
  • Introductions

  • Our Objectives
    • Identify whether there are opportunities for providing PM training for individuals involved in the HE project
    • Teach PM basics to those who need the fundamental principles and concepts, so they understand 
      • Common terminology
      • Key concepts of PM
      • Tie formal PM concepts to the day-to-day work and projects they support
      • The importance of their role and involvement in downstream consequences to projects and operations
      • Provide PM training that is tailored to each role in a project team

  • Approach 
    • Understand existing training – we do not want to recreate the wheel 
    • Who should we talk to to identify existing training?
    • Determine whether to keep training broad or tailor the training for the HE project 
    • Identify resources to develop and deliver the training In house or bring in Stanford University IT resources? 

  • Our Ask: Looking for guidance on available resources and any insight we’ve not considered in developing PM training for non-project managers with SLAC 

  • Initial thoughts? 

  • Next steps

SLAC PMP Boot Camp information?

  • Timeframe 
  • Who is the target audience
  • Scope of training 
  • End goal?


  • Would this be considered a minor infrastructure project or science-based? Or none?
  • There is training offered in which groups of 5, or group of 25, in which interdisciplinary group is assembled, and PM training is offered in which each staff is told to run 
    • Led by Kim Robinson
    • PM Principles was offered by him, it's copyrighted, and he would have to get paid to teach this course. 
    • Robinson the initial INTRO and Lauren to SLAC-ify, while we focused on correlating it to actual LCLS Ops
    • January timeframe, Lauren said it was promising, with aid from Robinson
  • She stated that since project management is her responsibility, she is committing to helping us get to the point where we can tie it into the LCLS world
  • CANNOT be HE related, it's illegal to use different ‘colored’ money
    • Discuss with Eliazar about this
  • Stanford IT = $$$,, STAP funds only cover staff to attend
    • Does not cover the payment to the people teaching it
  • UDT PA-CODE vs Training PA Code
  • She recently deployed a minor-infrastructure overseeing branch through PMO 
  • She will be signing us up for the 413 course, the one we were waitlisted for
  • 1st step: First principle: Consistent with language


  • Minor Projects: <30 million, budget based
  • There is training offered in which groups of 5, or group of 25, in which interdisciplinary group is assembled, and PM training is offered in which each staff is told to run 

  • Minor Science Projects do not fit since its considered R&D project, 
  • PI& PM=Not same 
  • Define, if this would be a minor infrastructure project, or science project1
  • HE- 710 million funding, indirect, 
  • Can not be HE upgrade-related
  • TTO- transfer to operation
    • Not supposed to close out a project, the “handshake”, whos responsible now, whats the SOP
  • Stanford could aid in the PROCEDURE, in the what (principles training?)
    • We, OPS, can lead the lower steps, since we know the ops basics, and know the environment
  • Lauren would like to partner, since this would be applicable to her future science PM approach
    • Can work with Stanford to SLAC-ify their language
    • Would be an up-check for projects here at SLAC
    • Stanford is $$- STAP fund don’t cover them to teach, only to attend a course
  • UDT-Increase department, makes rates more expensive to SLAC, catch 22, if manager approves it, than okay
  • Robinsen- PM Principles was offered by him, its copyrighted, he would have to get paid to teach this course. 
  • project=/ (NOT) project
  • No labels