Note: The DPS must remain running in some capacity to keep the beamline pressures at a level that allows for beam delivery. So do not attempt to stop the DPS without intending to have a significant rise in the vacuum level (up to mTorr and higher, depending on how long it stays off).

If there is no gas load in the IP, the DPS can be turned off.

If there are users conducting experiments, inform users to stop operating any gas sources. We may consider new logic that closes gas sources automatically when there is no DPS running but for now, this is done by hand.

I am purposefully not turning off the DPS watcher for this. For now, let's create spam.

Check that the IP area 3175 turbo is running at 825 Hz and current is green (< 300 mA). 

Close the foreline valve FV-US2. Check turbo 3151 spin down. Status should show this. If the turbos do not spin down due to the watcher, click stop. Report the fault in the watcher to Doug.

Manually stop turbos 3108 and 3130.

Close the foreline valve FV-US1. Check turbo 3171 spins down. Status should show this. If the turbo does not spin down due to the watcher, click stop. Report the fault in the watcher to Doug.

Close the foreline valve FV-DS1. Check turbo 3259 spins down. Status should show this. If the turbo does not spin down due to the watcher, click stop. Report the fault in the watcher to Doug.

Close the foreline valve FV-DS2. Check turbo 3291 spins down. Status should show this. If the turbo does not spin down due to the watcher, click stop. Report the fault in the watcher to Doug.

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