Compression tests 01-30-2025:

LC compressions with data streams. using drp-srcf-gpu004 NVIDIA RTX A5000. Environment: 

$ source /cds/sw/package/conda_envs/spack/libpressio-drp/spack/share/spack/

$ spack env activate /cds/sw/package/conda_envs/spack/libpressio-drp/env1/


$ nvcc -O3 -arch=sm_86 -fmad=false -Xcompiler "-O3 -march=native -fopenmp -mno-fma" -I. -o compress4 --std=c++17

$ ./compress4 xpplz0620_249-100_16_352_384.bin test_comp.out 1600 y

float32 binary file : xpplz0620_249-100_16_352_384.bin

Data: 100 frames, Frame: 16x352x384, Segment: 352x384, divided in 1600-100 pieces 

number of streams












































 profiler shows  overlapping streams

Changing threads per block makes the kernels run longer but overlap more, so overall bandwidth is almost the same (60 GBs)

Using libpressio+ cupy: 

compressing the whole dataset: data shape (100, 16, 352, 384)

sz3 GB/s    = 0.123 compression factor:   0.059

LC GB/s     = 0.634  compression:   0.044

cusz GB/s  = 7.766 compression:    0.000723 ?

cusz* GB/s = 62.721553236381006 compression: 0.000723##

*with data already on GPU (using cupy)

but with smaller datasets bandwidth is bad: data shape (4, 352, 384)

sz3 GB/s   = 0.177 compression: 0.057

LC  GB/s   = 0.153 compression: 0.042

cusz GB/s = 0.463 compression: 0.0075

cusz* GB/s = 0.517 compression: 0.0075

## this number is suspicious.

Timing tests


Calibration (Appropriate Types)

  • Switch to using 16-bit integers from 32-bit integers
  • Output image is in float32
************************** Single Detector Segment *****************************
                        Block Radix Calibration Results:
                               (Results by Row)
Using number of rows: 352
Using number of entries per row: 384
	Sorting keys per thread: 4
	Using # of threads: 96
Execution time: 0.01188
  • Single detector segment result: 11 us → roughly 22.755 GB/s
**************************** Six Detector Segments *****************************
                        Block Radix Calibration Results:
                               (Results by Row)
Using number of rows: 2112
Using number of entries per row: 384
	Sorting keys per thread: 4
	Using # of threads: 96
Execution time: 0.0404352
  • Six detector segments result: 40.04 us → roughly 40.109 GB/s
************************** Twelve Detector Segment *****************************
                        Block Radix Calibration Results:
                               (Results by Row)
Using number of rows: 4224
Using number of entries per row: 384
	Sorting keys per thread: 4
	Using # of threads: 96
Execution time: 0.0727408
  • Twelve detector segments result: 72.74 us → Roughly 44.598 GB/s

#2024-05-08 and 09

Just Common-Mode

  • May be viable to use fewer threads, doing more work per thread for common-mode which is the costly operation
  • Using BLOCK_LOAD_WARP_TRANSPOSE  and equivalents
                        Block Radix Common-Mode Results:
Using number of rows: 352
Using number of entries per row: 384
	Sorting keys per thread: 1
	Using # of threads: 384
Execution time: 0.0375776
                        Block Radix Common-Mode Results:
Using number of rows: 352
Using number of entries per row: 384
	Sorting keys per thread: 2
	Using # of threads: 192
Execution time: 0.0227328
                        Block Radix Common-Mode Results:
Using number of rows: 352
Using number of entries per row: 384
	Sorting keys per thread: 4
	Using # of threads: 96
Execution time: 0.0158656
                        Block Radix Common-Mode Results:
Using number of rows: 352
Using number of entries per row: 384
	Sorting keys per thread: 1
	Using # of threads: 384
Execution time: 0.0372272
                        Block Radix Common-Mode Results:
Using number of rows: 352
Using number of entries per row: 384
	Sorting keys per thread: 2
	Using # of threads: 192
Execution time: 0.0224752
                        Block Radix Common-Mode Results:
Using number of rows: 352
Using number of entries per row: 384
	Sorting keys per thread: 4
	Using # of threads: 96
Execution time: 0.0156112
                        Block Radix Common-Mode Results:
Using number of rows: 352
Using number of entries per row: 384
	Sorting keys per thread: 8
	Using # of threads: 48
Execution time: 0.0159136
                        Block Radix Common-Mode Results:
Using number of rows: 352
Using number of entries per row: 384
	Sorting keys per thread: 16
	Using # of threads: 24
Execution time: 0.014384
                        Block Radix Common-Mode Results:
Using number of rows: 352
Using number of entries per row: 384
	Sorting keys per thread: 1
	Using # of threads: 384
Execution time: 0.0373696
                        Block Radix Common-Mode Results:
Using number of rows: 352
Using number of entries per row: 384
	Sorting keys per thread: 2
	Using # of threads: 192
Execution time: 0.0221168
                        Block Radix Common-Mode Results:
Using number of rows: 352
Using number of entries per row: 384
	Sorting keys per thread: 4
	Using # of threads: 96
Execution time: 0.0154032
                        Block Radix Common-Mode Results:
Using number of rows: 352
Using number of entries per row: 384
	Sorting keys per thread: 8
	Using # of threads: 48
Execution time: 0.0160192
                        Block Radix Common-Mode Results:
Using number of rows: 352
Using number of entries per row: 384
	Sorting keys per thread: 16
	Using # of threads: 24
Execution time: 0.0146352

Including Full Calibration

  • As before pedestal/gain correction (the actual add/multiply) is less than common-mode, but as you process too many per thread (with this memory access pattern), the time goes back up
  • Each thread is responsible for KEYS_PER_THREAD pedestal and gain corrections - loops through these.
    • Formula is each thread processes the following indices from a row of the image: [threadIdx.x*KEYS_PER_THREAD, threadIdx.x*KEYS_PER_THREAD + KEYS_PER_THREAD) 
                        Block Radix Calibration Results:
Using number of rows: 352
Using number of entries per row: 384
	Sorting keys per thread: 1
	Using # of threads: 384
Execution time: 0.0386048
                        Block Radix Calibration Results:
Using number of rows: 352
Using number of entries per row: 384
	Sorting keys per thread: 2
	Using # of threads: 192
Execution time: 0.0236032
                        Block Radix Calibration Results:
Using number of rows: 352
Using number of entries per row: 384
	Sorting keys per thread: 4
	Using # of threads: 96
Execution time: 0.0177088
                        Block Radix Calibration Results:
Using number of rows: 352
Using number of entries per row: 384
	Sorting keys per thread: 8
	Using # of threads: 48
Execution time: 0.0183696
                        Block Radix Calibration Results:
Using number of rows: 352
Using number of entries per row: 384
	Sorting keys per thread: 16
	Using # of threads: 24
Execution time: 0.020056


Sort/Median Timing on more "realistic" sizes

  • Use slightly more relevant sizes
  • Using 384 entries → length of one row for a single epix10ka panel
                           Block Radix Median Results:
Median: 49
Execution time: 0.011864
                           Thrust Sort Median Results:
Median: 49
Execution time: 0.275501
  • Using 352 entries → length of one column for a single epix10ka panel
                           Block Radix Median Results:
Median: 52
Execution time: 0.0113584
                           Thrust Sort Median Results:
Median: 52
Execution time: 0.248819

Common-mode proxy using just block radix

  • Split rows by block and attempt common-mode proxy → Each block has 384 threads, 352 blocks run
                       Block Radix Common-Mode Results:
Median: 49 (Final row)
Execution time: 0.0384512
    • Called as: blockRadixCommonMode<numentries,1,int><<<nrows,numentries,numentries*sizeof(int)>>>(devArr, devMedian, devResult); 
      • Data loaded by row: BlockLoadT(temp.load).Load(data+row, thread_keys, numItems);

Calibration proxy

  • Adding a pedestal subtraction and calibration step has only small effect on the overall time
    • Assume all pixels good (e.g. no mask)
                        Block Radix Calibration Results:
Execution time: 0.0386928


Median calculation methods

  •  Initial attempt at comparing different sort methods with the aim of calculating a median
    • Using cub has block-wide primitives (and others) and provides some routines as well - Use BlockRadixSort 
    • Using also thrust::sort - higher level than cub . Somewhat easier to use.
  • Try comparing using single block for now (i.e. gridDim=1 ). Both methods should be straightforward to adapt to parellel block execution.
  • thrust seems to be intended to be called mostly from the host-side. That said, inspecting the source shows that at least some of the functionality is compiled for both host and device, and the tests below compiled and ran.
    • Packages like cupy rely on thrust - hence the comparison.
    • It may not be the most relevant in the long run if we want to remove the CPU from the equation entirely.

Method 1 - cub::BlockRadixSort

template <int THREADS, int ITEMS_X_THREAD, class T>
void blockRadixMedian(const T* __restrict__ data, T* __restrict__ median_out,
                            T* __restrict__ sorted_out) {
    typedef cub::BlockLoad<
    typedef cub::BlockStore<
    typedef cub::BlockRadixSort<
        T, THREADS, ITEMS_X_THREAD> BlockRadixSortT;
    __shared__ union { 
        typename BlockLoadT::TempStorage      load;
        typename BlockStoreT::TempStorage     store;
        typename BlockRadixSortT::TempStorage sort;
    } temp;

    size_t numItems = THREADS*ITEMS_X_THREAD;
    extern __shared__ T sorted[];
    __shared__ T median;
    if (!threadIdx.x) {
        median = 0;
    T thread_keys[ITEMS_X_THREAD];

    // Copy data over
    BlockLoadT(temp.load).Load(data, thread_keys);
    // Sort data

    // Store in output
    BlockStoreT(, thread_keys);
    sorted_out[threadIdx.x] = sorted[threadIdx.x];

    if (!threadIdx.x) {
        size_t idx = numItems/2 - 1;
        if (numItems % 2 == 0) {
            median = (sorted[idx] + sorted[idx+1])/2;
        } else {
            median = sorted[idx];
        *median_out = median;

Method 2 - thrust::sort 

template <int THREADS, int ITEMS_X_THREAD, class T>
void thrustSortMedian(const T* __restrict__ data, T* __restrict__ median_out,
                            T* __restrict__ sorted_out) {
    extern __shared__ T sorted[];
    __shared__ T median;

    size_t numItems = THREADS*ITEMS_X_THREAD;

    // Copy data to mutable shared memory
    sorted[threadIdx.x] = data[threadIdx.x];
    // Sort data
    if (!threadIdx.x) {
        // CDP?
        thrust::sort(thrust::device, sorted, sorted + numItems);

    // Store in output
    sorted_out[threadIdx.x] = sorted[threadIdx.x];

    if (!threadIdx.x) {
        size_t idx = numItems/2 - 1;
        if (numItems % 2 == 0) {
            median = (sorted[idx] + sorted[idx+1])/2;
        } else {
            median = sorted[idx];
	 	*median_out = median;


  • Used same timing method as the timing loop below
  • Tested the time to sort 128 values in a single block
  • thrust is slower - CDP overhead? There are probably obvious improvements here that I'm missing.
                           Block Radix Median Results:
Median: 47
Execution time: 0.0085376
                           Thrust Sort Median Results:
Median: 47
Execution time: 0.12403


Kernel Launches

  • Attempt testing overhead for launching CUDA kernels
    • Internet perusing suggests ~5 us (various developer forums)
  • Launching empty kernels as a proxy
  • Want to see the additional overhead for making use of CUDA dynamic parallelism (CDP - Kernels launching kernels)
void testOverheadKernel() {}

void testOverheadKernelCDP() {

/// Timing loop -- Equivalent for all kernels tested
cudaEvent_t start, stop;
float run_time_ms;
long double kernelLaunch_ms = 0;
for (size_t i=0; i < NUM_ITER; ++i) {
    run_time_ms = 0;
    cudaEventRecord(start, 0);
    cudaEventRecord(stop, 0);
    cudaEventSynchronize(stop); // Block CPU execution until event recorded
    cudaEventElapsedTime(&run_time_ms, start, stop);
    kernelLaunch_ms += run_time_ms;
kernelLaunch_ms /= NUM_ITER;
  • Preliminary results show ~5 us launch overhead (consistent)
  • CDP seems to be costly
Empty Kernel Launches (Overhead timing) - in ms
testOverheadKernel (Overhead proxy): 0.0054336
testOverheadKernelCDP (CDP cost+overhead): 0.0249248
	 (subtract overhead above): 0.0194912
  • Overhead for CDP gets worse with subsequent calls??
Empty Kernel Launches (Overhead timing) - in ms
testOverheadKernel (Overhead proxy): 0.00512
testOverheadKernelCDP (CDP cost+overhead): 0.0253376
	 (subtract overhead above): 0.0202176
testOverheadKernelCDP_Twice (Launch two kernels): 0.59792
	 (subtract launch of 1): 0.572582
testOverheadKernelCDP_Twice_sync (Launch two kernels, synchronous): 0.600832     # NOTE: kernels are empty, so perhaps don't expect difference here vs. previous
	 (subtract launch of 1): 0.575494

Datagram Creation

  • Test (time) cost of datagram construction on GPU - not easily vectorized.
  • Test cases:
    • Otherwise empty kernel calls __device__  function which constructs datagram including allocating memory       ( createDgramMalloc )
    • Otherwise empty kernel calls __device__  function which constructs datagram but does NOT allocate memory  ( createDgramNoMalloc )
    • Kernel constructs datagram including allocating memory                                                                              ( createDgramKernelMalloc )
    • Kernel constructs datagram but does NOT allocate memory                                                                         ( createDgramKernelNoMalloc )
  • Preliminary results: 
Datagram Creation Timing - in ms
createDgramMalloc (device function, allocates): 0.0123296
createDgramNoMalloc (device function, NO allocation): 0.0057856
createDgramKernelMalloc (Kernel, allocates): 0.296768
createDgramKernelNoMalloc (Kernel, NO allocation): 0.117888
  • No labels