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I have added a new system test to provide feedback on overlay simulations.

This page summarizes details of the test and initial release comparisons.
Please comment below to recommend changes and additions. See the suggested new histogram list.

Overlay System Test Configuration

As a starting point, the overlay test (AllGammaOverlay) is run exactly like the system test AllGamma sample with the following exceptions:

  • default overlay job options are included,
    #include "$OVERLAYROOT/src/MergeAlgs/Overlay.txt";
  • overlay XML input location is specified,
    OverlayInputSvc.InputXmlFilePath = "path_to_Leon's_latest_overlay_files";
  • RootIo option to avoid memory leak,
    RootIoSvc.RebuildIndex = false;
  • orbit inclination set, but probably not important for systests?
    FluxSvc.OrbitInclination = 25.8;

See the note below about the general system test job options.

It produces the same output histograms as AllGamma, although we should probably add some things. My short list is below.

Right now the overlay input files are selected by setting an environment variable.
The overlay event format changes a bit with the releases requiring updates to the file location. Here is what I am using, but I think there may be additional access options.

GR v17r7: /nfs/farm/g/glast/u31/lsrea/McIlwainL/5-Feb-2009/
GR v17r10: /nfs/farm/g/glast/u31/lsrea/McIlwainL/18-Mar-2009/

Overlay Comparisons


System Test Job Options

The system tests (circa GR v17) are run using the standard Gleam job options, $GLEAMROOT/src/basicOptions.txt, with only a couple notable additions:

  • TriggerAlg.applyPrescales = false
  • Test specific flux library and source

The system tests do not pick up calibrations from the database and default to ideal calibrations, i.e. calibration flavor = "ideal".

Suggested New Hists for Overlay Test

I picked out some items based on new merit ghost/overlay merit variables. Please add other parameters of interest (or even better, code).

  • Ghosts in the Tracker
    • TkrNumGhosts
    • TkrNumToT255s
    • TkrNumWideClusters
    • TkrNumWiderClusters
    • TkrNumGhostsOnTracks
    • TkrNumToT255sOnTracks
    • anything else?
  • Overlay event info
    • Overlay event trigger bits
    • Overlay PtMcIlwainL (or PtLambda?)
    • anything else?
  • No labels