
    * [PII-110] - Figure out why pipeline wrapper script sometimes gets windows cr/lf
    * [PII-119] - PIPELINE_STREAMPATH enviroment variable is not set properly
    * [PII-120] - There is a bug in the taskpath view
    * [PII-123] - Stearm rollback does not ipick up stream variables
    * [PII-126] - DataCatalog:  Existing logical folders do not accept subfolders during dataset registration
    * [PII-134] - PROD Pipeline is running out of cursors


    * [PII-89] - Need abiliy for createStream to accept (small) files.
    * [PII-112] - Preserve comments in pipeline XML
    * [PII-113] - Access to execution number
    * [PII-118] - Version # should not be hardwired into main routine
    * [PII-121] - Need to improve stored procedures for getTask()
    * [PII-129] - Task notations are only created if the XML has a <notation>

New Feature

    * [PII-76] - Create utility library for using new Data Catalog tables


    * [PII-66] - Need to add priority and last active to task table
    * [PII-128] - There is no PROCESSNOTATION table, although notation can be specified in the XML
    * [PII-130] - Check indexes on log and processing statistics tables
    * [PII-131] - See if "org.glast.pipeline.client" package should be removed from server project
    * [PII-140] - Make 0.5.0 release

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