May 14, 2024
- Stefano showed 68GB/s LC compression speed with 7.5x compression (raw uint16 vs. compressed) for 1 segment. 88GB/s for 16 segments.
- Stefano will get the raw kernel launches to Gabriel so Gabriel can incorporate in his scripts
- Stefano will post his results to confluence and we will share with Martin
- Stefano will also continue to work on cuSZ
- Gabriel sees 17.7us for 1 segment calibration of 32-bit fake data with pedestal/common-mode/gain. Common mode dominates with ~15-16us. Corresponds to ~16GB/s
- 60us for 6 segments or ~28GB/s
- needs to switch to 16-bit fake data (factor of two speed improvement?)
- maybe we don't need common-mode in the drp? do it offline? Gabriel points out that this is different than what is currently being done. cpo has a gut feeling it's still OK.
- have asked Silke for her opinion about common mode
- We will investigate
- multiple streams
- combining LC with the calibration
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