1. The mfx- accounts are not able to edit the .py files for hutchpython. Therefore, log in with your UNIX account:

    ssh <username>@mfx-daq
  2. Go to the hutch python folder and edit the .py file using eg. Vim:

    # Main hutchpython code:
    cd /cds/group/pcds/pyps/apps/hutch-python/mfx/mfx
    vim beamline.py
    # Small methods and scripts, not experiment specific:
    cd /cds/group/pcds/pyps/apps/hutch-python/mfx/mfx
    vim macros.py
    # Experiment specific hutch python code:
    cd /cds/group/pcds/pyps/apps/hutch-python/mfx/experiments
    vim <experimentcode>.py
  3. Save your changes using :wq! (if using Vim), as it will otherwise not allow you to make edits
  4. If you are a contributor to the MFX GitHub, you can stage and commit the changes you've made. Some GitHub etiquette can be found on the LCLS users page for BTX.

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