CAL Calibrations - electrons

Run 691 is the first run of position scan cal-calibration runs (Jan Conrad).

(Dave Smith comments(smile) It was the night of 27 to 28 July. CAL HI trigger never fired for the whole night, because the thresholds, which were supposed to be set to 1000 MeV (about 20 FHE DAC counts) were all set to 127 counts. This is being fixed right now (afternoon of28th). 

To see the FHE DAC settings: from the eLog, for a given run, click on the "config" report link, and way down in the .pdf file there are tables of CAL GCFE settings.

Baseline configuration - electrons

These runs were taken with baseline configuration. Time settings for those may not be optimal, please verify that before you do your anlaysis. We need to verify if the configurations agree with the description . CAL_HI may not be enabled for these runs

700000695 to 700000700

ACD timed in with CAL and TKR - electrons

These runs were used to time in the ACD. CAL_HI now is correctly enabled

700000821 and 7000000822

ACD timed in with CAL and TKR - pions

These runs were used to time in the ACD.

700000821 and 7000000822

Packet error events

These runs need to be studied to cverify events begore and after errors


700000829 to 700000829 


ACD Tiles
