
  1. Discussion for MC truth information - Tongtong
  2. Resolution of corrupted HelicalTrackHitRelations  - Norman
  3. SVT offline baseline calibration using hps-java - Norman
  4. SVT offline baseline calibration using hpstr - Alic
  5. Preparing to reconstruct the "unblinded" 2019 data set - All
  6. AOB

Attendees: Norman, Alic, Cameron, PF, Robert, Tim, Tongtong


  • Tongtong continued the discussion started in the analysis meeting on how to access the MC truth information.
  • Norman reported that the corrupted HelicalTrackHit relations had been fixed and a pull request was outstanding.
  • Norman gave an update on work to determine the SVT baseline calibrations in hps-java using data.
  • Alic gave an update on his hpstr-based analysis of the SVT baselines.
  • Discussion of the reconstruction of the "unblinded" 2019 data was put off until next week.

Action Items:

  • Cameron, Alic and Tongtong will follow up on what functionality already exists in either hps-java or hpstr to provide the MC truth information needed for Tongtong's trigger analyses.
  • Pull Request #881 needs to be tested, approved and merged before we can proceed with the next round of reconstruction.
  • Norman and Alic will get together on the offline SVT baseline calibration work:
    • Alic will look into accessing the thresholds which were applied during data-taking
    • Norman will analyze one of the online calibration runs to compare with the offline analysis of run 10648

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