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2024-01-04 email from Chris
2024-01-04 1:22pm
Li, Yee Ting;
Kroeger, Wilko
Hi Mikhail, (cc: Yee, Wilko since they may have an interest in this)

When you have a chance, could you look at the scaling behavior of this script.
It tries to "prefetch" the data from disk (for 100 events per core) with det.raw,
and then times the behavior of det.calib:


To do this get exclusive access to a batch node with this command:

srun --partition milano --account lcls:prjdat21 -n 1 --time=01:00:00 --exclusive --pty /bin/bash

The in another window ssh to the node that you have been allocated
(the reason this is necessary is obscure: it has to do with an incompatible
version of pmix used by srun that our mpi is unhappy with).
In that new window run these two commands:

mpirun -n 1 python
mpirun -n 80 python

For me the first one shows about .11s per event while the second shows about .25s per event,
which is the poor scaling behavior we would like to understand.
You can see logfiles in ~cpo/problems/cxix1000021_scaling in interactive_1core.log and interactive_80core.log.

I think the fundamental question that I hope you could answer is:
do all numpy operations in det.calib slow down on 80 cores,
or is there some other cause for the poor scaling?
From discussions we've had with Yee we suspect the poor scaling may
be due to behavior of the hardware, but we don't know for sure.

Happy to discuss this with you on zoom at any time, of course.
Thanks for looking at this!


p.s. following a suggestion by someone (Yee? Wilko?)
I watched the cpu clock speeds in /proc/cpuinfo while the 80 core job was running.
To my eye they seemed to vary between ~2.4MHz and ~3.0Mhz which didn't feel like quite enough

List of commands for this test

commands for test
> s3dflogin
> psana
srun --partition milano --account lcls:prjdat21 -n 1 --time=01:00:00 --exclusive --pty /bin/bash
ana-4.0.58-py3 [dubrovin@sdfiana001:~/LCLS/con-py3]$ srun --partition milano --account lcls:prjdat21 -n 1 --time=01:00:00 --exclusive --pty /bin/bash
srun: job 37602834 queued and waiting for resources
srun: job 37602834 has been allocated resources
In .bashrc on host sdfiana001
In .bash_login
ana-4.0.58-py3 [dubrovin@sdfmilan031:~/LCLS/con-py3]$

grab example from Chris:
and modify it as explained below.

In other window
> s3dflogin
ssh -Y sdfmilan031
cd LCLS/con-py3
source /sdf/group/lcls/ds/ana/sw/conda1/manage/bin/
source /sdf/group/lcls/ds/ana/sw/conda1/manage/bin/setup_testrel

mpirun -n 1 python
mpirun -n 80 python

Code for time monitoring

calib_jungfrau with inserted timing point
def calib_jungfrau(det, evt, cmpars=(7,3,200,10), **kwa):
    Returns calibrated jungfrau data

    - gets constants
    - gets raw data
    - evaluates (code - pedestal - offset)
    - applys common mode correction if turned on
    - apply gain factor


    - det (psana.Detector) - Detector object
    - evt (psana.Event)    - Event object
    - cmpars (tuple) - common mode parameters
        - cmpars[0] - algorithm # 7-for jungfrau
        - cmpars[1] - control bit-word 1-in rows, 2-in columns
        - cmpars[2] - maximal applied correction
    - **kwa - used here and passed to det.mask_v2 or det.mask_comb
      - nda_raw - if not None, substitutes evt.raw()
      - mbits - DEPRECATED parameter of the det.mask_comb(...)
      - mask - user defined mask passed as optional parameter

    t00 = time()

    src = det.source # - src (psana.Source)   - Source object

    nda_raw = kwa.get('nda_raw', None)
    arr = det.raw(evt) if nda_raw is None else nda_raw # shape:(<npanels>, 512, 1024) dtype:uint16
    if arr is None: return None

    t01 = time()

    peds = det.pedestals(evt) # - 4d pedestals shape:(3, 1, 512, 1024) dtype:float32
    if peds is None: return None

    t02 = time()

    gain = det.gain(evt)      # - 4d gains
    offs = det.offset(evt)    # - 4d offset

    t03 = time()

    detname = string_from_source(det.source)
    cmp = det.common_mode(evt) if cmpars is None else cmpars

    t04 = time()

    if gain is None: gain = np.ones_like(peds)  # - 4d gains
    if offs is None: offs = np.zeros_like(peds) # - 4d gains

