Time & date 

This meeting:  November 29 2020 9 pm Pacific time; a day later 9:00 am Pakistan time; 9:30 am India time; 12:00 pm Malaysian & Guangzhou time;  11:00 am Thailand time; 6:00 am Jordan and 5:00am Turkey.  

Coordinates of team members:

Mailing list: pinger-my@googlegroups.com for membership see  https://groups.google.com.


Wajahat Hussain?, Kiran Liaqat- (SEECS), Saqib+ (UAF), Bebo White+, Umar Kalim+, Les Cottrell+, Johari (UNIMAS);  Adib (Turkey), Dr. Charnsak Srisawatsakul (Ubru), Eyad Ayoubi (Turkey), Baraa Muslmani ( Jordan), Dr. Shadi Jawarneh (Jordan)

Actual Attendees

PingER Project Update using Zoom

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Thu Oct 29, 2020 9pm – 10pm Pacific Time - Los Angeles


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We had a great meeting as Bebo put it "It was a good mixture of technical brainstorming, future planning, and personal exchange."


Amity team photo:

Apart from invitations to present papers at upcoming conferences we have not heard from Amity since Sep 4, 2020 when they forwarded an email originating July 11, 2020

Earlier they had said

In response we sent them an analysis of the impact of Covid-19 on PingER measurements. See the full report so far (main focus is on Africa and to a lesser extent South America) is at PingER and Covid-19 by Region. At the time we suggested "A possible project for Amity might be to extend the detailed analysis to South Asia. We would be happy to assist as needed."

They responded: 

Concerning the Android PingER app, the July 11 2020 email said:

Concerning the Android App, Umar pointed out that we need to understand/specify the end goal of the project. The project can support mobility since it records GPS coordinates. One needs to decide how to utilize the data gathered. It can be useful for evaluating Telco service providers. Unlike today's PingER which has continuous data between monitoring stations and targets, we would expect the mobile data to be much more sparse both in terms of time and monitors (cell-phones). Further, it is community-driven rather than centrally. It would appear to be similar to Thousand Eyes or Speedtest app that enables cell phone users to make on-demand measurements of throughput from their phones to targets around the world. The measurements would be archived and can then be summarized and reports presented, e.g. comparing connectivity from area to area on maps and or by a carrier. Telcos are also making such connectivity measurements for their network. An advantage of the current proposal is that it would be across service providers, and also have less network impact than say Speedtest. 

We agreed that Les would contact Amity to understand their current status, in particular with respect to the above project (e.g. who is leading the project and involved at the Amity end, the current status) and if relevant suggest setting up a Zoom meeting between the Amity folks and ourselves.

SLAC Overview

PingER is still actively monitoring from 15 sites in 10 countries (US, Canada, Pakistan, Malaysia, Germany, Switzerland, China, Taiwan, Brazil, South Africa). Apart from SLAC, the monitoring sites each monitor 171 Beacons. SLAC monitors over 700 monitored hosts in 171 countries including all continents except Antarctica. See https://www-iepm.slac.stanford.edu/pinger/sites-per-country.html. Also, see the state of various problem monitoring hosts below.

State of MAs.



last seen


daffodilvarsity.edu.bdNo data since Feb 19, 2020. No response to ping. Disabled by Cottrell 10/19/2020.


No data since Jan 6, 2020. Cannot ping gives unknown host. Email from Amity Sep 4, 2020: i"Also, for our Amity SLAC server, physical access is not possible and therefore we are unable to configure the scripts manually there and hence it is running offline. It will be set as soon as the college reopens."

