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Unix/NFS group iepm

File used to keep track of NFS network group privs. It use the ypgroup Unix databases

The groups below are Unix groups (not netgroup) which was made available over the network by NIS (formerly YP). Les can manage unix groups via the ypgroup command.

ypmatch <group_name> group
ypmatch <group_name> netgroup, e.g.
35cottrell@pinger:~>ypmatch u-network-management netgroup
(-,antony,)     (-,cal,)        (-,cottrell,)   (-,cxg,)        (-,jerrodw,)    (-,kmartell,)


ypgroup exam -group iepm
Group 'iepm':
GID:     2087
Last modified at Aug  2 15:20:42 2006 by jonl
Owners:  cal
Members: akbar, cal, cottrell, cxg, fawad, hasan, iepm,
jerrodw, jiri, maheshkc, rich, ytl

To add someone to a group use (Les can execute this command):

ypgroup adduser -group iepm -user pinger

# Please keep unix-admin & security notified when changes are needed, e.g. people changing function or moving etc.

#Note that people with privileges need to change their passwords at least every 9 months.


To see which hosts use a netgroup

Access to hosts is controlled by netgroup. Only unix-admin can add users to a netgroup (e.g. u-iepm) or change what hosts that the netgroup can access.

grep the files at /afs/<machine>/taylor.opts.expanded looking for the group, e.g. 

136cottrell@pinger:~$grep u-iepm /afs/slac/g/scs/systems/*i*/taylor.opts.expanded

N.b. replacing *i* with * will probably result in /bin/grep: Argument list too long. Also note that as of 9/19/2013 the hosts whose access is controlled by u-iepm are: pinger

To see who is in a netgroup use the command*

netgroup <group_name>, e.g.
36cottrell@pinger:~>netgroup u-network-management

The u-iepm group is the one to enable users to logon to the special iepm hosts. It can only be updated by unix-admin.

NFS file access

NFS file systems such as  /nfs/slac/g/net/pinger are exported to netgroup from netfs02, so it is available on all machines in that group. To see the full list of machines  that can access these files, you can type:

119cottrell@pinger:~>netgroup slac > ! /tmp/junk

and edit the file (/tmp/junk). The amd mountpoints are transient....they timeout when not in use.  So sometimes it will work to cd to /nfs/slac/g and you will see an entry for net/pinger, but if it has timed out you may not, even on pinger (unless something runs there that keeps it constantly available). Once the mountpoint has timed out you will have to cd to the full amd mount path which in this case is /nfs/slac/g/net/pinger to get amd to remount the space. AS a rule it is always a good idea to use the full path to the nfs space, especially in scripts.

Unix/AFS groups

Group Name


 afs path



SVN access




www-iepm/pinger web site







To see the names of groups and privileges on a particular directory, issue the command

fs la <directory>, e.g.
fs la .


fs la /afs/slac/g/scs/net/pinger

jerrodw@pinger $ fs la /afs/slac/g/scs/net/pinger/
Access list for /afs/slac/g/scs/net/pinger/ is
Normal rights:
&nbsp; maint-pkg-netmon rlidwk
&nbsp; g-scs rlidwka
&nbsp; system:slac rl
&nbsp; system:administrators rlidwka
&nbsp; system:authuser rl

To view members of a particular group listed from 'fs la', issue the command:

pts mem <group_name>, e.g.

jerrodw@pinger $ pts mem maint-pkg-netmon
Members of maint-pkg-netmon (id: \-4786) are:
&nbsp; <list of user_id's belonging to this group>

To add users to a particular group (only if you have privileges of course), issue the command

pts adduser \-group <group_name> \-user <user_id>
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