PC_261_100_23_C02 CsPad Single Digital Board

Supported CSPAD PCB, ASIC and Firmware combinations

CSPAD power distribution unit:


CSPAD V1.0 and V1.5 ASICs require different PCBs.

For the 140k analog C03 and the quad analog C04 PCBs this is realized by different loading options. See the CSPAD PCB pages:


Full firmware projects can be found via SVN URL: file:///afs/slac/g/reseng/svn/repos/cspad/trunk/firmware_new

or on rdusr207.slac.stanford.edu in /u1/herrmann/firmware_new/


CSPAD 140k with digital PCB C02 (or C01) and analog PCB C03 for CSPAD V1.5 ASICs

Firmware CSPAD 140k C02, Analog C03, ASIC V1.5 Firmware Version


CSPAD quad digital PCB C02 and analog PCB C04 for CSPAD V1.5 ASICs

Firmware CSPAD Quadrant Board Digital C02, Analog C04, ASIC V1.5 Firmware Version


OLD legacy Firmware (no longer supported, last update of code base 2013 APRIL, has old PGP code in it)

CSPAD 140k with digital PCB C02 (or C01) and analog PCB C02 for CSPAD V1.0 ASICs

Firmware CxiDigCon140kVersion

CSPAD quad digital PCB C02 and analog PCB C04 (or C03) for CSPAD V1.0 ASICs 

Firmware CspadV10DigitalVersion