Timing tests


Calibration (Appropriate Types)

  • Switch to using 16-bit integers from 32-bit integers
  • Output image is in float32
************************** Single Detector Segment *****************************
                        Block Radix Calibration Results:
                               (Results by Row)
Using number of rows: 352
Using number of entries per row: 384
	Sorting keys per thread: 4
	Using # of threads: 96
Execution time: 0.01188
  • Single detector segment result: 11 us → roughly 22.755 GB/s
**************************** Six Detector Segments *****************************
                        Block Radix Calibration Results:
                               (Results by Row)
Using number of rows: 2112
Using number of entries per row: 384
	Sorting keys per thread: 4
	Using # of threads: 96
Execution time: 0.0404352
  • Six detector segments result: 40.04 us → roughly 40.109 GB/s
************************** Twelve Detector Segment *****************************
                        Block Radix Calibration Results:
                               (Results by Row)
Using number of rows: 4224
Using number of entries per row: 384
	Sorting keys per thread: 4
	Using # of threads: 96
Execution time: 0.0727408
  • Twelve detector segments result: 72.74 us → Roughly 44.598 GB/s

#2024-05-08 and 09

Just Common-Mode

  • May be viable to use fewer threads, doing more work per thread for common-mode which is the costly operation
  • Using BLOCK_LOAD_WARP_TRANSPOSE  and equivalents
                        Block Radix Common-Mode Results:
Using number of rows: 352
Using number of entries per row: 384
	Sorting keys per thread: 1
	Using # of threads: 384
Execution time: 0.0375776
                        Block Radix Common-Mode Results:
Using number of rows: 352
Using number of entries per row: 384
	Sorting keys per thread: 2
	Using # of threads: 192
Execution time: 0.0227328
                        Block Radix Common-Mode Results:
Using number of rows: 352
Using number of entries per row: 384
	Sorting keys per thread: 4
	Using # of threads: 96
Execution time: 0.0158656
                        Block Radix Common-Mode Results:
Using number of rows: 352
Using number of entries per row: 384
	Sorting keys per thread: 1
	Using # of threads: 384
Execution time: 0.0372272
                        Block Radix Common-Mode Results:
Using number of rows: 352
Using number of entries per row: 384
	Sorting keys per thread: 2
	Using # of threads: 192
Execution time: 0.0224752
                        Block Radix Common-Mode Results:
Using number of rows: 352
Using number of entries per row: 384
	Sorting keys per thread: 4
	Using # of threads: 96
Execution time: 0.0156112
                        Block Radix Common-Mode Results:
Using number of rows: 352
Using number of entries per row: 384
	Sorting keys per thread: 8
	Using # of threads: 48
Execution time: 0.0159136
                        Block Radix Common-Mode Results:
Using number of rows: 352
Using number of entries per row: 384
	Sorting keys per thread: 16
	Using # of threads: 24
Execution time: 0.014384
                        Block Radix Common-Mode Results:
Using number of rows: 352
Using number of entries per row: 384
	Sorting keys per thread: 1
	Using # of threads: 384
Execution time: 0.0373696
                        Block Radix Common-Mode Results:
Using number of rows: 352
Using number of entries per row: 384
	Sorting keys per thread: 2
	Using # of threads: 192
Execution time: 0.0221168
                        Block Radix Common-Mode Results:
Using number of rows: 352
Using number of entries per row: 384
	Sorting keys per thread: 4
	Using # of threads: 96
Execution time: 0.0154032
                        Block Radix Common-Mode Results:
Using number of rows: 352
Using number of entries per row: 384
	Sorting keys per thread: 8
	Using # of threads: 48
Execution time: 0.0160192
                        Block Radix Common-Mode Results:
Using number of rows: 352
Using number of entries per row: 384
	Sorting keys per thread: 16
	Using # of threads: 24
Execution time: 0.0146352

