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General information: Meetings now usually take place on Mondays at 3pm in the Sycamore Conference Room (Building 40, Room 195) at SLAC, but please check the schedule.  To join the mailing list either email Daniel Ratner (dratner at slac) or directly join the list-serv AI-AT-SLAC at  Please contact Daniel Ratner if you are interested to give a talk!

Upcoming Seminars

TBD: On analyzing urban form at global scale with remote sensing data and generative adversarial networks

Date: TBD

Speaker: Adrian Albert

Abstract: Current analyses of urban development use either simple, bottom-up models, that have limited predictive performance, or highly engineered, complex models relying on many sources of survey data that are typically scarce and difficult and expensive to collect. This talk presents work-in-progress developing a data-driven, flexible, non-parametric framework to simulate realistic urban forms using generative adversarial networks and planetary-level remote-sensing data. To train our urban simulator, we  curate and put forth a new dataset on urban form, integrating spatial distribution maps of population, nighttime luminosity, and built land densities, as well as best-available information on city administrative boundaries for 30,000 of the world's largest cities. This is the first analysis to date of urban form using modern generative models and remote-sensing data.

Past Seminars

Statistical Learning of Reduced Kinetic Monte Carlo Models of Complex Chemistry from Molecular Dynamics

Date: Feb. 26, 3pm

Speaker: Qian Yang (Stanford)

Complex chemical processes, such as the decomposition of energetic materials and the chemistry of planetary interiors, are typically studied using large-scale molecular dynamics simulations that can run for weeks on high performance parallel machines. These computations may involve thousands of atoms forming hundreds of molecular species and undergoing thousands of reactions. It is natural to wonder whether this wealth of data can be utilized to build more efficient, interpretable, and predictive models of complex chemistry. In this talk, we will use techniques from statistical learning to develop a framework for constructing Kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) models from molecular dynamics data. We will show that our KMC models can not only extrapolate the behavior of the chemical system by as much as an order of magnitude in time, but can also be used to study the dynamics of entirely different chemical trajectories with a high degree of fidelity. Then, we will discuss a new and efficient data-driven method using L1-regularization for automatically reducing our learned KMC models from thousands of reactions to a smaller subset that effectively reproduces the dynamics of interest.

Machine Learning for Jet Physics at the Large Hadron Collider

Date: February 12, 3pm

Speaker: Ben Nachman (CERN)
Abstract: Modern machine learning (ML) has introduced a new and powerful toolkit to High Energy Physics.  While only a small number of these techniques are currently used in practice, research and development centered around modern ML has exploded over the last year(s).  I will highlight recent advances with a focus on jets: collimated sprays of particles resulting from quarks and gluons produced at high energy. Themselves defined by unsupervised learning algorithms, jets are a prime benchmark for state-of-the-art ML applications and innovations.  For example, I will show how deep learning has been applied to jets for classification, regression, and generation.  These tools hold immense potential, but incorporating domain-specific knowledge is necessary for optimal performance.  In addition, studying what the machines are learning is critical for robustness and may even help us learn new physics!

Tutorial – Implementation Practice of Deep Neural Network Technique into Our Research

Date: Wednesday Jan. 24, 3pm-5pm in Mammoth B53-3036 (Note time and place!)

Speaker: Kazuhiro Terao
Abstract: The progress of machine learning techniques in recent years has been impactful in many fields of research including physics science. While learning more about machine learning subject exciting, an implementation in our research can face a huge learning curve and take time. In this first AI seminar of 2018, I will show our implementation of convolution neural network for analyzing liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC) detector data. In particular, we will look at an instance of convolutional neural network trained for semantic-segmentation task (i.e. pixel-level object classification task). This seminar will be in an interactive tutorial style using Jupyter python notebook. In the first part of the seminar, I will give an overview of software stacks and workflow. Then I will demonstrate training the algorithm. Both the software and data will be made available in advance, and the audience is welcome to participate in training the algorithm (which may require an NVIDIA GPU enabled Linux interactive shell such as SLAC computing or AWS service).

In situ visualization with task-based parallelism

Date: Nov. 27, 3pm

Speaker: Alan Heirich

Abstract: This short paper describes an experimental prototype of in situ visualization in a task-based parallel programming framework.  A set of reusable visualization tasks were composed with an existing simulation.  The visualization tasks include a local OpenGL renderer, a parallel image compositor, and a display task.  These tasks were added to an existing fluid-particle-radiation simulation and weak scaling tests were run on up to 512 nodes of the Piz Daint supercomputer.  Benchmarks showed that the visualization components scaled and did not reduce the simulation throughput.  The compositor latency increased logarithmically with increasing node count.

