size and number of streams should be included in the 'toolopts1' field of the TOOLSPECS table.
Upgrade to find-winsize
'find-winsize' reads the NODESPECS table for each node and calculates the optimal window size for single stream 'iperf' and 'thrulay' probe. This should be extended to handle multi-stream probes also. Currently multi-stream probes are hard coded the the specific TOOLSPECS table entry for multi-stream iperf and thrulay ('tlaytcp') probes. If this script is modified, note that one will have to modify the database entry and the code that does the probes.