Following the successful regeneration of GCR files for 2-nd year data (after novermeber 2009) I have produced 6 asymmetry calibration files for 6 Ms (~ 2 month) period each:
276000000 <MET< 282000000 - fit_gcrhists_lkhd_276m_280m_bigsum.gcr_asym_hist.xml
282000000 <MET< 288000000 - fit_gcrhists_lkhd_282m_286m_bigsum.gcr_asym_hist.xml
288000000 <MET< 294000000 - fit_gcrhists_lkhd_288m_292m_bigsum.gcr_asym_hist.xml
294000000 <MET< 300000000 - fit_gcrhists_lkhd_294m_298m_bigsum.gcr_asym_hist.xml
300000000 <MET< 306000000 - fit_gcrhists_lkhd_300m_304m_bigsum.gcr_asym_hist.xml
306000000 <MET< 312000000 - fit_gcrhists_lkhd_306m_310m_bigsum.gcr_asym_hist.xml
Files are available in the folder /afs/slac/g/users/chehtman/calibGenCAL_analysis/asym_test/gcr_batchruns/fit_asym/ and have been uploaded to the JIRA issue SSC-261 to be added to calibration data base.
The evolution of asymmetry calibration over 2 years is shown on the following plots: