Scope of this document

This document covers only the High-Performance System (HPS) software part of the GMD, which is related to the ATCA operations. These GMD sub-systems are not covered here:

  • Gas control.
  • Vacuum monitoring system.
  • Spinning Rotor Gauge (SRG).
  • Keithley configuration and operation.

The IOC application that controls the HPS ATCA system will be called simply as GMD IOC in this document.

System Overview

This slide deck has a good introductory overview to understand the principles of what is the GMD, how it works, and where it is located: GMD_Overview.pdf

Approved Requirements

Engineering Specification (ESD)

Functional Requirements (FRS)

Interface Control Document (ICD)

Use Cases

Use Cases

External Packages and Libraries (TODO: confirm dependencies)

The GMD IOC depends on all EPICS modules and packages listed in the diagrams below. The IOC will not be depicted as the diagram would become very confusing with all arrows coming from the IOC. The relationship between modules and packages was broken down into different diagrams for the sake of readability. One library can be shown in different diagrams.

Dependency on CPSW Common platform related libraries

  • No labels