    # cache
    gfac = store.gfac.get(detname, None) #
    if gfac is None:
       gfac = divide_protected(np.ones_like(peds), gain)
       store.gfac[detname] = gfac
       store.arr1 = np.ones_like(arr, dtype=np.int8)

    t05 = time()

    # Define bool arrays of ranges
    # faster than bit operations
    gr0 = arr <  BW1              # 490 us
    gr1 =(arr >= BW1) & (arr<BW2) # 714 us
    gr2 = arr >= BW3              # 400 us

    t06 = time()

    # Subtract pedestals
    arrf = np.array(arr & MSK, dtype=np.float32)

    t07 = time()

    arrf[gr0] -= peds[0,gr0]
    arrf[gr1] -= peds[1,gr1] #- arrf[gr1]
    arrf[gr2] -= peds[2,gr2] #- arrf[gr2]

    t08 = time()

    factor =, gr1, gr2), (gfac[0,:], gfac[1,:], gfac[2,:]), default=1) # 2msec

    t09 = time()

    offset =, gr1, gr2), (offs[0,:], offs[1,:], offs[2,:]), default=0)

    t10 = time()

    arrf -= offset # Apply offset correction

    t11 = time()

    if store.mask is None:
       store.mask = det.mask_total(evt, **kwa)
    mask = store.mask

    t12 = time()

    if cmp is not None:
      mode, cormax = int(cmp[1]), cmp[2]
      npixmin = cmp[3] if len(cmp)>3 else 10
      if mode>0:
        #arr1 = store.arr1
        #grhg =,  gr1), (arr1, arr1), default=0)
        logger.debug(info_ndarr(gr0, 'gain group0'))
        logger.debug(info_ndarr(mask, 'mask'))
        t0_sec_cm = time()
        gmask = np.bitwise_and(gr0, mask) if mask is not None else gr0
        #sh = (nsegs, 512, 1024)
        hrows = 256 #512/2
        for s in range(arrf.shape[0]):
          if mode & 4: # in banks: (512/2,1024/16) = (256,64) pixels # 100 ms
            common_mode_2d_hsplit_nbanks(arrf[s,:hrows,:], mask=gmask[s,:hrows,:], nbanks=16, cormax=cormax, npix_min=npixmin)
            common_mode_2d_hsplit_nbanks(arrf[s,hrows:,:], mask=gmask[s,hrows:,:], nbanks=16, cormax=cormax, npix_min=npixmin)

          if mode & 1: # in rows per bank: 1024/16 = 64 pixels # 275 ms
            common_mode_rows_hsplit_nbanks(arrf[s,], mask=gmask[s,], nbanks=16, cormax=cormax, npix_min=npixmin)

          if mode & 2: # in cols per bank: 512/2 = 256 pixels  # 290 ms
            common_mode_cols(arrf[s,:hrows,:], mask=gmask[s,:hrows,:], cormax=cormax, npix_min=npixmin)
            common_mode_cols(arrf[s,hrows:,:], mask=gmask[s,hrows:,:], cormax=cormax, npix_min=npixmin)

        logger.debug('TIME: common-mode correction time = %.6f sec' % (time()-t0_sec_cm))

    t13 = time()

    resp = arrf * factor if mask is None else arrf * factor * mask # gain correction

    t14 = time()
    times = np.array((t00, t01, t02, t03, t04, t05, t06, t07, t08, t09, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14), dtype=np.float64)

    return resp, times

Timing histograms

Single core processing

80-core processing for ranks 0, 30, and 60


Table shows mean time increment and their statistical uncertainty from associated histograms.