Disabled by Cottrell 10/19/2020

pinger.rmutsv.ac.thUnable to gather data since November 13, 2019. Host is pingable. Sent email to chaisit.c@rmutsv.ac.th 3/26/2020. No response by 4/13/2020. Disabled 10/19/2020Nov 13, 2019
pinger.gcwuf.edu.pkUnable to gather data since 3/31/2020, host is not pingable. Email sent to Saqib 4/13/2020, 10/19/20. Saqib will contact the admins again.3/31/2020Await saqib
monitor.seecs.edu.pkNo data since 10/29/2019, host is pingable email to Wajahat 11/7/2019. Reminder to Kiran and Wajahat 2/16/2020. Host not pingable sent email to Kiran and Wajahat 3/3/2020. Email sent to Kiran and Wajahat 4/13/2020. Unknown Host. Kiran's post was to terminate Sep 20. She was working on monitor, maggie2, nwfpuet. No response. Disabled.10/27/2019
maggie2.seecs.edu.pkNo data since 11/4/2019, host is pingable email to Wajahat 11/2/2019, 11/20/2019. Reminder to Kiran and Wajahat 2/16/2020. Host no longer pingable, sent email to Kiran and Wajahat 3/3/2020. Email sent to Kiran and Wajahat 4/13/2020. iran's post was to terminate Sep 20. She was working on monitor, maggie2, nwfpuet. No progress 10/19/2020. It is disabled.

pinger.nwfpuet.edu.pkSomething amiss since April 2019 when it dropped from monitoring over 150 targets down to 4. There is nothing in <BeaconsList>, all the hosts it attempts to monitor are in the locally manually maintained <NodeList>. Does not ping by name. Email sent 11/7/2019, and again 11/20/2019. Reminder to Kiran and Wajahat 2/16/2020. Email sent to Kiran and Wajahat 4/13/2020. Kiran's post was to terminate Sep 20. She was working on monitor, maggie2, nwfpuetDisabled 3/17/2020, we still ping it as a target,


4/14/2020 Kiran reports: "due to the coronavirus we are not going to the university. But I have requested the university admin to cooperate with me and install a teamviewer so that I can remotely access the PC and the monitor and maggie2. If the university does so then I will call you on skype so that we can resolve the issue." Kiran has no time estimate as to when this may happen. Kiran's previous post terminated in Sept 2020.

Kiran's contract has been extended as a lab engineer for one year. She was working on monitor, maggie2, nwfpuet. Les has disabled trying to gather data from them all, and on 10/28/2020 given Kiran details of when they last worked, whether the resolve by name, whether they ping etc.

pinger.vu.edu.pk was fixed July 19th 2020

UAF (University of Agriculture, Faisalabad)/GHZU

Saqib plans to continue work on PingER monitoring for remote areas, in particular in Pakistan. He will use Android PingERs. This may partially tie into the Amity project.

8/31/2020 there was an exchange of emails: Saqib wrote: I" am healthy and virus-free, however, things turned quite hectic on my end due to online lectures and assignments. Now things are getting better. I have sent a message to pinger.gcwuf.edu.pk to turn the server live again. Further, I am trying to figure out a student to look at the possible impact of Covid-19 interventions on Internet responsiveness as measured by PingER." 

At the meeting, Saqib clarified that the student(s) would be under-graduates, and they would be available in the next 1 to 2 months. This could be an opportunity for collaboration between the UAF team and Amity on the PingER cell phone App.

Saqib mentioned that when he installed PingER in Guangzhou there was pushback from some of the Chinese sites monitored concerning the continuous pinging. We are still monitoring about 100 targets in China.



People do not appear to be cautious and not strictly following guidelines. Yet at the same time the impact in terms of number of confirmed cases for Pakistan compared to India is very different:


While the median age for Pakistan is quite young (late 20's to early 30's) and that the fact the population leans to B+- rather than A+- blood both should help reduce the incidence, this would not appear to be a big difference between India and Pakistan. Saqib mentioned that a difference might be in the way Pakistan imposes a hard 2 week lockdowns  (enforced by police with barricades) on small areas (e.g. a street in Islamabad) where there is an outbreak.  There may also be some under-reporting.

Saqib also reports that as of the middle of September graduate research students can make short visits to their labs and are resident on campus, while undergraduates are studying remotely.