Including Full Calibration

  • As before pedestal/gain correction (the actual add/multiply) is less than common-mode, but as you process too many per thread (with this memory access pattern), the time goes back up
  • Each thread is responsible for KEYS_PER_THREAD pedestal and gain corrections - loops through these.
    • Formula is each thread processes the following indices from a row of the image: [threadIdx.x*KEYS_PER_THREAD, threadIdx.x*KEYS_PER_THREAD + KEYS_PER_THREAD) 
                        Block Radix Calibration Results:
Using number of rows: 352
Using number of entries per row: 384
	Sorting keys per thread: 1
	Using # of threads: 384
Execution time: 0.0386048
                        Block Radix Calibration Results:
Using number of rows: 352
Using number of entries per row: 384
	Sorting keys per thread: 2
	Using # of threads: 192
Execution time: 0.0236032
                        Block Radix Calibration Results:
Using number of rows: 352
Using number of entries per row: 384
	Sorting keys per thread: 4
	Using # of threads: 96
Execution time: 0.0177088
                        Block Radix Calibration Results:
Using number of rows: 352
Using number of entries per row: 384
	Sorting keys per thread: 8
	Using # of threads: 48
Execution time: 0.0183696
                        Block Radix Calibration Results:
Using number of rows: 352
Using number of entries per row: 384
	Sorting keys per thread: 16
	Using # of threads: 24
Execution time: 0.020056


Sort/Median Timing on more "realistic" sizes

  • Use slightly more relevant sizes
  • Using 384 entries → length of one row for a single epix10ka panel
                           Block Radix Median Results:
Median: 49
Execution time: 0.011864
                           Thrust Sort Median Results:
Median: 49
Execution time: 0.275501
  • Using 352 entries → length of one column for a single epix10ka panel
                           Block Radix Median Results:
Median: 52
Execution time: 0.0113584
                           Thrust Sort Median Results:
Median: 52
Execution time: 0.248819

Common-mode proxy using just block radix

  • Split rows by block and attempt common-mode proxy → Each block has 384 threads, 352 blocks run
                       Block Radix Common-Mode Results:
Median: 49 (Final row)
Execution time: 0.0384512
    • Called as: blockRadixCommonMode<numentries,1,int><<<nrows,numentries,numentries*sizeof(int)>>>(devArr, devMedian, devResult); 
      • Data loaded by row: BlockLoadT(temp.load).Load(data+row, thread_keys, numItems);

Calibration proxy

  • Adding a pedestal subtraction and calibration step has only small effect on the overall time
    • Assume all pixels good (e.g. no mask)
                        Block Radix Calibration Results:
Execution time: 0.0386928


Median calculation methods

  •  Initial attempt at comparing different sort methods with the aim of calculating a median
    • Using cub has block-wide primitives (and others) and provides some routines as well - Use BlockRadixSort 
    • Using also thrust::sort - higher level than cub . Somewhat easier to use.
  • Try comparing using single block for now (i.e. gridDim=1 ). Both methods should be straightforward to adapt to parellel block execution.
  • thrust seems to be intended to be called mostly from the host-side. That said, inspecting the source shows that at least some of the functionality is compiled for both host and device, and the tests below compiled and ran.
    • Packages like cupy rely on thrust - hence the comparison.
    • It may not be the most relevant in the long run if we want to remove the CPU from the equation entirely.

Method 1 - cub::BlockRadixSort

template <int THREADS, int ITEMS_X_THREAD, class T>
void blockRadixMedian(const T* __restrict__ data, T* __restrict__ median_out,
                            T* __restrict__ sorted_out) {
    typedef cub::BlockLoad<
    typedef cub::BlockStore<
    typedef cub::BlockRadixSort<
        T, THREADS, ITEMS_X_THREAD> BlockRadixSortT;
    __shared__ union { 
        typename BlockLoadT::TempStorage      load;
        typename BlockStoreT::TempStorage     store;
        typename BlockRadixSortT::TempStorage sort;
    } temp;

    size_t numItems = THREADS*ITEMS_X_THREAD;
    extern __shared__ T sorted[];
    __shared__ T median;
    if (!threadIdx.x) {
        median = 0;
    T thread_keys[ITEMS_X_THREAD];

    // Copy data over
    BlockLoadT(temp.load).Load(data, thread_keys);
    // Sort data

    // Store in output
    BlockStoreT(temp.store).Store(sorted, thread_keys);
    sorted_out[threadIdx.x] = sorted[threadIdx.x];

    if (!threadIdx.x) {
        size_t idx = numItems/2 - 1;
        if (numItems % 2 == 0) {
            median = (sorted[idx] + sorted[idx+1])/2;
        } else {
            median = sorted[idx];
        *median_out = median;