t pointtime incrementpoint descriptiontime for rank 0/1rank 0/80rank 30/80rank 60/80
1t1 - t0det.raw0.8±0.2 ms4.0 ±0.6 ms3.2±0.4 ms3.5 ±0.8 ms
2t2 - t1det.pedestals15±3 μs36 ±10 μs31±6 μs39 ±17 μs
3t3 - t2det.gain,offset15±2 μs27 ±4 μs26±4 μs27 ±6 μs
4...cmpars25±1 μs50 ±7 μs58±26 μs71 ±33 μs
gfac2±0 μs6 ±1 μs7±1 μs7 ±2 μs
gr0,1,21.3±0.2 ms10.5 ±1.1 ms7.0±0.9 ms9.7 ±1.6 ms
make arrf1.76±0.05 ms9.2 ±0.9 ms6.3±0.7 ms9.0 ±1.5 ms
subtract peds93.7±3.1 ms191 ±11 ms181±15 ms259 ±26 ms
eval gain factor for gain ranges4.9±0.6 ms20.3 ±1.5 ms14.6±1.2 ms17.3 ±2.0 ms
eval offset for gain ranges6.2±0.4 ms18.5 ±1.3 ms18.4±1.4 ms19.2 ±2.1 ms
subtract offset1.0±0.2 ms6.0 ±0.7 ms5.3±0.6 ms6.2 ±1.2 ms
get mask3±2 μs6 ±2 μs6±2 μs7 ±2 μs
common mode turned off7±1 μs15 ±2 μs17±2 μs20 ±3 μs
14t14 - t13apply gain factor and mask4.0±0.7 ms14.9 ±2.0 ms13.9±1.6 ms19.2 ±3.5 ms
99t14 - t0per evt time, inside det.calib109.8±4.2 ms276 ±15 ms247±13 ms345 ±29 ms
0t0 - t0 previous evttime between consecutive det.calib115.4±3.9 ms335 ±16 ms307±14 ms398 ±32 ms


  • single core processing is faster than per/core time in 80–core case, factor 2.5-3 FOR ALL OPERATIONS
  • in 80-core case: time per core is consistent between cores
  • all constants are cashed and access to constants is fast at sub-milisecond level
  • common mode correction is turned off, as well as mask?
  • most time consuming operation is indexed pedestal subtraction
indexed by gain ranges pedestal subtraction
    t07 = time()

    arrf[gr0] -= peds[0,gr0]
    arrf[gr1] -= peds[1,gr1]
    arrf[gr2] -= peds[2,gr2]

    t08 = time() 
  • bad single-to-multicore scaling issue has nothing to do with particular algorithm, it is common problem for any algorithm

2024-01-16 Test for simulated events

Time consuming code

Time consuming code
def time_consuming_algorithm():
    sh2d = (1024,1024)
    sh3d = (3,) + sh2d
    a = random_standard(shape=sh2d, mu=10, sigma=2, dtype=np.float64)
    b = random_standard(shape=sh3d, mu=20, sigma=3, dtype=np.float64)
    gr1 = a>=11
    gr2 = (a>9) & (a<11)
    gr3 = a<=9
    a[gr1] -= b[0, gr1]
    a[gr2] -= b[1, gr2]
    a[gr3] -= b[2, gr3]

2024-01-16 Test Summary

  • runing on sdfmilan031 - shows minor ~ 5% the mean time difference between 1-core and 80-core processing is larger

2024-01-17 Test for simulated events with minor modifications

Test variation

  • array shape is changed from (1024, 1024) → (8*512, 1024) 4M
  • array generation is excluded from time measurement, only indexed subtraction contributes to time measurement
  • do not pre-create random arrays, it is generated in each core... requires too much memory for all cores.
  • run on sdfmilan047: ana-4.0.58-py3 [dubrovin@sdfmilan047:~/LCLS/con-py3]$ mpirun -n 80 python

Time consuming code

Time consuming code
def time_consuming_algorithm(a, b):
    gr1 = a>=11
    gr2 = (a>9) & (a<11)
    gr3 = a<=9
    t0_sec = time()
    a[gr1] -= b[0, gr1]
    a[gr2] -= b[1, gr2]
    a[gr3] -= b[2, gr3]
    return time() - t0_sec