Concerning the impact of Covid-19 on work, Umar said that compared to the old regime  of being physically at work working, or at home on personal business, compared to today's lack of boundaries where all work is at home, is quite exhausting. For example, the children are not used to parents being at home all the time, communications come during meals, there is a need to indicate when one is not available etc.


Working on analyzing the data from Johns Hopkins University on confirmed cases. and deaths with a library of reports at https://www-iepm.slac.stanford.edu/pinger/excel, including:

There are instructions at Covid-19 - Visualizing the data with Excel (https://confluence.slac.stanford.edu/display/IEPM/Covid-19+-+Visualizing+the+data+with+Excel)

Next Meeting

Next meeting:  There will be a Doodle poll, for  2020 at 9 pm Pacific time; a day later 9:00 am Pakistan time; 9:30 am India time; 12:00 pm Malaysian & Guangzhou time;  1:00 pm Thailand time; 6:00 am Jordan time. 5:00am Turkey time.  

Old information

SLAC moved here  

NUST moved here 4/14/2020

Pv6 host at NUST:

Wajahat has requested Hasan to install PingER on an IPv6 host at NUST, Saqib has contacted Hasan to tell him where to find and upload the code. There is not a host name for the MA yet. Hopefully, this will be available by next month's meeting.

Sent email on 2/4/2020 to Kiran at NUST on how to bring the vu host's pinger.xml up to date. As of 2/3/2020 pinger.xml at vu now looks good and we now appear to be able to gather good data.

SLAC moved here 4/13/2020.

The new version of Linux CentOS7, does not appear to support the following modules that are used by the PingER analysis.

Umar moved here 1/10/2020

Motion charts at https://www-iepm.slac.stanford.edu/pinger/pinger-metrics-motion-chart.html was failing it no longer displayed the contents of the charts. Umar looked at the problem and suggested a solution.  Les applied solution but did not fix in Chrome or Firefox.  See PingER Metrics Motion Chart#October2019 for details. Les finally discovered and fixed a few problems with prm.pl, create-motion-charts-page.pl, create-motion-charts-pages.pl. It is now working again but requires enabling Flash. Discussed with Umar, it would be possible to make the web page not use Flash, but it could be non-trivial. An alternative might be to use a similar tool called Explorer (see https://www-iepm.slac.stanford.edu/pinger/explorer.html). The web is very valuable for identifying anomalous behavior which may require filtering the data.

Unfortunately Umar has not had any cycles to look into IPv6 vs IPv4 study. I suspect we should give up on this.

Les moved here 1/10/2020

The talk on PingER at the Silicon Valley Samsung HQ 7/17/2019, went well, see link below. We can use this talk for the Internet Archive.

UNIMAS moved here 1/10/2020

MA is down, email sent asking for update 10/13/2019. No response by 11/3/2019,  MA has been Disabled.

Thailand, Charnsak 10/15/2019 mioved here 1/10/2020

MAs are down. Charnsak (by email 10/22/2019) said: "They have changed the Networking policy. The pinger may need to wait for 5-6 months for me to go back (from post-doc at University of Vienna) and change things myself." Charnsak is in Vienna for several months. Both the IPv4 and IPv6 MAs were disabled 11/5/2019. Gathering the data from the MAs has been disabled.

Bebo moved here 1/10/2020

Bebo noted the recent unrest in Iran and asked whether the impact could be seen in the PingER data. Les investigated.  The impact is very noticeable see PingER Iran Internet interrupted November 2019

Bebo wondered if we could detect such impacts automatically. Les pointed out it may be possible. A problem maybe avoiding a large number of false positives. Some work was been done on detecting similar anomalies in TCP throughput data.  See for example Anomalous Event Detection that included the Plateau project. This would be an interesting project for a student.

Bebo Moved here 11/20/2019

Is wondering about a meeting of PingER collaborators with possible funding from the Internet Archive or possibly others. Also possibly seeking other sources of funding for PingER activities.

