Note a conflicting procedure / documentation in the Target Chamber folder: 5.5. Pumping procedure5.6. Venting procedure, 5.2. Vacuum system. These are being reconciled.


This page provides the procedure to pump down the MEC target chamber. It needs to be done by an operator who has been trained and listed in the table below.

Approval Table (move to SmartSheet)



Procedure to Pump down the target chamber

  • Confirm no individual and no not-vacuum-compatible hardware is left in the target chamber
  • Gently close the chamber doors, pressing on the left hinge to make sure the seal is touching the chamber wall material
  • Confirm all the gate valve right outside the target chamber are closed (TC:VGC:11, TC1:VGC:12, TC1-VGC-04, TC1-VGC-01, TC1-VGC-02, TC1-VGC-03)

The next steps happen in quick succession*

  • *OPEN the roughing line gate valve: TC1-VGC-04 (1)
  • *Press RUN Roughing pump 1 and 2: MEZ-PMF-01 (2), and MEZ-PMF-02 (3)
  • *OPEN gate valve for roughing pump 1: MEZ:VGC:17 (4)
  • *Once given permission, i.e: once the indicator turns green, OPEN gatevalve for roughing pump 2: MEZ:VIC:19 (5)

  • Check TC1-PTM-01 status
  • If Maglev Turbo is 'Not OK to Run':
    • Turning ON procedure for Maglev Turbo (CHANGE PICTURE BELOW WHEN IT IS OFF)

      • confirm initial state;
        • confirm that TC1-PTM-01 is OFF (says 'Not OK to Run')
        • confirm that SEW-VGC-14 is closed (red)
        • open MECHOME > User Devices > User Sentry PDU, look at row A3, and confirm that the Status shows "Off"

      • turn on the scroll pump by pressing the 'Turn On' button in the Outlet Control section
      • wait for pressure read by the SEW:GPI:03 gauge to read below 5e-2 torr
        • ADD SCREENSHOT of status when permission is granted
      • open the gatevalve SEW-VGC-14
      • press the button RUN to turn on the maglev (the center of the pictogram turns yellow)
      • once the pressure in the SEW:GPI:03 gauge is back to below 1e-1, and it says Full Speed, the system is ready to go
  • If Maglev Turbo is 'OK to Run' and 'Full Speed', proceed to next step

  • After about 12 min, or when the pressure in the target chamber reached about 8 torr (see circled gauge), confirm the boosters turn on (BOOSTER circle icon turns from gray to green) (ADD PICTURE WITH RIGHT PRESSURE)

  • Once target chamber pressure is below 4.5e-2 torr (see circled gauge), OPEN the gate valve (TC1-VGC-01) between the target chamber and the Maglev Turbo (you will have permission to do so) (ADD PICTURE WITH RIGHT PRESSURE)

  • Confirm the pressure goes down (Open a terminal and type 'tc_vacuum', then change X scale to show up to 80 min):

  • Close TC1-VGC-04 (1), then stop the roughing pumps (2-3)and open the gatevalves to vent the pipes for the primary (4-6), setting the state of the primary vacuum ready for the next pumping cycle

  • Once pressure gauge MEZ-GPI-02 reads 640 torr, close the following gatevalves: MEZ:VGC:17, MEZ:VGC:18 and MEZ:VGC:19
  • Set the sign on the target chamber wall saying "NOTICE: CHAMBER UNDER VACUUM"

Procedure to Vent the target chamber

  • Confirm the stopper 6 SH6 is IN (go downstairs and press INSERT S6 on the HPS screen)
  • Close all the gate valve right outside the target chamber (TC:VGC:11, TC1:VGC:12, TC1-VGC-04, TC1-VGC-01, TC1-VGC-02, TC1-VGC-03)

  • Click to open the venting valve TC1:VGC:11, then press yes in the window which pops up asking if you are sure you want to vent:

  • Once pressure is at atmosphere (MEC-TC1-01 reads > 700 torr) and as soon as you hear the clean dry air rushing out from the target chamber's doors, close the same gatevalve you just used to vent (TC1:VGC:11)
  • Open a door of the chamber hooking it up with the bungee cord
  • If you do not need to pump down right away, stop the Maglev Turbo

    • Stop procedure for the Maglev Turbo
      • Press STP button at the TC1-PTM-01 turbo
      • Let it spin down (pictogram will be grey) for at least 30 min
      • Turn off the scroll pump SEW:GPI:03 (go to MECHOME > User Devices > User Sentry PDU, look at row A3, press "Turn Off" and confirm that the Status shows "Off")

      • Close the SEW-VGC-14 gatevalve
  • Set the sign on the target chamber wall saying "NOTICE: CHAMBER VENTED"

  • No labels