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After many tests we concluded that Planet Lab landmarks, and to a lesser extent the PingER landmarks, are unpredictable in terms of availability. The TULIP Landmarks Map identifies the landmarks that are currently in use and those that have been disabled since they are not responding. If the landmark is not available the TULIP thread has to time out and this can dramatically extend the measurement duration and insert unnecessary traffic on the Internet. Thus, ideally, requests for pings should not be sent to such landmarks, i.e. they need to be removed from the list of active landmarks. The purpose of this web page is to indicate how we accomplish this.

For every access by TULIP the response for each landmark is logged. We analyze this logging information and generate a list containing nodes with corresponding success or failure percentages and reasons of their failures. These percentages are generated by /afs/slac/package/pinger/tulip/  and the results can be seen here. The idea is that landmarks with a low success rate should be removed from the active list of landmarks. This is done by disabling the entry in the tulip database.

There are two ways in which we can disable the landmarks which are not responding. 

1) Manual Process

2) Automated Process (updated by trscrontab job running in

 Manually disabling hosts

This is accomplished via the tulip data base. In the tulip database, the table landmarks has a parameter "enabled" which is used to decide which landmark is to be added to sites.xml (the list of active landmark sites). This XML file is later used by the reflector to query the active landmarks for the results. Sites.xml is generated by a trscronjob so if we change the value of enabled to '0' it would automatically not appear in Sites.xml after it has re-run through the trscronjob. We can also update Sites.xml manually. The process is discussed below.

  • Login to tulip database (username and password available in escrow -c iepm iepmacct)
  • Change the database to tulip by cmd
 mysql> use tulip;
  • Now update the value of enabled using the following sql cmd; in this instance we are using ipv4Addr =; generally ipv4Addr is the primary key but we can also use hostName as an identifier to disable landmarks
 update landmarks set enabled = '0' where ipv4Addr = '';
  • Update Sites.xml so that it can now use the updated landmarks using follwing cmd > /afs/slac/www/comp/net/wan-mon/tulip/sites.xml

Automated Process (updated by trscronjob)


The reflector.cgi script is run twice nightly by the trscrontab on to ping the target The first time is to use the enabled (ability=1) landmarks. It (reflector.cgi) obtains these (enabled landmarks) from the URL The second time is to use the disabled landmarks (ability=0). It (reflector.cgi) obtains these (disabled landmarks) from Running it regularly ensures the tulip log files are current and therefore the analysis is also current.

Reflector.cgi has to run on www-wanmon since that is where the PlanetLab cookie is kept. Since one cannot remotely run a trscronjob on www-wan mon, there is a script ( to execute reflector.cgi twice (with ability=1 and then ability=0) via a wget command.

Using the the Tulip log analysis script's results for the last 3 days for enabled landmarks and results for the last 3 days for disabled landmarks we can identify the hosts and their success percentages. We opted to disable all the hosts which were having success less than 20%, and to enable the ones with success rate greater than 20%.

The script is in /afs/ and it performs the listed functions. It uses the LWP package to call reflector.cgi?function=analyze&days=3&ability=[1|0] to access the Tulip analyzed log data for the last 3 days, downloads the analyzed tulip log file by requesting it from the reflector using and saves it in a file and then parses the output to get: for option ability=1, the faulty landmarks (i.e. the enabled ones with below 20% success rate by default) are updated in the database to disable them; or option ability=0 the disabled landmarks with a success rate greater than 20% which are re-enabled in the database.

It ( is run twice nightly (see the trscrontab) once to disable non working landmarks, once to enable landmarks that are now working again. is run before the sites.xml or sites-disabled.xml are created by

The output generated by is placed at /afs/ This log file, contains blocks of logs for each run untill a month has passed, when it truncates the first entry. Each block starts with a unix time stamp embedded in hyphens, indicating when ran, and ends with _END_

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