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mak@aegir $ ant -version
Apache Ant version 1.7.0 compiled on December 13 2006
mak@aegir $ echo $ANT_HOME
mak@aegir $ java -version
java version "1.6.0"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0-b105)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.6.0-b105, mixed mode, sharing)

mak@aegir $ echo $CLASSPATH
CLASSPATH: Undefined variable.

mak@aegir $ tar -zxf perfSONAR-SQL-MA-1.0-RC5.tar.gz
mak@aegir $ ln -s sqlma/perfSONAR-SQL-MA-1.0-RC5/perfsonar/ perfsonar-sqlma
mak@aegir $ cd perfsonar-sqlma/
mak@aegir $ ls
ant/  build/  conf/  contrib/  data/  doc/  lib/  log/  schema/  src/

mak@aegir $ ant -q pre-install
     [echo] Preparing the installation of SQL MA...
     [echo] Answer to all questions. If you go wrong, cancel (ctrl-c) and start again.
    [input] Enter the name of the service [perfSONAR-SQL-MA-1.0-RC7]: [perfSONAR-SQL-MA-1.0-RC7]
    [input] Enter the path where you want to install the service [/usr/perf-sqlma/webapps]: [/usr/perf-sqlma/webapps]

    [input] Do you want me to download and install the application server Tomcat (apache-tomcat-6.0.7) for you?  (y, [n])
    [input] Enter the path for the Tomcat installation: [/usr/perf-sqlma/apache-tomcat-6.0.7]: [/usr/perf-sqlma/apache-tomcat-6.0.7]
    [input] Enter a URL of the Tomcat download (mirrors can be found on []: []

     [echo] Installing the Tomcat (please be patient, this can take some time) ...
    [input] Enter the port which will be used by your application server Tomcat [8080]: [8080]
     [echo] Make sure that your application server Tomcat has the same port
     [echo] for the http communication. If not then configure the Tomcat in order
     [echo] to use this port number.
    [input] Please do it now and press Enter when finished

    [input] Usage of eXist xml database is recommended for the service. Installing/configuring this database as a web application in your Tomcat is also suggested. Do you want me to do this for you?  ([y], n)

    [input] Do you want me to download eXist web application package (if not you have to do it manually)?  ([y], n)

    [input] Enter a URL of eXist web application package (exist-1.0.1.war) []: []

    [input] Enter the path of directory where eXist war file will be located [/usr/perf-sqlma]: [/usr/perf-sqlma]

     [echo] Downloading eXist war file (please be patient, this can take some time) ...
     [echo] Please, insert now the following xml tag 'Context'
     [echo] into Tomcat configuration file server.xml
     [echo] (/usr/perf-sqlma/tomcat/conf/server.xml)
     [echo] inside existing xml tag 'Host':
     [echo]     <Context path='/exist'
     [echo]         docBase='/usr/perf-sqlma/exist-1.0.1.war'>
     [echo]     </Context>
    [input] Please do it now and press Enter when finished

    [input] Enter the eXist user name:
    [input] Enter the pasword for eXist user name sqlmaservice:
    [input] Enter the password for admin eXist user []: []

     [echo] This service requires access to the relational database
     [echo] (mySQL or postgeSQL but others can be used as well).
     [echo] Make sure that you have one or install it from scratch.
    [input] Please do it now and press Enter when finished

     [echo] In order to maintain data of utilization metric and/or L2 path status metric,
     [echo] please, prepare your relational database.
     [echo] In case of mySQL use simple script file mysql-sqlma-dbsetup.sql
     [echo] that you can find in conf directory (/usr/perf-sqlma/perfSONAR-SQL-MA-1.0-RC7/perfsonar/conf)
     [echo] of perfSONAR SQL MA installation package.
     [echo] In case of postgreSQL use psql-sqlma-dbsetup.sql.
     [echo] (Warning: remember to change the password for perfsonar_ma user!)
    [input] Please do it now and press Enter when finished

Total time: 6 minutes 46 seconds

mak@aegir $ ant -q configure
    [input] Enter the path of sql metadata config file [/usr/sqlma/perfSONAR-SQL-MA-1.0-RC7/perfsonar/conf/sql-database_TEST.xml]: [/usr/sqlma/perfSONAR-SQL-MA-1.0-RC7/perfsonar/conf/sql-database_TEST.xml]

    [input] Do you want to use data of L2 path status metric in domain scope which are or will be stored in your relational database?  ([y], n)
     [echo] Provide correct jdbc connection parameters
     [echo] for relational database where data of L2 path status metric - domain scope
     [echo] are stored.
    [input] Enter the name of databse you are going to use?  ([mysql], postgresql)

    [input] Enter database jdbc address URL [jdbc:mysql://]?  [jdbc:mysql://]

    [input] Enter database user name [perfsonar_ma]?  [perfsonar_ma]

    [input] Enter the password of user name perfsonar_ma [testpass]?  [testpass]

