Here is a very brief introduction to SLAC's new SDF cluster.  Description in progress as of 2021-11-16.

This assumes you already have a unix account created and your main intent is to run the Science Tools.

You will need to get a windows account; ask Regina Matter to help you with that. You authenticate with your windows account password, but log in to your unix account.

See for documentation on logging in, the slurm batch system and so on. 

Disk space:

Access to Science Tools installs (note that this also provides a conda installation so you don't need to install conda yourself)

Running in a RHEL6 Singularity container (for apps that are not portable to RHEL/Centos7)


Running on SLAC Central Linux (note: this is generic advice to running in batch since the actual batch system has changed and we have not updated the doc to reflect that. This is advice on copying data to local scratch etc).