Method 2 - thrust::sort 

template <int THREADS, int ITEMS_X_THREAD, class T>
void thrustSortMedian(const T* __restrict__ data, T* __restrict__ median_out,
                            T* __restrict__ sorted_out) {
    extern __shared__ T sorted[];
    __shared__ T median;

    size_t numItems = THREADS*ITEMS_X_THREAD;

    // Copy data to mutable shared memory
    sorted[threadIdx.x] = data[threadIdx.x];
    // Sort data
    if (!threadIdx.x) {
        // CDP?
        thrust::sort(thrust::device, sorted, sorted + numItems);

    // Store in output
    sorted_out[threadIdx.x] = sorted[threadIdx.x];

    if (!threadIdx.x) {
        size_t idx = numItems/2 - 1;
        if (numItems % 2 == 0) {
            median = (sorted[idx] + sorted[idx+1])/2;
        } else {
            median = sorted[idx];
	 	*median_out = median;


  • Used same timing method as the timing loop below
  • Tested the time to sort 128 values in a single block
  • thrust is slower - CDP overhead? There are probably obvious improvements here that I'm missing.
                           Block Radix Median Results:
Median: 47
Execution time: 0.0085376
                           Thrust Sort Median Results:
Median: 47
Execution time: 0.12403


Kernel Launches

  • Attempt testing overhead for launching CUDA kernels
    • Internet perusing suggests ~5 us (various developer forums)
  • Launching empty kernels as a proxy
  • Want to see the additional overhead for making use of CUDA dynamic parallelism (CDP - Kernels launching kernels)
void testOverheadKernel() {}

void testOverheadKernelCDP() {

/// Timing loop -- Equivalent for all kernels tested
cudaEvent_t start, stop;
float run_time_ms;
long double kernelLaunch_ms = 0;
for (size_t i=0; i < NUM_ITER; ++i) {
    run_time_ms = 0;
    cudaEventRecord(start, 0);
    cudaEventRecord(stop, 0);
    cudaEventSynchronize(stop); // Block CPU execution until event recorded
    cudaEventElapsedTime(&run_time_ms, start, stop);
    kernelLaunch_ms += run_time_ms;
kernelLaunch_ms /= NUM_ITER;
  • Preliminary results show ~5 us launch overhead (consistent)
  • CDP seems to be costly
Empty Kernel Launches (Overhead timing) - in ms
testOverheadKernel (Overhead proxy): 0.0054336
testOverheadKernelCDP (CDP cost+overhead): 0.0249248
	 (subtract overhead above): 0.0194912
  • Overhead for CDP gets worse with subsequent calls??
Empty Kernel Launches (Overhead timing) - in ms
testOverheadKernel (Overhead proxy): 0.00512
testOverheadKernelCDP (CDP cost+overhead): 0.0253376
	 (subtract overhead above): 0.0202176
testOverheadKernelCDP_Twice (Launch two kernels): 0.59792
	 (subtract launch of 1): 0.572582
testOverheadKernelCDP_Twice_sync (Launch two kernels, synchronous): 0.600832     # NOTE: kernels are empty, so perhaps don't expect difference here vs. previous
	 (subtract launch of 1): 0.575494

Datagram Creation

  • Test (time) cost of datagram construction on GPU - not easily vectorized.
  • Test cases:
    • Otherwise empty kernel calls __device__  function which constructs datagram including allocating memory       ( createDgramMalloc )
    • Otherwise empty kernel calls __device__  function which constructs datagram but does NOT allocate memory  ( createDgramNoMalloc )
    • Kernel constructs datagram including allocating memory                                                                              ( createDgramKernelMalloc )
    • Kernel constructs datagram but does NOT allocate memory                                                                         ( createDgramKernelNoMalloc )
  • Preliminary results: 
Datagram Creation Timing - in ms
createDgramMalloc (device function, allocates): 0.0123296
createDgramNoMalloc (device function, NO allocation): 0.0057856
createDgramKernelMalloc (Kernel, allocates): 0.296768
createDgramKernelNoMalloc (Kernel, NO allocation): 0.117888
  • No labels