Science Tools Working Group
Met this week - 9 attendees.
The current version of ScienceTools is v9. This has the fixes described in last week's report for v8r2 and also implements the tool name changes. Chuck (as probably has or will be mentioned during this meeting) has a new version of the Science Tools section of the User Workbook waiting in the wings, which with some verification should be online by early next week, at which time v9 will be advertised to subscribers to the Service Challenge mailing list. As of Wednesday evening Tom S. was ingesting the reprocessed obssim2 data into the GSSC server.
Regarding the GLAST Users Group meeting reported on two weeks ago, the GUG now plans its next 'beta test' of the Science Tools for September.
Data products: No news. Analia submitted a JIRA issue (DATAPROD-3) about problems (violations of FITS standards) found by fverify for some of the FITS data products. Jim has implemented fixes, or workarounds for an artifact that tip introduces, that fix most of the problems that she reported.
Databases and related utilities
Tony gave a great presentation on the Data Server yesterday at the Service Challenge Steering meeting.
Likelihood analysis
No news but see utilities and Catalog news below.
GRB tools
No LAT-specific news. David reports that gtbin needs a small update to handle detector-specific deadtime in calculating 'exposures' (accumulated live times) for GBM data.
Pulsar tools
Masa reports that he and James are reaching the point with refactoring gtpsearch that they can start propagating the reorganization through the rest of the pulsar tools. They have proposed additional columns in the pulsar ephemeris file for handling the timing parameters of binary pulsars; the ingest system for ephemerides at the GSSC is still to be developed but is on the not-too-distant horizon.
Observation simulation
No news
User interface and infrastructure (& utilities)
Jim has modified gtmktime to not change TSTART/TSTOP values in FT1 files. As reported last weeek he has optimized the tool so that it is execution time does not scale as N^2 (number of time intervals) but as a much slower function of N.
See last week's report for an important note about gtselect.
Source Catalog
Did not meet this week.