Single core processing

80-core processing for ranks 0, 30, and 60

2024-01-17 Test Summary

  • if random array generation is excluded from time measurement, the mean time difference between 1-core and 80-core processing is larger
  • the main contribution to time difference comes from reserved host...
    • sdfmilan047 - looks like extremely "time-noisy" in multi-core processing...
    • sdfmilan031 -  in previous test looks pretty "calm"

2024-01-19 Test for a few hosts

  • The same simulation algorithm as before is used to compare processing time of different cores.
  • To get rid of obvious fluctuation off time measurement between cores, a sample of cores is extended from three, 0,30,60 to seven 0,10,20,30,40,50,60 of 80. 
  • Mean processing time and its uncertainty in milliseconds for single core (core 0/1) and a few cores of 80 are shown in table.
  • Ratio represents the ratio of 80-core average over core 0/1.
host namecore 0/10/8010/8020/8030/8040/8050/8060/8070/8080-core averageRatioLargest ratio
sdfmilan027192 ±6241 ±19430 ±32336 ±24287 ±16245 ±17412 ±30342 ±24
sdfmilan049210 ±1280 ±19369 ±28245 ±45282 ±17290 ±24367 ±28242 ±37
sdfmilan056191 ±3328 ±21269 ±40258 ±32347 ±28324 ±22254 ±34346 ±30
sdfmilan057190 ±4262 ±20292 ±21439 ±26226 ±12256 ±19297 ±20467 ±36
sdfmilan065203 ±7281 ±15345 ±23245 ±22248 ±20276 ±15353 ±24250 ±22
sdfmilan105190 ±2261 ±36277 ±20282 ±15276 ±14263 ±48273 ±19284 ±26
sdfmilan130190 ±3394 ±26270 ±23323 ±20230 ±10379 ±27276 ±24322 ±20
sdfmilan202210 ±0346 ±32351 ±28281 ±16286 ±16355 ±34345 ±28297 ±16
sdfmilan203191 ±4281 ±26355 ±31288 ±26332 ±44271 ±32347 ±26282 ±21
sdfmilan225204 ±7409 ±29296 ±23230 ±10230 ±10398 ±26289 ±24232 ±9



293 6


339 ±18


355 ±22


605 ±104


388 ±27


337 ±18


361 ±21


613 ±95


422 ±27





210 1


639 ±34


483 ±219


474 ±284


744 ±75


637 ±43


588 ±266


443 ±202


722 ±75





210 1


649 ±29


669 ±134


500 ±214


1039 ±95


707 ±50


654 ±113


490 ±229


1040 ±83



Last 3 lines in table also show cpu_num to prevent contribution from weka nodes

Wilko & Chris about weka nodes
2024-01-19 6:24PM
Hi Mikhail,
I think those code can fetch a physical core number:
>>> import psutil
>>> print(psutil.Process().cpu_num())
Can you add that to your numpy tests to make sure that cores 16-23 aren’t used by your mpi processes?  I think Wilko thought those 8 cores run weka filesystem processes.
Thanks, and have a good weekend,

2024-01-19 Time difference vs array size

  • shape is decreased in size from (8*512,1024) to (2*512,1024) 1M
host namecore 0/10/8010/8020/8030/8040/8050/8060/8070/8080-core averageRatioLargest ratio
sdfmilan03947.6 ±0.756.0 ±2.559.2 ±4.759.9 ±6.352.8 ±3.456.3 ±2.458.6 ±5.051.2 ±9.951.3 ±3.355.71.171.26
sdfmilan22547.6 ±0.556.6 ±3.255.4 ±4.252.8 ±2.452.3 ±2.355.8 ±3.855.3 ±3.552.5 ±2.552.0 ±2.454.11.141.19

  • shape is increased in size from (32*512,1024) 16M
host namecore 0/10/8010/8020/8030/8040/8050/8060/8070/8080-core averageRatioLargest ratio
sdfmilan225766 ±201251 ±91 1099 ±108958 ±174955 ±1991206 ±831086 ±106949 ±181952 ±23110571.381.63
sdfmilan031760 ±11141 ±81 1144 ±94910 ±111947 ±1181221 ±741157 ±93947 ±108937 ±10410511.381.61

2024-01-19-22 Test Summary

  • weka FS nodes do not show up in processing ranks
  • decreasing array size from 4M to 1M decreases time ratio from ~1.5 to 1.15
  • increasing array size from 4M to 14M does not increases time ratio...

