Problem Statement:

Figure 3 shows the tank system now with a control valve at the input. Design an on-off controller that maintains the water level to a configurable set point by turning on until it reaches the high threshold. Design the controller to have thresholds of +/-10% of the set point. Create minor alarms at +/- 30% of the set point and major alarms at within 5% full capacity and empty. Design an EPICs record that creates a circular buffer for the water level of the system. 

Figure 3. Phase 3 Tank Diagram with Control Valve

Reconfigure your PyDM display to show the following:

  • Controller status
  • Control inputs for controller set point
  • A waveform of the water level of the system
  • A hybrid display where you create a custom circular buffer for the water level. 
  • Use the archiver to see the same waveform.
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Next (Advanced) Problem: A Complete System with an AsynPortDriver

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