Data Reconstruction Using Deep Neural Networks for Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber Detectors

Date: Oct. 16, 3pm

Speaker: Kazuhiro Terao

Deep neural networks (DNNs) have found a vast number of applications ranging from automated human face recognition, real-time object detection for self-driving cars, teaching a robot Chinese, and even playing Go. In this talk, I present our first steps in exploring the use of DNNs to the task of analyzing neutrino events coming from Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers (LArTPC), in particular the MicroBooNE detector. LArTPCs consist of a large volume of liquid argon sandwiched between a cathode and anode wire planes. These detectors are capable of recording images of charged particle tracks with breathtaking resolution.  Such detailed information will allow LArTPCs to perform accurate particle identification and calorimetry, making it the detector of choice for many current and future neutrino experiments. However, analyzing such images can be challenging, requiring the development of many algorithms to identify and assemble features of the events in order to identify and remove cosmic-ray-induced particles and reconstruct neutrino interactions. This talk shows the current status of DNN applications and our future direction.

Towards a cosmology emulator using Generative Adversarial Networks

Date: Oct 3, 2pm

Speaker: Mustafa Mustafa

The application of deep learning techniques to generative modeling is renewing interest in using high dimensional density estimators as computationally inexpensive emulators of fully-fledged simulations. These generative models have the potential to make a dramatic shift in the field of scientific simulations, but for that shift to happen we need to study the performance of such generators in the precision regime needed for science applications. To this end, in this talk we apply Generative Adversarial Networks to the problem of generating cosmological weak lensing convergence maps. We show that our generator network produces maps that are described by, with high statistical confidence, the same summary statistics as the fully simulated maps. 

Optimal Segmentation with Pruned Dynamic Programming

Date: Sept. 12, 2pm

Speaker: Jeffrey Scargle (NASA )

Bayesian Blocks (1207.5578) is an O(N**2) dynamic programming algorithm to compute exact global optimal segmentations of sequential data of arbitrary mode and dimensionality. Multivariate data, generalized block shapes, and higher dimensional data are easily treated. Incorporating a simple pruning method yields a (still exact) O(N) algorithm allowing fast analysis of series of ~100M data points. Sample applications include analysis of X- and gamma-ray time series, identification of GC-islands in the human genome, data-adaptive triggers and histograms, and elucidating the Cosmic Web from 3D galaxy redshift data.

Fast automated analysis of strong gravitational lenses with convolutional neural networks

Date: Sept. 12, 2pm

Speaker: Yashar Hezaveh

Strong gravitational lensing is a phenomenon in which the image of a distant galaxy appears highly distorted due to the deflection of its light rays by the gravity of a more nearby, intervening galaxy. We often see multiple distinct arc-shaped images of the background galaxy around the intervening (lens) galaxy, just like images in a funhouse mirror. Strong lensing gives astrophysicist a unique opportunity to carry out different investigations, including mapping the detailed distribution of dark matter, or measuring the expansion rate of the universe. All these great sciences, however, require a detailed knowledge of the distribution of matter in the lensing galaxies, measured from the distortions in the images. This has been traditionally performed with maximum-likelihood lens modeling, a procedure in which simulated observations are generated and compared to the data in a statistical way. The parameters controlling the simulations are then explored with samplers like MCMC. This is a time and resource consuming procedure, requiring hundreds of hours of computer and human time for a single system. In this talk, I  will discuss our recent work in which we showed that deep convolutional neural networks can solve this problem more than 10 million times faster: about 0.01 seconds per system on a single GPU. I will also review our method for quantifying the uncertainties of the parameters obtained with these networks. With the advent of upcoming sky surveys such as the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, we are anticipating the discovery of tens of thousands of new gravitational lenses. Neural networks can be an essential tool for the analysis of such high volumes of data.

MacroBase: A Search Engine for Fast Data Streams

Date: Sept. 5, 2pm

Speaker: Sahaana Suri (Stanford)

While data volumes generated by sensors, automated process, and application telemetry continue to rise, the capacity of human attention remains limited. To harness the potential of these large scale data streams, machines must step in by processing, aggregating, and contextualizing significant behaviors within these data streams. This talk will describe progress towards achieving this goal via MacroBase, a new analytics engine for prioritizing attention in this large-scale "fast data" that has begun to deliver results in several production environments. Key to this progress are new methods for constructing cascades of analytic operators for classification, aggregation, and high-dimensional feature selection; when combined, these cascades yield new opportunities for dramatic scalability improvements via end-to-end optimization for streams spanning time-series, video, and structured data. MacroBase is a core component of the Stanford DAWN project (, a new research initiative designed to enable more usable and efficient machine learning infrastructure.

Object-Centric Machine Learning

Date: Aug. 29, 2pm

Speaker: Leo Guibas (Stanford)

Deep knowledge of the world is necessary if we are to have autonomous and intelligent agents and artifacts that can assist us in everyday activities, or even carry out tasks entirely independently. One way to factorize the complexity of the world is to associate information and knowledge with stable entities, animate or inanimate, such as persons or vehicles, etc -- what we generally refer to as "objects."

In this talk I'll survey a number of recent efforts whose aim is to create and annotate reference representations for (inanimate) objects based on 3D models with the aim of delivering such information to new observations, as needed. In this object-centric view, the goal is to learn about object geometry, appearance, articulation, materials, physical properties, affordances, and functionality. We acquire such information in a multitude of ways, both from crowd-sourcing and from establishing direct links between models and signals, such as images, videos, and 3D scans -- and through these to language and text. The purity of the 3D representation allows us to establish robust maps and correspondences for transferring information among the 3D models themselves -- making our current 3D repository, ShapeNet, a true network. 
While neural network architectures have had tremendous impact in image understanding and language processing, their adaptation to 3D data is not entirely straightforward. The talk will also briefly discuss current approaches in designing deep nets appropriate for operating directly on irregular 3D data representations, such as meshes or point clouds, both for analysis and synthesis -- as well as ways to learn object function from observing multiple action sequences involving objects -- in support of the above program.

Reconstruction Algorithms for Next-Generation Imaging: Multi-Tiered Iterative Phasing for Fluctuation X-ray Scattering and Single-Particle Diffraction

Date: Aug. 15, 2pm

Location: Tulare (B53-4006) (NOTE CHANGE IN ROOM!)

Speaker: Jeffrey Donatelli (CAMERA, Berkeley)

Abstract: The development of X-ray free-electron lasers has enabled new experiments to study uncrystallized biomolecules that were previously infeasible with traditional X-ray sources. One such emerging experimental technique is fluctuation X-ray scattering (FXS), where one collects a series of diffraction patterns, each from multiple particles in solution, using ultrashort X-ray pulses that allow snapshots to be taken below rotational diffusion times of the particles. The resulting images contain angularly varying information from which angular correlations can be computed, yielding several orders of magnitude more information than traditional solution scattering methods. However, determining molecular structure from FXS data introduces several challenges, since, in addition to the classical phase problem, one must also solve a hyper-phase problem to determine the 3D intensity function from the correlation data. In another technique known as single-particle diffraction (SPD), several diffraction patterns are collected, each from an individual particle. However, the samples are delivered to the beam at unknown orientations and may also be present in several different conformational states. In order to reconstruct structural information from SPD, one must determine the orientation and state for each image, extract an accurate 3D model of the intensity function from the images, and solve for the missing complex phases, which are not measured in diffraction images.
In this talk, we present the multi-tiered iterative phasing (M-TIP) algorithm for determining molecular structure from both FXS and SPD data. This algorithm breaks up the associated reconstruction problems into a set of simpler subproblems that can be efficiently solved by applying a series of projection operators. These operators are combined in a modular iterative framework which is able to simultaneously determine missing parameters, the 3D intensity function, the complex phases, and the underlying structure from the data. In particular, this approach is able to leverage prior knowledge about the structural model, such as shape or symmetry, to obtain a reconstruction from very limited data with excellent global convergence properties and high computational efficiency. We show results from applying M-TIP to determine molecular structure from both simulated data and experimental data collected at the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS).

Exploratory Studies in Neural Network-based Modeling and Control of Particle Accelerators

Date: Aug 1, 2pm

Speaker: Auralee Edelen (CSU)

Particle accelerators are host to myriad control challenges: they involve a multitude of interacting systems, are often subject to tight performance demands, in many cases exhibit nonlinear behavior, sometimes are not well-characterized due to practical and/or fundamental limitations, and should be able to run for extended periods of time with minimal interruption. One avenue toward improving the way these systems are controlled is to incorporate techniques from machine learning. Within machine learning, neural networks in particular are appealing because they are highly flexible, they are well-suited to problems with nonlinear behavior and large parameter spaces, and their recent success in other fields (driven largely by algorithmic advances, greater availability of large data sets, and improvements in high performance computing resources) is an encouraging indicator that they are now technologically mature enough to be fruitfully applied to particle accelerators. This talk will highlight a few recent efforts in this area that were focused on exploring neural network-based approaches for modeling and control of several particle accelerator subsystems, both through simulation and experimental studies. 

