** QC procedures testing document **

Module reception area setup

Software and firmware setup

YARR instruction

Version: documentation:

YARR software v1.4.6 and firmware version 1.4.0 released for 1.28 GHz readout

YARR document: https://yarr.web.cern.ch/yarr/install/

  • if the yarr PC updated, it might change the driver. In that case you need to reinstall the driver

QC tools

gitlab link

itkdb v0.4.12

Module QC database tools: v2.2.8 : https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas-itk/pixel/module/module-qc-database-tools/-/tree/main?ref_type=heads

  • Usage:
  • source itkdb/bin/activate

  • to get module config: 
  • generateYARRConfig -sn  20UPGR91301046 -o foldername

    • without a folder name will try to connect to localdb 

Module QC measurement tools: v2.2: https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas-itk/pixel/module/module-qc-tools/-/tree/v2.2.0?ref_type=tags

  • Usage:  source qctool/bin/activate

Module QC analysis tools: v2.2 https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas-itk/pixel/module/module-qc-analysis-tools

LocalDB: v2.2.7:


canary board: http://atlascr.slac.stanford.edu:3000/d/8XA-Shc7k/canary-boards?orgId=1&refresh=10s

ANL box monitoring:

Automated snippet v2.2

Box pi code: https://github.com/Y0ungst3r/imagin

Monitoring of the temperature modules and interlock status is found on the three pi's. The rasberry pi computers can be remotely accessed at the following three locations

  1.  dcs-lin-trp-1
  2. dcs-ring-trp-1
  3. dcs-pi-mod-03 (Note this one is for the quads)

When running you can the montoring at: http://atlascr.slac.stanford.edu:3000/d/31eiHlhSz/module_reception?orgId=1&from=now-5m&to=now

Changed interlock to work with dewpoint instead of RH need to validate that this is okay.

Testing Procedure

  1. Checking the condition of the shipping and fill 
  2. Visual inspection [take off the plastic cover for the module to have a clear photo]
    1. 1 overview photo and photos for each chip
  3. Start dcs interlock Pi
    1. ssh pi@dcs-...
    2. cd ~/imagin
    3. python runAllInterlocks.py
  4. Start 19v power to Pi
    1. Check that dummy light turns on. 
  5. Start grafana
    1. http://atlascr.slac.stanford.edu:3000/d/31eiHlhSz/module_reception?orgId=1&from=now-5m&to=now
  6. Turn Air
  7. Load module and connect power and data lines
  8. For triplets turn on vacuum switch on front face of box.
  9. Turn on vacuum (the vacuum might have a problem when the sealing is bad between tube and the vacuum chuck)
    1. two thing you can do is to change the sealing
    2. change the requirement of the sealing (vacuum require) in the book)
  10. Close box and check that dew point is lowering. 
  11. turn on the chiller
  12. turn on the peltier (2.5V 1.2A)
  13. power the module:
    1. I: 5.5A V:~2V
  14. IV scan: use module-qc-tool
    1. https://pypi.org/project/module-qc-tools/#iv-measure
  15. Electrical Test:
    1. run data transmission check first:
      1. python3 scripts/update_config.py -c connectivity file
      2. /bin/eyeDiagram -r configs/controller/specCfg-rd53b-4x4.json -c <connectivity_file>
    2. scan_all.py to run all the electrical test
      1. need to change the module and testing date

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