Vertical spacial overlap

Found beam at: 48.5475 mm / (2nd scan: motor:  48.550)  → blue is GAMMA1; yellow is E320_TARGET (YAG scintillation light)

Horizontal spacial overlap

Found beam at -218.7 (lost gamma1, moved several times back and forth → difference between 1st and 2nd plot in position due to picomotor nonreproducibility)

Finding collisions


  1. LBG_LFOV calibration
  2. Finding edges in datasets

Key datasets:

07503, 07506-07509

Links to other analyses:

Link to focal scan:

Table of all scans:


The text was kept like that by accident and isn't correct.

This is the last dataset before taking data and a representation of the

actual intensity distribution.

In contrary to the description, there was very slight beam shaping.

Data analysis here

Function that gives energy calibration:
