Reason for change

There was a bug in ASP/asp_pgwave v1r8 (in ASP v2r9) that was not tested by the data in dev that caused the PGWave task to crash when running the position refinement process for sources. This bug is related to the interface changes in pointlike/pointfit in ST v9r7p1.

Test Procedure

Tested on the flight data for which the bug was found. Tested in dev on /ASP/TestSims2. The code was modified so that it now operates identically on the test and flight data.

Rollback Procedure

Revert to ASP v2r8p5 and ST v9r6p1 (cannot rollback to ASP v2r9 since it is broken).




  • ASP v2r9p1
    • AspHealPix v0r0p1
    • AspLauncher v1r3p3
    • AspPolicy v0r6p1
    • BayesianBlocks v0r2
    • asp_pgwave v1r8p1*
      • In v1r8 and earlier, a separate position refinement step was performed for sources within 5 deg of the plane if their TS value was below threshold. This isn't necessary with pointfit in ST v9r7p1, and it was in this separate step where the bug resides in v1r8. This separate step has been removed from
    • drpMonitoring v1r6p2*
      • Employ Jean Ballet's recommendation for ROI-based zenith angle cuts in gtmktime for ROIs near the orbital poles. The cut in v1r6p1 and earlier removes too many events for these ROIs.
    • grbASP v4r6
    • pyASP v3r5p6