2024-01-22 Q&A

cpu_num = psutil.Process().cpu_num() vs runk

  • rank and cpu number are linked for all events
  • cpu number assigned to rank differently for each job
  • 16 ≤ cpu_num ≤ 23 - are not found in data processing
sdfmilan125 linking between rank and cpu_num
rank:20 cpu_num:073 nevt:044 time:0.277427
rank:10 cpu_num:046 nevt:030 time:0.632612
rank:00 cpu_num:000 nevt:046 time:0.651162
rank:20 cpu_num:073 nevt:045 time:0.266946
rank:10 cpu_num:046 nevt:031 time:0.272130
rank:00 cpu_num:000 nevt:047 time:0.574547
rank:20 cpu_num:073 nevt:046 time:0.329882
rank:10 cpu_num:046 nevt:032 time:0.287877
rank:00 cpu_num:000 nevt:048 time:0.493901
rank:20 cpu_num:073 nevt:047 time:0.436152
rank:10 cpu_num:046 nevt:033 time:0.902722
rank:00 cpu_num:000 nevt:049 time:0.505073
rank:20 cpu_num:073 nevt:048 time:0.272120
rank:00 cpu_num:000 nevt:050 time:0.519510
rank:20 cpu_num:073 nevt:049 time:0.360761
rank:10 cpu_num:046 nevt:034 time:0.555629
rank:20 cpu_num:073 nevt:050 time:0.291751
rank:00 cpu_num:000 nevt:051 time:0.666105
rank:10 cpu_num:046 nevt:035 time:0.371877
rank:20 cpu_num:073 nevt:051 time:0.764429
rank:00 cpu_num:000 nevt:052 time:0.672750
rank:20 cpu_num:073 nevt:052 time:0.325827
rank:00 cpu_num:000 nevt:053 time:0.328918
rank:10 cpu_num:046 nevt:036 time:0.332080
rank:00 cpu_num:000 nevt:054 time:0.358017
rank:20 cpu_num:073 nevt:053 time:0.290833
rank:10 cpu_num:046 nevt:037 time:0.980106
rank:00 cpu_num:000 nevt:055 time:0.487292
rank:20 cpu_num:073 nevt:054 time:0.333488
host namejob #core 0/10/8010/8020/8030/8040/8050/8060/8070/80

2024-01-30 running in subprocesses

On allocated host run the same time consuming job on specified cpu using subprocess command

taskset --cpu-list %d python %d

Simultaneous processing on cpu 0-7 of the same host

host namecpu 01234567
sdfmilan027213 ±10218 ±14216 ±9215 ±10217 ±9212 ±8215 1±2217 ±12
time [sec] consumption per algorithm and pre entire event
requested cpu:001
cpu_num:001 nevt:000 time algo/total:0.258310/0.893963
cpu_num:001 nevt:010 time algo/total:0.203578/0.765441
cpu_num:001 nevt:020 time algo/total:0.204886/0.758621
cpu_num:001 nevt:030 time algo/total:0.207257/0.776058
cpu_num:001 nevt:040 time algo/total:0.240543/0.818005
cpu_num:001 nevt:050 time algo/total:0.219791/0.780273
cpu_num:001 nevt:060 time algo/total:0.221798/0.781831
cpu_num:001 nevt:070 time algo/total:0.227552/0.787389
cpu_num:001 nevt:080 time algo/total:0.224095/0.778408
cpu_num:001 nevt:090 time algo/total:0.226634/0.779186

