v0 Processing
6 Jan 2019
Stack version: w_2018_49 + obs_lsst branch u/jchiang/run2.xi_stars_only_ref_cats
Input data location: /global/cscratch1/sd/desc/DC2/Run2.0i/Run2.1i/run201812/workpath/run/outputs
Reference Catalog: /global/projecta/projectdirs/lsst/groups/SSim/DC2/reference_catalogs/Run2.0/ref_cats
Calibration Data: TBD but for testing using Run1.2i calibration data
Output Repo: /global/cscratch1/sd/descdm/DC2/Run2.1i/w_2018_49
Workflow Software Installation at NERSC: /global/common/software/lsst/cori-haswell-gcc/DC2/minidrp
Ingested 280191 files (~2665 visits) Wall clock ~1 hour (1 node 25 cores Haswell)
To Do
- Re-ingest after corrupted files are removed
- Test incremental ingest in pipeline
- Obtain a list of visits desired for makeFpSummary processing
- Add updated brighter-fatter kernel to obs_lsst
- Generate BF flats for the calibrations