Science Tools Working Group
The current release version of the Science Tools remains v9r7p1.
Data products: The planned additions to FT2 contents are posted and still working their way toward implementation. The additions related to rocking angle will become more relevant in the near future with the enabling of ARRs.
You may have followed some newly-posted JIRAs on the science data products this week. One you might notice is a 1-second error in DATE-OBS and DATE-END keyword strings, apparently owing to incorrect handling of leap seconds. This does not affect how the Science Tools run (although my impression - to be confirmed - is that the start_date-to-MET conversion used by gtobssim has the reciprocal leap second bug - harmless unless you are trying to simulate using an as-flown pointing history, in which case it is just annoying).
Databases and related utilities
No news.
Likelihood analysis
No news
GRB tools
No news
Pulsar tools
From Masa: "In the pulsar tools development, gtpulsardb now records a log of database creation process in HISTORY keywords of the primary header of the output file, and the pulsar tools that handle ephemeris database files now report the information for higher chattiness level (chatter=4 or larger). Also, the pulsar tools that create a FITS file writes all parameter values into HISTORY keywords of the output file.
We are hoping that those additional records will help users (and us) diagnose a problem when it happens." [N.B. These updates are not yet in a release version of Science Tools]
Observation simulation
No news, although see Data Products notes above
User interface and infrastructure (& utilities)
No news
Source Catalog
Last week's discussion was more about the August source list and associations. Will meet this week.