Processing Status
The current status is available at
When ASP falls over, rollback at either the process level or the stream level.
Adding Monitored Sources
Jim runs a script based on ATels by the FA list.
From Jim:
The "" script is what I use to add a monitored source to the FSSC list, and I use it with this page: which you've probably seen. I'll put together more detailed notes on the full procedure and will check that into to the above repository.
Code Development
Pipeline code is in CVS at
Code runs under glast-raw.
No CCB process for changes
Leap Seconds
Putting Leap Seconds in. Requires testing. Needed for the GRB ID assignation.
Confluence page about Leap Seconds. Rob has tried to gather information:
Install Procedures
See the contents of install_procedures.txt in
From Jim:
The "install_procedures.txt" file is my rather elliptical description of all the steps needed to update the ASP software with a new release, so it points to all of the software elements I mentioned this morning. I'll try to clarify it over the next few days, so if you have any questions on it, please let me know.
Running the ASP Cron Job
/afs/slac/g/glast/ground/links/data/ASP/ --send GSSC gll_asp_0509328000_v00.fitFASTCopy: creating transfer package "/nfs/farm/g/glast/u23/ISOC-flight/Outgoing/LISOC_2017052205255.tar"(Connection failed) (DatabaseError) ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified
eval `/afs/slac/g/glast/isoc/flightOps/rhel5_gcc41/ISOC_PROD/bin/isoc env --add-env=flightops`; --send GSSC gll_asp_0509414400_v00.fitFASTCopy: creating transfer package "/nfs/farm/g/glast/u23/ISOC-flight/Outgoing/LISOC_2017053202355.tar"FASTCopyDB::Send: horner is not in GroupManager groups ('glastops_planners',)