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LCLS Data Analysis frameworks are under development, and currently three approaches are being used and/or developed:

  • myana ... simple C++ code to read xtc file. Provided (and used) by the DAQ group. Will likely be expanded in support of new hardware etc., and more examples might be provided, but otherwise no big changes anticipated.
  • pyana ... python-based analysis framework. Anticipate more tools and examples to appear for this one.
  • PSAna ... C++-based analysis framework, still in the design phase.

Currently only myana and pyana are usable for analysis.

This document attempts to explain some of the names and functions found in the myana code as well as the structure of the data file (xtc) and how to extract useful information from it.

In several of these examples, we fill root ( histograms or NTuples.

Disclaimer: There is no more complete or up-to-date documentation than the code itself, so regard this document as an introduction and a user guide, not a complete documentation.

How to set up your own myana executable is explained in the DAQ section "A Simple Online Analysis Example".

myana makes use of the pdsdata library to read the datagrams from the xtc file.

pdsdata (pds = photon data system)
a library consisting of the follwing utility packages:

ipimb    -Intensity position, intensity monitor board
encoder  -
pnCCD   - for device used by CAMP
acqiris     - software for the aquiris digitizer hardware. Waveform data.
camera   - camera frames, configurations, feature extractions process
evr         - Event Receiver (event code, beam code?)
opal1k     - for Opal camera
pulnix      - for Pulnix TM6740CL monochrome camera
control    - utility for DAQ control, PV (process variable) control and monitoring
xtc          - This package defines all the datagrams for the xtc file.
epics      - interface to epics (process variables (PV))
bld         - defines some build data classes
princeton - software for the Princeton camera
fccd        - LBNL/ANL Fast CCD monochrome camera
cspad      - driver for the CsPad detector
lusi         - LCLS Ultrafast Science Instruments Configs for diode, ipm, pim.
app        - Xtc and Epics readers

The header files are in the top level directories of each package, and the
implementation files are in the src directory of each package.


The data from all the LCLS experiments are stored in xtc (extended container) files. These files contain "datagrams" which are an object of some type (TypeId) with associated status (Damage), source (Src) and extent (size). It is not an indexed file and does not provide random access, and can only be read seqencially. Thus, the example way to read the file shown here makes use of 'myana', a C++ executable that reads through the whole file and picks out the requested information. You can make your own version of 'myana' to extract other information.

MyAna .... C++ program to extract information from xtc file

This example fetches data for each event and writes it to a root histogram and stores the histogram in a root file. You may want to store your data differently, e.g. one histogram for each event, or everything in a root ntuple for further processing. Or you can write some other format that you'd like to work with (ascii file, ... ). - example code that makes a simple averaging histogram - defines the functions used by - example code that does a little more than
examples/ - example code to read out data from the CsPad XPP detector.

The examples above are meant to show you how you can make your own code.  With different experiments using different hardware and having different goals, these examples might not apply to your particular experiment / datafile. If so, you'll need to search the main code and libraries a bit to find something more suitable. Here's a brief description of the functions of the example and

myana.hh and

This is the "user analysis module". This is where you fill in your own code to extract the information that you want from your experiment's xtc file. This module contain only the following functions:

beginjob()     called at the beginning of an analysis job. You can for instance book histograms here.
beginrun()     called at the beginning of a run (the analysis job might analyze several runs)
begincalib() called for each calibration cycle
event()           this is where you fetch, process and store information about each event (shot).
In the example, a profile histogram is booked in beginjob() and voltage vs. time is filled in each event. The profile histogram displays the average value of all events.

main.hh and

This is the main control of the analysis, but you should avoid editing this file. After the all utility functions (in main) and user functions (in myana) have been read, main() is executed and controls the flow of the analysis. For each xtc file it calls

anafile(xtcname, maxevt, skip, iDebugLevel);

which iterates through the xtc file, keeps track of all the datagrams in it, and makes sure to execute your beginjob() and event() functions.