Simultaneous processing on cpu 1, 8, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80, 88, 96 of the same host

host name1824324048566472808896
sdfmilan027199 ±7194 ±6191 ±4208 ±5210 ±1210 ±1201 ±7209 ±5210 ±3194 ±7192 ±6191 ±3
time [sec] consumption per algorithm and pre entire event
requested cpu:096
cpu_num:096 nevt:000 time algo/total:0.201525/0.750702
cpu_num:096 nevt:010 time algo/total:0.200815/0.742284
cpu_num:096 nevt:020 time algo/total:0.199862/0.738482
cpu_num:096 nevt:030 time algo/total:0.200478/0.742564
cpu_num:096 nevt:040 time algo/total:0.200695/0.741042
cpu_num:096 nevt:050 time algo/total:0.199134/0.736679
cpu_num:096 nevt:060 time algo/total:0.198478/0.736582
cpu_num:096 nevt:070 time algo/total:0.198812/0.737684
cpu_num:096 nevt:080 time algo/total:0.200575/0.742578
cpu_num:096 nevt:090 time algo/total:0.200512/0.737443

2024-01-31 time consumption test in subprocess

Try to resolve mystery observed in previous test:

  • time consuming algorithm takes ~200ms
  • but time per event is ~740ms

Algorithm code

method time_consuming_code
def time_consuming_algorithm():
    t01 = time()
    a, b = random_arrays()
    t02 = time()
    gr1 = a>=11
    gr2 = (a>9) & (a<11)
    gr3 = a<=9
    t03 = time()
    a[gr1] -= b[0, gr1]
    a[gr2] -= b[1, gr2]
    a[gr3] -= b[2, gr3]
    t04 = time()
    return (t01, t02, t03, t04)
code simulating the event loop
def do_algo(cpu=0):

    hostname = get_hostname()
    #cpu_num = psutil.Process().cpu_num()
    print('requested cpu:%03d' % cpu)

    SAVE_FIGS = True
    nevents = 100
    ntpoints = 6
    arrts = np.zeros((nevents,ntpoints), dtype=np.float64)
    t05_old = time()

    for nevt in range(nevents):
        t00 = time()
        times = time_consuming_algorithm()
        cpu_num = psutil.Process().cpu_num()
        #if cpu_num >=16 and cpu_num <=23:
        #    print('cpu_num:%03d nevt:%03d time:%.6f CPU_NUM IN WEKA RANGE [16,23]' % (cpu_num, nevt, dt_sec))
        t05 = time()
        times = (t00,) + times + (t05,)
        arrts[nevt,:] = times
        dt_evt = t05 - t05_old
        t05_old = t05
        if nevt%10>0: continue
        dt_alg = times[4] - times[3]
        dt_in  = times[4] - times[1]
        print('cpu_num:%03d nevt:%03d  times (sec)' % (cpu_num, nevt), \
             ' random arrs: %.6f' % (times[2] - times[1]), \
             ' indeces: %.6f'     % (times[3] - times[2]), \
             ' alg: %.6f'         % (times[4] - times[3]), \
             ' inside algo: %.6f' % (times[4] - times[1]), \
             ' per event: %.6f'   % dt_evt)
        fill-out and show histograms

Per-event time split

per-event time split
requested cpu:010
cpu_num:010 nevt:000  times (sec)  random arrs: 0.530126  indeces: 0.009856  alg: 0.201348  inside algo: 0.741331  per event: 0.742876
cpu_num:010 nevt:010  times (sec)  random arrs: 0.529047  indeces: 0.006796  alg: 0.199449  inside algo: 0.735292  per event: 0.736108
cpu_num:010 nevt:020  times (sec)  random arrs: 0.529192  indeces: 0.006795  alg: 0.200225  inside algo: 0.736212  per event: 0.736941
cpu_num:010 nevt:030  times (sec)  random arrs: 0.529076  indeces: 0.006807  alg: 0.198543  inside algo: 0.734425  per event: 0.735161
cpu_num:010 nevt:040  times (sec)  random arrs: 0.529014  indeces: 0.006840  alg: 0.198867  inside algo: 0.734720  per event: 0.735475
cpu_num:010 nevt:050  times (sec)  random arrs: 0.529560  indeces: 0.006824  alg: 0.199954  inside algo: 0.736338  per event: 0.737050
cpu_num:010 nevt:060  times (sec)  random arrs: 0.529004  indeces: 0.006804  alg: 0.198679  inside algo: 0.734487  per event: 0.735210
cpu_num:010 nevt:070  times (sec)  random arrs: 0.528883  indeces: 0.006833  alg: 0.199188  inside algo: 0.734903  per event: 0.735635
cpu_num:010 nevt:080  times (sec)  random arrs: 0.528968  indeces: 0.006804  alg: 0.199556  inside algo: 0.735327  per event: 0.736039
cpu_num:010 nevt:090  times (sec)  random arrs: 0.528690  indeces: 0.006826  alg: 0.199990  inside algo: 0.735506  per event: 0.736218

