Config file example for MFX with azimuthal integration of the Rayonix:
import numpy as np # Custom bins def binBoundaries(run): if isinstance(run,str): run=int(run) if run>0: # return np.arange(-5.,50.,0.2) return np.arange(-5.,10.,1) return None # ##### FILTERS ########################################################################## # filters to apply to the data # format: list of [det (field), low, high, name] # 'filter1' is the standard name and will not be added to the h5 file name. filters = [ ['lightStatus/xray',0.5,1.5,'filter1'], ['ipm_dg1/sum',1e3,4.5e4,'filter1'], # ['ipm3/sum',200,3e3,'filter1'], # ['tt/FLTPOSFWHM',60,230,'filter1'], # ['tt/AMPL',0.005,0.19,'filter1'] # ['evr/code_41',0.5,1.5,'custom'] ] # Laser on/off laser = False # ##### DETECTORS ######################################################################## # List detectors to be cubed. Area detector have additional options such as threshold # Full images will always be saved. # More area detector can be defined following the same syntax, and adding them to varList detDict = {'source':'Rayonix', 'full':1, 'image':1, 'thresADU':-1e5, 'common_mode':0} pix_size = 176e-6 func_kwargs = { 'name': 'azav_pyfai', # must be the name of the smalldata_tools DetObjectFunc 'ai_kwargs': {'dist':1, 'poni1':960*pix_size, 'poni2':960*pix_size}, 'npts': 512, 'int_units' : '2th_deg', 'return2d' : False } det_proc = [func_kwargs] detDict['det_proc'] = det_proc # make list of all variables to be added to the cube varList = ['ipm_dg1/sum','ipm_dg2/sum', detDict] # ##### LOGBOOK SUMMARIES ################################################################# # histogram configuration. Usually does not need to be changed # field: destination in smd, list: [low,high,n] or None (then default to some percentile) hist_list = { 'ipm_dg1/sum': [0, 5e4, 70], 'ipm_dg2/sum': [0, 5e3, 70], # 'tt/FLTPOS_PS': [-0.5, 0.5, 70], # 'tt/AMPL': [0, 0.2, 70], # 'tt/FLTPOSFWHM': [0, 300, 70] } # save as tiff file (ingore unless MEC) save_tiff = False
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