All the functionality needed to get data from the xtc file is (or should be) defined in and in the files it includes (including the pdsdata library). Get an uppdated list of all the available functions by looking at main.hh (implementations are in

More examples

This version of the "user analysis module" shows how to obtain some more information from the xtc file:

  • we book a profile histogram for AMO Ion Time-of-flight (AmoITof) waveform data, and also five regular histograms to fill with single event data from the first five events. To do this we need some information about the AmoITof configuration, which is obtained using the getAcqConfig(). This gives us the number of channels that were used, number of samples and sampling intervals, all needed to book the histogram.
  • also a constant-fraction histogram is booked for AmoITof. This has it's own fill function, as we shall see from the event() function.
  • For the Electron Time-of-flight detector (AmoETof), we similarly get the configuration data and make one profile histogram for each channel used.
  • Also get config information about the Magnetic bottle electron spectrometer (AmoMbes).
  • A Princeton camera and a fast CCD (FCCD) was also in use. These have their own getConfig functions: getPrincetonConfig( DetInfo::SxrBeamline, ...) and getFccdConfig(SxrFccd, ...).
    In beginrun() we get the config info from AmoITof again, to check if it changed between runs in the same job.


  • fills the histograms booked at the beginning of the job: getAcqValue() gets the data from a given detector for each event. The main program is already keeping track of which event we're processing at the time. The constant-fraction histogram is filled by the function fillConstFrac(), defined in This histogram is filled with the boundary position each time the pulse crosses the threshold,
  • the rest of event() uses a lot of get-functions to show how to use some of these. Generally, they all give you values through scalar or array variables passed as arguments to the functions. The example doesn't show what you would use this information for, but you might already know that (smile)
More histogram building for ETof Acquiris
More ITof Aquiris averaging, and more about binning
Opal image processing, projections, image export
Magnetic electron bottle spectrometer (Mbes) Acquiris, time resolved binning
Energy binning for Mbes Acquiris

Example of how to store several variables in a root NTuple for further processing (histogramming, correlation studies etc.).

Configuration and L1Accept Data retrieval functions:

The following contains a few lines of explanation for some of the functions defined in main.
But first some general remarks:

  • Most of the functions return 0 if it was a successful function call, any other number means it failed.
  • Values are obtained through the arguments of the function calls. E.g. declare an array in your, and getXXXValue(&myarray0) will fill the array for you.
  • Enums: Several of the functions can be used to extract data from several of the detectors. Which detector is specified by an enum (named constant integers). You are encouraged to use the names instead of the numbers, in case the underlying order changes in a new version of the program.

Acquiris digitizer:

int getAcqConfig(AcqDetector det, int& numChannels, int& numSamples, double& sampleInterval);

Fetches the configuration information for any of the Acquiris devices. Returns 1 if the requested detector does not exist, and 2 if it was not in use. Tells you the number of channels used for this device, the number of samples collected and the sample interval. This is typically done in the beginjob() or beginrun() functions.

int getAcqValue(AcqDetector det, int channel, double*& time, double*& voltage);
int getAcqValue(AcqDetector det, int channel, double*& time, double*& voltage, double& trigtime);

Fetches waveform data from any of the Acquiris devices. Fills your arrays with the waveform time and voltage, and optionally gives you the trigger time.

In the example, we fetch data from the AmoITof device (AMO Ion Time-of-flight).
Other Acquiris devices (see main.hh for an up-to-date list):

   AmoIms      - ion momentum spectrometer
   AmoGasdet   - gas detector (in the Front End Enclusure)
   AmoETof     - electron time-of-flight
   AmoMbes     - magnetic bottle electron spectrometer
   AmoVmiAcq   - (Vmi = Velocity mapping imaging)
   AmoBpsAcq   - (Bps = Beam position screen)
   Camp        - for the CAMP experimental setup
 To get an image Frame

 int getFrameConfig   (FrameDetector det);

 -->  Checks that the xtc file has got data from this device.

 int getFrameValue(FrameDetector det, int& frameWidth, int& frameHeight, unsigned short*& image );

 --> fetches an image from the FrameDetector of your choice.
     Specify the detector (using an appropriate enum), give pointers to
                  int frame width, frame height and short imgage of the Camera::FrameV1.