Summary for time consumption

Random array of shapes sh2d = (8*512,1024) and sh3d = (3, 8*512,1024) simulating raw data and calib constants takes ~0.5sec. In previous code only 2-panel shape (2*512,1024) was used.

host name


of CPU

sdfmilan12616220 16225 17225 16223 15227 14223 14225 15

229 14

224 16229 14227  14222 15221 16231 13228 15231 12

32334 24332 25335 22332 21343 23335 22323 21338 22351 24

340 22

345 23339 22331 20348 23354 23357 24
time split for cpu 15
at 16 cpu
requested cpu:015
cpu_num:015 nevt:000  times (sec)  random arrs: 0.676525  indeces: 0.048282  alg: 0.345061  inside algo: 1.069867  per event: 1.073267
cpu_num:015 nevt:010  times (sec)  random arrs: 0.557514  indeces: 0.012086  alg: 0.243178  inside algo: 0.812778  per event: 0.813630
cpu_num:015 nevt:020  times (sec)  random arrs: 0.551355  indeces: 0.008622  alg: 0.257315  inside algo: 0.817291  per event: 0.818175
cpu_num:015 nevt:030  times (sec)  random arrs: 0.556352  indeces: 0.008508  alg: 0.241447  inside algo: 0.806307  per event: 0.807756
cpu_num:015 nevt:040  times (sec)  random arrs: 0.553430  indeces: 0.010278  alg: 0.211174  inside algo: 0.774882  per event: 0.777263
cpu_num:015 nevt:050  times (sec)  random arrs: 0.549226  indeces: 0.009555  alg: 0.217025  inside algo: 0.775806  per event: 0.776775
cpu_num:015 nevt:060  times (sec)  random arrs: 0.556838  indeces: 0.011403  alg: 0.218301  inside algo: 0.786542  per event: 0.787381
cpu_num:015 nevt:070  times (sec)  random arrs: 0.564118  indeces: 0.013997  alg: 0.220398  inside algo: 0.798513  per event: 0.799616
cpu_num:015 nevt:080  times (sec)  random arrs: 0.558824  indeces: 0.014296  alg: 0.218725  inside algo: 0.791845  per event: 0.793981
cpu_num:015 nevt:090  times (sec)  random arrs: 0.552467  indeces: 0.013539  alg: 0.241585  inside algo: 0.807591  per event: 0.808606

at 32 cpu

requested cpu:000
cpu_num:000 nevt:000  times (sec)  random arrs: 0.768741  indeces: 0.130826  alg: 0.534536  inside algo: 1.434103  per event: 1.437331
cpu_num:000 nevt:010  times (sec)  random arrs: 0.707944  indeces: 0.084266  alg: 0.306825  inside algo: 1.099035  per event: 1.099948
cpu_num:000 nevt:020  times (sec)  random arrs: 0.708561  indeces: 0.069767  alg: 0.378666  inside algo: 1.156994  per event: 1.158244
cpu_num:000 nevt:030  times (sec)  random arrs: 0.761646  indeces: 0.061286  alg: 0.378687  inside algo: 1.201619  per event: 1.202453
cpu_num:000 nevt:040  times (sec)  random arrs: 0.631669  indeces: 0.014007  alg: 0.269451  inside algo: 0.915127  per event: 0.916927
cpu_num:000 nevt:050  times (sec)  random arrs: 0.711132  indeces: 0.067868  alg: 0.366595  inside algo: 1.145596  per event: 1.146980
cpu_num:000 nevt:060  times (sec)  random arrs: 0.664688  indeces: 0.087194  alg: 0.469769  inside algo: 1.221651  per event: 1.223267
cpu_num:000 nevt:070  times (sec)  random arrs: 0.735930  indeces: 0.022596  alg: 0.321454  inside algo: 1.079980  per event: 1.081903
cpu_num:000 nevt:080  times (sec)  random arrs: 0.697990  indeces: 0.071118  alg: 0.263736  inside algo: 1.032844  per event: 1.033743
cpu_num:000 nevt:090  times (sec)  random arrs: 0.577298  indeces: 0.008807  alg: 0.209763  inside algo: 0.795867  per event: 0.796584

