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Problem Set 1:
Cxitut13 (Detector: CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0, dez_offset=578, detector_distance=158, Run 10: data, Run 11: Dark)

Updates (2017-07-27)
Input parameters changed:
format.cbf.gain_mask_value ==> format.cbf.cspad.gain_mask_value
format.cbf.common_mode.algorithm ==> format.cbf.cspad.common_mode.algorithm
format.cbf.common_mode.custom_parameterization ==> format.cbf.cspad.common_mode.custom_parameterization
Tutorial Slides:

To run a precompiled version of cctbx:
source ~monarin/cida


To install psana-conda and cctbx,

Running mpi at LCLS

conda install openmpi -f -c file:///reg/g/psdm/sw/conda/channels/system-rhel7

conda install mpi4py -f -c file:///reg/g/psdm/sw/conda/channels/system-rhel7

To submit a job on psana queues:
source ./miniconda/etc/profile.d/
conda activate myEnv
bsub < submit.cmd
A sample of job submission command can be found here: /reg/d/psdm/xpp/xpptut15/res/exafel_demo/


Old instructions (no need if above works):
For psana-conda, see User Documentation 




Averaging dark images
cxi.mpi_average -x expname -r runno -a detector_address -d dez_offset -v -g gain_scale_factor -R
* -R tell CDL to get the raw images.
Option: Using bsub
for i in `seq min max`; do bsub -n 12 -q psana_queue -o avg_r$i.log mpirun cxi.mpi_average -x expname -r $i -a detector_address -d dez_offset -v -g gain_scale_factor; done
Create maskcxi.make_dials_mask --maxproj-min=Light_ADU -o mask.pickle Dark_avg.cbf Dark_std.cbf Light_max.cbf
Calibration using composite powder imagecspad.quadrants_cbf Light_max.cbf -p

Option: to combine all light-max images
cxi.cspad_average *_max*.cbf -m all_max.cbf
Deploy new calibration
cxi.cbfheader2slaccalib cbf_header=experiment_calibration_cc.cbf
Option: organize calibration file
mv /exp/calib/
cp /new/geometry/
ln -s


Indexing and Integration


Output some events as CBF files for inspectioncctbx.xfel.xtc_dump dispatch.max_events=n_max_events input.experiment=expname input.address=detector_address input.run_num=run_no format.file_format=cbf format.cbf.detz_offset=detz_offset
View a single image
dials.image_viewer image.cbf
Peak finding on single image

Requirement: target.phil is needed (for spot finding parameters)

dials.stills_process target.phil image.cbf

Find gain on multiple imagesdials.estimate_gain shot*.cbf
Creating a Phil parameter file for indexing

cctbx.xfel.xtc_process -c -a 2 e 10 | less

This will show all the parameters available for Spot Finding, Indexing, and Integration step. To get start, use cxitut13 target.phil file and fill in more parameters as needed.

Index multiple images without integration using MPI
Requirement: target.phil is generated
cxi.mpi_submit input.experiment=expname output.output_dir=/path/to/output mp.nproc=n_processors mp.queue=queue_name output.split_logs=True input.dispatcher=cctbx.xfel.xtc_process input.trial=0 input.run_num=10 dispatch.integrate=False
Index multiple images with integration using MPIIndexing without integration using MPI with dispatch.integrate=True




Use indexing result(s) to refine metrology
Requirement: refine.phil is needed
cspad.cbf_metrology tag=tag_name /path/to/indexing/results n_subset=n_test_images split_dataset=True refine.phil
Check detector refinement convergencecspad.detector_shifts tag_name_1.json tag_name_1.pickle … tag_name_n.json tag_name_n.pickle
View detector refinement statisticscspad.detector_statistics


Post-refinement and Merging


Post-refine, merge, and output MTZ fileRequirement: prime.phil is needed prime.phil




Get detector names from an experiment and run no.detnames exp=expname:run=run_no
Combine indexing resultsdials.combine_experiments
  • No labels