Jefferson Lab/Hall B/HPS Run Wiki
MC needs and plans Tongtong
Data background overlay MattG, Tongtong
Calibration needs and plans Norman
SVT alignment PF
Data Processing
Trigger skims Nathan
Tongtong reported on his comparisons of the MC beam-background and data beam-background overlays. The good news is that the mechanics of doing so appear to be working well, although more QA work is still needed. However, there appear to be no full-energy electrons (FEEs) in the random-trigger data. We spent most of the meeting discussing this issue.
We ended with a short presentation by Nathan on the status of the trigger skims. Recall that we are skimming events with FEE, muon, Møller and random triggers. Nathan reports that this project should be finished sometime next week. Output files will be available at JLab at /cache/hallb/hps/physrun2021/production/evio-skims .
We agreed to defer the remaining talks to future meetings.
Agenda items which are struck through have been postponed.