Setting expectations 

Given that we have measurements from SLAC to most countries in the world, we can translate them to indicate what connectivity is likely to most countries in the world for various types of applications such as email, web, VoIP, holding Skype meetings, data transfer rates etc. this is very valuable for

workforce globalization
workforce remote workers

Identifying sites to upgrade

From the PingER reports, we identified that some U.S. universities had poor to bad connectivity to ESnet sites. This was impeding some collaborations. In 1997, a working group was formed by the ESnet Steering Committee (ESSC) to review the situation and provide recommendations. We selected the top 20 universities (ranked by DoE funding) which did not have direct ESnet connections and made sure they were all monitored by PingER. After reviewing the results, we identified those (there were 4) with very poor (> 5% packet loss) and poor (> 2.5% loss) connectivity (there were 8) over a period of 4 months. This list was then reviewed to look at the existing plans for improved connectivity (in particular several of the universities were about to join the vBNS). The information was then provided to the ESnet management to evaluate the cost of prviding direct ESnet connections for each of the universities. This exercise was repeated a year later, except the threshold was reduced to 1%. This time there were 2 with poor packet loss (> 2.5%) and 8 with acceptable packet loss (>1%).

Identifying Last Mile Problems

From a detailed Case Study on NIIT Pakistan we were able to identify that the problem with connectivity to universities in Pakistan was not due to the performance of the Pakistani National Research and Education Network (NREN) supplied by PERN but rather due to the poor last mile connections to the university sites. These were dramatically congested. This was reported to the head of the Higher Education Commission (HEC) Atta ur Rahman and led to upgrading of the links to universities.

Deciding where to site a software development effort

The BaBar experiment at SLAC needed to locate a software code porting activity at one of the collaborator sites with expertise in a particular Unix platform. We used PingER to evaluate the performance between SLAC and the various potential university collaborator sites to see which one had appropriate connectivity and performance. This information was a major selection factor in the final choice.

Setting expectations for VoIP

Several years ago, various national Labs (CERN in Geneva, DESY in Hamburg, FNAL in Chicago IL, LBNL in Berkeley CA, and SLAC in Menlo Park CA) set up a pilot Voice over IP (VoIP) project to evaluate the utility and performance of this technology. By comparing the results from PingER with various ITU recommendations for loss, RTT and jitter, together with the perceptions of voice quality from the pilot, we are able to determine how well VoIP might work between various pairs of sites.

Choosing routes

SLAC has two connections to the Internet. One is via ESnet, the other via Stanford University. The performance of both these connections is excellent, however, the way the 2 network peer with other ISPs can differ dramatically. By reviewing the performance and routes from Stanford and from SLAC to sites of interest to SLAC we can see whether sending packets via Stanford or via ESnet (SLAC's default routing is via ESnet) should provide better performance for SLAC.

In one example of this we compared the performance between SLAC/ESnet or Stanford and Colorado State (see Routing via Campus), discovered it was much better (factor of 2 less RTT) via Stanford, and then worked with the ESnet NOC to change ESnet's routing to Colorado State to make a big improvement.

In another case we compared the performance between SLAC/ESnet or Stanford and PacBell's Internet. In the former case the traffic went via the STARTAP in Chicago and sustained RTT's of around 130 msec. In the latter case it went via Palo Alto and sustained an RTT of about 30 msec.

Evaluating the Impact of:

Major Cable Cuts

When the major cables through the Mediterranean were cut in January and December 2008 the PingER data was used to evaluate which countries were affected, by how much and for how long. See the Effects of Fibre Outage through the Mediterranean and Effects of Mediterranean Fibre Cuts December 2008.


The earthquake and tsunamis in Japan caused cable cuts (see Japanese Earthquake March 11th, 2011) which resulted in interruptions in connectivity and increased round trip times caused by re-routing of traffic to avoid fibre optica cables severed off the West costs of Japan


Earthquakes in Chile (see Chilean Earthquake Feb 27th, 2010 ) caused loss of connectivity, increased jitter and round-trip times.

Social Upheaval

For example for the Arab Spring (see The Arab Spring 2011 and Internet Instability seen by PingER,  Egypt shuts down their Internetthe main impact was loss of connectivity die to government shut-downs of Internet access.

Quantifying the Impact of Changes

In July 2009, the Seacom submarine fibre cable went line, connecting East Africa at higher speeds and dramatically reduced Round Trip Times (RTT) to the Internet. Using the PingER data we were able to identify the effects via a Case Study.

Quantifying the Digital Divide

PingER has been used in many studies to quantify the discrepancy in Internet performance for developed countries/regions and developing countries regions, see for example: January 2009 Report of the ICFA-SCIC Monitoring Working Group 

Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization

The CTBTO based in Vienna--- is engaged in monitoring the world for signs of nuclear explosions. The collected data and processed results are made available to authorized recipients in CTBTO Member States as well as a number of tsunami warning organizations. Many of the recipients, so-called National Data Centres, receive the data over a secure Internet connection. For this reason, they are interested in evaluations of the quality and available bandwidths for Internet connections in the African countries, as well as in Asia and other parts of the world that are on the low-end side of the so-called Digital Divide. They looked with interest at the data we publish in the PingER pages. More.


Identifying the optimal location to provide a HotMail service. Knowing the performance between PingER hosts in similar locations as the client and the various HotMail servers, one can optimize which server to access from the client.

Internet History

With measurements going back to 1997, PingER data provides a very valuable history of Internet performance.

Used as Illustratiions