
The kinetics modeling package is currently in alpha-testing and is available only via SVN. In order to access the package you will need the following dependencies:

svn (for installing and updating)
python (version 2.5 or greater)
python modules:

You can then install the module via svn with the following command in the terminal:

svn co svn:// <packagename>

where <packagename> is the name of the local directory where the module will be stored. After installing you can get the most current version of the package by going into the <packagename> directory and typing:

svn update

As the package is currently under development, some issues and bugs are to be expected. If you are interested in working on the module as a developer please send a message to the developers list to obtain read/write access.


The trunk contains 4 different python modules. Two are current:

and 2 are provided for backwards compatibility and are no longer maintained:

License and Citation

The code is available under the GNU General Public License agreement (version 3). You can cite this package with the following information:


A general overview can be found on the Overview page, and some Tutorials are also available.