Help for LTU Launch Feedback

WARNING: The controls on this screen perform INVASIVE operations.
This Help screen applies to the DL2 Launch Feedback currently operating. The launch feedbacks adjust the BDES of X and
Y Corrector Magnets in order to maintain the desired beam position entering different points along the beamline. The desired Position values are set by the operator on this screen.
This screen is arranged in three sections.   
SECTION ONE: DL2 Launch Feedback Control
This section, across the top of the display, is a duplicate of the controls on the Feedback Control display, and they work the same way.  It contains the controls as one line item for the associated launch feedback. Please see the Help... for the Feedback Control display for a description of these indicators and control buttons.
SECTION TWO: Feedback Detail Graphic
This middle Section shows a graphic of the position of the devices used in the associated Feedback application. The device name is a button which brings up the related device display. There is a square of color that indicates whether the device is currently used in the Feedback. Green means it is in-use, Grey means it is not used. If it is Red or Yellow, then the device or state is in a warning or error condition.  See the tabular display below to see if the device or state is operating near or outside of its limits.
SECTION THREE: Tablular Data Display and State Setpoints
This section shows a table of the lower limit, current value, and upper limit of the measurements collected for the associated Feedback, and the calculated States and actuator values. When the feedback is on the current values will update continuously. If a device or state is operating near its limits, or out-of-range, the current value will be highlighted with a corresponding yellow or red box around it.
There are four setpoint inputs available in this section for the operator. The operator may change these setpoints 'on-the-fly', the feedback will read the new setpoint on the next iteration. The setpoints are:
X Position: The desired X position in mm.
Y Position: The desired Y position in mm.
Graphs... button
This button brings up a display that  contains continuously updating graphs of the Measurements, States, and Actuators for this feedback.

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