  Other frame detectors:

 Princeton camera

 int getPrincetonConfig(Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, int iDevId,
                        int& width, int& height, int& orgX, int& orgY, int& binX, int&binY);

 int getPrincetonValue(Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, int iDevId, unsigned short *& image);

 int getPrincetonTemperature(Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, int iDevId, float& temperature);

 Ipimb detector (Intensity Position, Intensity Monitor Board)
 int getIpimbConfig(Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, int iDevId);

 int getIpimbVolts(Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, int iDevId,
                   float &channel0, float &channel1, float &channel2, float &channel3);

 Encoder detector

  int getEncoderConfig   (Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, int iDevId);

  int getEncoderCount(Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, int iDevId, unsigned int& encoderCount);

 FCCD (Fast CCD)
 int getFccdConfig(FrameDetector det, uint16_t& outputMode, bool& ccdEnable, bool& focusMode, uint32_t& exposureTime,
                  float& dacVoltage1, float& dacVoltage2, float& dacVoltage3, float& dacVoltage4,
                  float& dacVoltage5, float& dacVoltage6, float& dacVoltage7, float& dacVoltage8,
                  float& dacVoltage9, float& dacVoltage10, float& dacVoltage11, float& dacVoltage12,
                  float& dacVoltage13, float& dacVoltage14, float& dacVoltage15, float& dacVoltage16,
                  float& dacVoltage17,
                  uint16_t& waveform0, uint16_t& waveform1, uint16_t& waveform2, uint16_t& waveform3,
                  uint16_t& waveform4, uint16_t& waveform5, uint16_t& waveform6, uint16_t& waveform7,
                  uint16_t& waveform8, uint16_t& waveform9, uint16_t& waveform10, uint16_t& waveform11,
                  uint16_t& waveform12, uint16_t& waveform13, uint16_t& waveform14);
 --> Configures the information from the Fast CCD. Fills arguments with values depending on
     how the image/waveform data were taken.

 int getDiodeFexConfig (Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, int iDevId, float* base, float* scale);
 int getDiodeFexValue (Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, int iDevId, float& value);

 Imp detector Fex (feature extraction)
 int getIpmFexConfig   (Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, int iDevId,
                       float* base0, float* scale0,
                       float* base1, float* scale1,
                       float* base2, float* scale2,
                       float* base3, float* scale3,
                       float& xscale, float& yscale);
 int getIpmFexValue   (Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, int iDevId,
                      float* channels, float& sum, float& xpos, float& ypos);

 CsPad detector
 namespace Pds { namespace CsPad { class ConfigV1; }}
 int getCspadConfig (Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, unsigned& quadMask, unsigned& asicMask);
 int getCspadConfig (Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, Pds::CsPad::ConfigV1& cfg);

 namespace Pds { namespace CsPad { class ElementV1; }}
 int getCspadQuad  (Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, unsigned quad, const uint16_t*& pixels);
 int getCspadQuad  (Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, unsigned quad, const Pds::CsPad::ElementV1*& data);

 Other functions that do not require (or have) configuration

 int getFeeGasDet  (double* shotEnergy);
 --> Gives you the shot energy to the array shotEnergy[4]. This information is obtained from
     the Front End Enclosure Gas Detector.

 int getEBeam(double& charge, double& energy, double& posx, double& posy,
              double& angx, double& angy);
 int getEBeam(double& charge, double& energy, double& posx, double& posy,
              double& angx, double& angy, double& pkcurr);
  --> Gives electron beam values for each of these doubles. The measured charge of the beam (in nC),
      the measured energy of the beam (in MeV), the 2D position of the beam (in mm) away from the origin
      (nominal beam position), and 2D angular position (in mrad) off the assumed direction. and the
      pkcurr = current? in (Amps)

 int getPhaseCavity(double& fitTime1, double& fitTime2, double& charge1,  double& charge2);
 --> Gives you the phase cavity fit time (low and high?) and charges (before and after?).

 int getPnCcdValue (int deviceId, unsigned char*& image, int& width, int& height );
 --> The PnCCD camera (used by CAMP) has 4 links, each link provides a 512 x 512 x 16 bit image.
     This function combines the four images to a single 1024 x 1024 x 16 bit image.

 int getEvrDataNumber();

 int getEvrData    ( int id, unsigned int& eventCode, unsigned int& fiducial, unsigned int& timeStamp );
     - eventCode tells you something about the beam quality of this event. Usually the event code is  140,
       meaning electrons were produced upstream (beam was on). It does not tell you about the photon status.
       Other codes:

     - fiducial
     - timestamp


 Get integers, floats, strings from any EPICS channel (PV = process variable)
 int getPvInt      (const char* pvName, int& value);
 int getPvFloat    (const char* pvName, float& value);
 int getPvString   (const char* pvName, char*& value);

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