    [input] Do you want to use data of L2 path status metric in interdomain scope which are or will be stored in your relational database?  ([y], n)
     [echo] Provide correct jdbc connection parameters
     [echo] for relational database where data of L2 path status metric - interdomain scope
     [echo] are stored.
    [input] Enter the name of databse you are going to use?  ([mysql], postgresql)

    [input] Enter database jdbc address URL [jdbc:mysql://]?  [jdbc:mysql://]

    [input] Enter database user name [perfsonar_ma]?  [perfsonar_ma]

    [input] Enter the password of user name perfsonar_ma [testpass]?  [testpass]

    [input] Do you want to use data of utilization metric which are or will be stored in your relational database?  ([y], n)

     [echo] Provide correct jdbc connection parameters
     [echo] for relational database where data of utilization metric
     [echo] are stored.
    [input] Enter the name of databse you are going to use?  ([mysql], postgresql)

    [input] Enter database jdbc address URL [jdbc:mysql://]?  [jdbc:mysql://]

    [input] Enter database user name [perfsonar_ma]?  [perfsonar_ma]

    [input] Enter the password of user name perfsonar_ma [testpass]?  [testpass]

     [echo] If you want to change provided jdbc connection parameters manually,
     [echo] because of some reasons,
     [echo] you can do this in configuration files (ibatis-SqlMapConfig-*.xml)
     [echo] in /usr/sqlma/perfSONAR-SQL-MA-1.0-RC7/perfsonar/conf directory.
     [echo] After such change, when the service is already deployed, you must
     [echo] redeploy the service (undeploy and deploy again).
    [input] Press Enter to continue

    [input] Do you want the service to accept messages with measurement data and store them?  (y, [n])

    [input] Turn on service registration to Lookup Service?  (y, [n])

Total time: 1 minute 3 seconds

  mak@aegir $ ./
Using CATALINA_BASE:   /usr/sqlma/tomcat
Using CATALINA_HOME:   /usr/sqlma/tomcat
Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /usr/sqlma/tomcat/temp
Using JRE_HOME:       /usr/java/jdk1.6.0/
mak@aegir $ cd ../../
mak@aegir $ ls
exist-1.0.1.war            perfSONAR-SQL-MA-1.0-RC7.tar.gz  tomcat/
perfSONAR-SQL-MA-1.0-RC7/  perfsonar@                       webapps/
mak@aegir $ cd perfsonar/
mak@aegir $ cd ant/
mak@aegir $ ant -q deploy
     [echo] Deploying the service...
    [input] Do you want me to start the application server Tomcat for you?  ([y], n)
     [echo] Please, insert now the following xml tag 'Context'
     [echo] into Tomcat configuration file server.xml
     [echo] (/usr/sqlma/tomcat/conf/server.xml)
     [echo] inside existing xml tag 'Host':
     [echo]     <Context path='/slac-sqlma'
     [echo]         docBase='/usr/sqlma/webapps/slac-sqlma'>
     [echo]     </Context>
    [input] Please do it now and press Enter when finished

     [echo] Please, make sure that Tomcat is running.
     [echo] You can do it using your web browser and connect the address
     [echo] or looking at Tomcat's log file (/usr/sqlma/tomcat/logs/catalina.out).
    [input] Press Enter when finished

    [input] Do you want me to add new user sqlmaservice (provided in the pre-install step) and initiate the xml database eXist (If your eXist is already configured and initialized for MA answer 'n'.  But probably it's your first run of this installation script so you have not added this user and initialized the database yet.) ?  ([y], n)

     [echo] The directory with all required service files has been created.
     [echo] The next step in deploy action is installing the service in Tomcat.     [echo] (If you are an expert in Axis and want to install the service otherway
     [echo]  than default one use ctrl+c to stop the script in this moment)
    [input] Press Enter

     [java] Exception: AxisFault
     [java]  faultCode:

Unknown macro: {http}

     [java]  faultSubcode:
     [java]  faultString: (404)/slac-sqlma/services/AdminService
     [java]  faultActor:
     [java]  faultNode:
     [java]  faultDetail:
     [java]     {}:return code:  404
     [java] <html><head><title>Apache Tomcat/6.0.7 - Error report</title><style><!-H1

Unknown macro: {font-family}



Unknown macro: {font-family}



Unknown macro: {font-family}



Unknown macro: {font-family}



Unknown macro: {font-family}



Unknown macro: {f ont-family}



Unknown macro: {color }

Unknown macro: {color }



Unknown macro: {color }

 -></style> </head><body><h1>HTTP Status 404 - /slac-sqlma/services/AdminService</h1><HR size="1" noshade="noshade"><p><b>type</b> Status report</p><p><b>message</b> <u>/slac-sqlma/services/AdminService</u></p><p><b>description</b> <u>The requested resource (/slac-sqlma/services/AdminService) is not available.</u></p><HR size="1" noshade="noshade"><h3>Apache Tomcat/6.0.7</h3></body></html>

Unknown macro: {http}

     [java] Java Result: 1
Total time: 2 minutes 23 seconds

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