Help for X Cavity Launch Feedback

This Help screen applies to the X  Cavity Launch Feedback. The X Cavity Launch feedback adjust XCO1 and YCO1 corrector magnets in order to maintain the desired beam position at BPM21201.
This screen is arranged in three sections; States, Actuators, Measurements.
This is a plot of all the states being maintained by the x cavity launch feedback. If the feedback is active, then the plot for each state will be continuously updating with calculated state data. The X and Y Position states share a plot.  The plot lines are color coded with the State name to the right.
This is a column of plot of the measurements being taken for the x cavity launch feedback. If the feedback is
active, then the plot for each measurement device will be continuously updating with the measured data used in the feedback. The BPM X readings and BPM Y readings share one plot. The plot lines are color coded with the BPM name to the right.
This is a column of  plots of the actuators being controlled by x cavity launch feedback. If the feedback is active, then the plot for each actuator will be continuously updating with calculated settings.
Right-click on any plot, then choose 'perform auto-scale' to have the graph automatically choose an appropriate   scale for the current data.

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