It is time to re-raise and discuss the talk for the Internet Archive, and what we might expect from them and how much effort it is to prepare, document and make the data available to the Archive. So far:

Adib  (Updated 7/22/2019) Moved here 11/7/2019.

Exit plan for PingER moved here 10/10/2019

Turkey (No update 7/23/2019), moved here 10/10/2019

Eyad emailed: "I have gathered some information about how to have a public IP address and it seems it is not complicated, just a subscription with the ISP, I will discuss in the next meeting". Sent email requesting update 5/26/2019. 5/27/2019 Eyad responded no progress yet. Another email sent 8/25/2019, Eyad responded 8/25/2019: " I am looking for a PhD position,  In Turkey I tried my best to have a public IP but still have no results, I will keep trying and give you updates/"

We also received an unsolicited email: " We are employing PingER in Hasan Kalyoncu University, in Turkey, for the purpose of conducting researches on the Internet performance in Turkey."
We are unable to gather data since it is a private IP address ( Sent email 7/3/2019 asking for update. Sent a repeat email 7/24/2019 suggesting testing if they have a public IP address and the web server is accessible. Sent another email explaining private vs public IP address 8/9/2019. No response. Will give up.

Jordan  moved here  

UAF moved here 8/25/2019

The 4th  Call for Proposals for The Asi@Connect Project are now open. Saqib will submit a concept note in WP6 with Wajahat and Les as co-applicants

Turkey moved here 8/9/2019

We also received an unsolicited email:
" We are employing PingER in Hasan Kalyoncu University, in Turkey, for the purpose of conducting researches on the Internet performance in Turkey. 
Actually, we have collected data in our node, so we would like our collected data to be retrieved by the archival site at SLAC. Below are the details information on our monitoring node.
  • DNS: pinger.hku
  • Public IP:
  • Node Coordinates
  • Latitude: 37.014764 Longitude: 37.205743
  • Node Location: Şahinbey Mahallesi, Havalimanı Yolu 8.Km, 27000            Şahinbey/Gaziantep
  • Contact Person: 
  • Name: Mohammed Madi
  • Designation: Assistant Professor in Computer Engineering Department
  • Contact Number: 00905537717593
  • Email address: mohammed.madi@hku.edu.tr
Thank you in advance, looking forward to hearing from you"
Unfortunately, this appears to be a private IP address so is not accessible.  Les sent an email 4/19/2019 to Mohammed. Mohammed provided a public IP address (, however, it is not pingable and the URL does not respond. Sent another email 4/24/2019, 4/28/2019, 5/7/2019, 5/26/2019.
Also sent email to Adib (who is in Turkey) and Eyad in case they know the person or site. Adib responded 4/20/2019: "Yes, I know Mohammed, he graduated from UUM (Malaysia), and we worked together at the same department. He is a good researcher. I think, he can contribute to PingER project."
Mohammed responded 5/28/2019: "Dear Les
I am working on it. but currently I am busy with final examinations and project presentations, submitting the results.
I will be free next week and will fully concentrate on that issue and settle it. 
thank you so much for your concern and I am sorry for being late in response."
Sent email 7/3/2019 asking for update. Sent a repeat email 7/24/2019 suggesting testing if they have a public IP address and the web server is accessible. Sent another request for update 8/9/2019.

Amity moved here 7/24/2019

Android progress:

NUST moved here 7/24/2019

Wajahat suggested a letter to the higher-ups at NUST about PingER would assist.  Les worked with Wajahat to craft such a letter. It was sent to Wajahat by email 4/3/2019.  It was sent by paper mail 4/4/2019 to Principal SEECS.

Wajahat said that contacts at some sites are not very interested in PingER and wonder why there are so many pings. Thus he believes we need new sites representing the regions of Pakistan that have willing collaborators. Thus we should give up on sites such as CAE and ISRA that have not had any data to gather for a year or so.  Les has since disabled these sites.