requested cpu:015
cpu_num:015 nevt:000  times (sec)  random arrs: 0.891085  indeces: 0.074366  alg: 0.475267  inside algo: 1.440718  per event: 1.443656
cpu_num:015 nevt:010  times (sec)  random arrs: 0.646901  indeces: 0.029601  alg: 0.506834  inside algo: 1.183336  per event: 1.188114
cpu_num:015 nevt:020  times (sec)  random arrs: 0.641244  indeces: 0.020880  alg: 0.362483  inside algo: 1.024606  per event: 1.025537
cpu_num:015 nevt:030  times (sec)  random arrs: 0.653975  indeces: 0.038478  alg: 0.283170  inside algo: 0.975623  per event: 0.976723
cpu_num:015 nevt:040  times (sec)  random arrs: 0.724432  indeces: 0.104294  alg: 0.365113  inside algo: 1.193839  per event: 1.196620
cpu_num:015 nevt:050  times (sec)  random arrs: 0.669759  indeces: 0.027769  alg: 0.264526  inside algo: 0.962054  per event: 0.967170
cpu_num:015 nevt:060  times (sec)  random arrs: 0.717789  indeces: 0.017697  alg: 0.332127  inside algo: 1.067613  per event: 1.069825
cpu_num:015 nevt:070  times (sec)  random arrs: 0.677717  indeces: 0.034877  alg: 0.261328  inside algo: 0.973923  per event: 0.975290
cpu_num:015 nevt:080  times (sec)  random arrs: 0.575024  indeces: 0.029689  alg: 0.380944  inside algo: 0.985657  per event: 0.989201
cpu_num:015 nevt:090  times (sec)  random arrs: 0.605548  indeces: 0.025510  alg: 0.289985  inside algo: 0.921044  per event: 0.921819

requested cpu:039
cpu_num:039 nevt:000  times (sec)  random arrs: 0.648366  indeces: 0.042368  alg: 0.421943  inside algo: 1.112678  per event: 1.114263
cpu_num:039 nevt:010  times (sec)  random arrs: 0.583670  indeces: 0.014271  alg: 0.249655  inside algo: 0.847596  per event: 0.848407
cpu_num:039 nevt:020  times (sec)  random arrs: 0.571773  indeces: 0.011460  alg: 0.220845  inside algo: 0.804077  per event: 0.806523
cpu_num:039 nevt:030  times (sec)  random arrs: 0.574509  indeces: 0.011243  alg: 0.228133  inside algo: 0.813885  per event: 0.814791
cpu_num:039 nevt:040  times (sec)  random arrs: 0.573384  indeces: 0.013692  alg: 0.228176  inside algo: 0.815251  per event: 0.816023
cpu_num:039 nevt:050  times (sec)  random arrs: 0.589361  indeces: 0.019947  alg: 0.227057  inside algo: 0.836365  per event: 0.837242
cpu_num:039 nevt:060  times (sec)  random arrs: 0.578790  indeces: 0.028885  alg: 0.233790  inside algo: 0.841465  per event: 0.842652
cpu_num:039 nevt:070  times (sec)  random arrs: 0.580031  indeces: 0.009300  alg: 0.220303  inside algo: 0.809635  per event: 0.810407
cpu_num:039 nevt:080  times (sec)  random arrs: 0.631875  indeces: 0.014580  alg: 0.232713  inside algo: 0.879168  per event: 0.879986
cpu_num:039 nevt:090  times (sec)  random arrs: 0.613904  indeces: 0.025082  alg: 0.244429  inside algo: 0.883415  per event: 0.884130


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