Science Tools Working Group
The current release of the Science Tools remains v9r11.
Data products: Reprocessing is still in planning. The test LS1 file passed scrutiny at the FSSC. The plan for event class designations that Nicola presented yesterday at the C&A meeting includes having a new variable Ft1EventClass in the Merit files; this would map directly into EVENT_CLASS at the FT1 level, possibly removing the need for (or greatly simplifying) the event classifier script that makeFT1 currrently uses to generate classifications.
Databases and related utilities
No news
Likelihood analysis
No news. The LATEST builds indicate that Jim has been working on handling phi-dependent IRFs in likelihood analysis. This work in progress is not in HEAD or release versions.
GRB tools
No news
Pulsar tools
From Masa: "Nothing special in the pulsar tools development. Right now I am
trying to replace example data files in the pulsar tools tutorials."
Observation simulation
No news
User interface and infrastructure (& utilities)
No news
Source Catalog
Last week most of the discussion again was related to the effects of changing convergence tolerance specifications in likelihood analysis; Toby gave an update on evaluating error ellipses (vs. error circles) using pointfit; he presented a new estimate for the effective width of the high-energy PSF.