LAC thresholds

LAC value, face NEG (left) and POS (right)

Ped deviation

LEX8 (left) LEX1 (right)

HEX8 (left) HEX1 (right)

Spread of the ped distribution of the ped deviation as a function of time.

LEX8 (left) LEX1 (right)

HEX8 (left) HEX1 (right)

FLE FHE threshold

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FLE threshold

FHE threshold

LAC thresholds

LAC value, face NEG (left) and POS (right)

Ped deviation

LEX8 (left) LEX1 (right)

HEX8 (left) HEX1 (right)

Spread of the ped distribution of the ped deviation as a function of time.

LEX8 (left) LEX1 (right)

HEX8 (left) HEX1 (right)

FLE FHE threshold

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FLE threshold

FHE threshold

Here are the monitoring plots for the LAC, FLE, FHE thresholds and also pedestal values for the last month. I put those plot togethere after the pointed observation on 3C454.3. The pointed observations on 3C454.3 seems to mainly affect the pedestal values of all channels :

LAC thresholds

LAC value, face NEG (left) and POS (right)

Ped deviation

LEX8 (left) LEX1 (right)

HEX8 (left) HEX1 (right)

Spread of the ped distribution of the ped deviation as a function of time.

LEX8 (left) LEX1 (right)

HEX8 (left) HEX1 (right)

FLE FHE threshold

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FLE threshold

FHE threshold