This page presents a collection of tutorials. It is suggested that first-time users follow the numbered tutorials sequentially since they are aimed at teaching basic usage of the software. Tutorials 1-3 focus on constructing a "scaled" model as a function of descriptor space, and are the most crucial tutorials. Tutorials 4 and 5 explore some extended functionality, and tutorials 6-7 show some advanced/experimental features. If you find any errors in the tutorials please contact the developers at
- 1 - Generating an Input File
- 2 - Creating a Micro-Kinetic Model
- 3 - Refining a Micro-Kinetic Model
- 4 - Using Thermodynamic Descriptors (coming soon)
- 5 - Including Adsorbate-Adsorbate Interactions (coming soon)
- 6 - Advanced features and analysis (coming soon)
- 7 - Special cases and work-arounds (coming soon)
After finishing the above tutorials users should be prepared to browse the "Examples" for more examples of how to use the code and generate more specialized micro-kinetic models. If you find this software useful and have a working example you are encouraged to add it to the "Examples" collection by contacting the developers at
- Example - Methane synthesis (coming soon)
- Example - Methanol synthesis vs. T and P (coming soon)