Estimating behind-the-meter solar generation with existing measurement infrastructure

Date: July 11, 2pm

Speaker: Emre Kara

Real-time PV generation information is crucial for distribution system operations such as switching, 
state-estimation, and voltage management. However, most behind-the-meter solar installations are not 
monitored.Typically, the only information available to the distribution system operator is the installed 
capacity of solar behind each meter; though in many cases even the presence of solar may be unknown. 
We present a method for disaggreagating behind-the-meter solar generation using only information that 
is already available in most distribution systems. Specifically, we present a contextually supervised source 
separation strategy adopted to address the behind-the-meter solar disaggregation problem. We evaluate
the model sensitivities to different input parameters such as the number of solar proxy measurements, number 
of days in the training set, and region size. 

Development and Application of Online Optimization Algorithms

Date: June 27, 3pm

Location: Kings River, B52-306 (Note change in time and place!)

Speaker: Xiabiao Huang

Automated tuning is an online optimization process.  It can be faster and more efficient than manual tuning and can lead to better performance. It may also substitute or improve upon model based methods. Noise tolerance is a fundamental challenge to online optimization algorithms. We discuss our experience in developing a high efficiency, noise-tolerant optimization algorithm, the RCDS method, and the successful application of the algorithm to various real-life accelerator problems. Experience with a few other online optimization algorithms are also discussed.

Machine Learning at NERSC: Past, Present, and Future

Date: May 16, 2pm

Speaker: Prabhat (NERSC)

Modern scientific discovery increasingly relies upon analysis of experimental and observational data. Instruments across a broad range of spatial scales: telescopes, satellites, drones, genome sequencers, microscopes, particle accelerators, gather increasingly large and complex datasets. In order to ‘infer’ properties of nature, in light of noisy, incomplete measurements, scientists needs access to sophisticated statistics and machine learning tools. In order to address these emerging challenges, NERSC has deployed a portfolio of Big Data technologies on HPC platforms. This talk will review the evolution of Data Analytics tools (statistics, machine learning/deep learning) in the recent past, comment on current scientific use cases and challenges, and speculate on the future of AI-powered scientific discovery.

Optimization for Transportation Efficiency

Date: May 2, 2pm

Location: Sycamore Conference Room (040-195)

Speaker: John Fox

Abstract: Plug-in hybrid and all-electric vehicles offer potential to transfer energy demands from liquid petroleum fuels to grid-sourced electricity. We are investigating optimization methods to improve the efficiency and resource utilization of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs).  Our optimization uses information about a known or estimated vehicle route to predict energy demands and optimally manage on-board battery and fuel energy resources to maximally use grid-sourced electricity and minimally use petroleum resources for a given route.  Our convex optimization method uses a simplified car model to find the optimal strategy over the whole route, which allows for re-optimization on the fly as updated route information becomes available.  Validation between the simplified model and a more complete vehicle technology model simulation developed at Argonne National Laboratory was accomplished by "driving" the complete car simulation with the simplified control model.  By driving on routes with the same total energy demand but different demand profiles we show fuel efficiency gains of 5-15% on mixed urban/suburban routes compared to a Charge Depleting Charge Sustaining (CDCS) battery controller. The method also allows optimizing the economic lifetime of the vehicle battery by considering the stress on the battery from charge and discharge cycles in the resource optimization.

Detecting Simultaneous Changepoints Across Multiple Data Sequences

Date: April 25, 3pm

Location: Kings River, 052-306 (NOTE DIFFERENT LOCATION)

Speaker: Zhou Fan

Abstract: Motivated by applications in genomics, finance, and biomolecular simulation, we introduce a Bayesian model called BASIC for changepoints that tend to co-occur across multiple related data sequences. We design efficient algorithms to infer changepoint locations by sampling from and maximizing over the posterior changepoint distribution. We further develop a Monte Carlo expectation-maximization procedure for estimating unknown prior hyperparameters from data. The resulting framework accommodates a broad range of data and changepoint types, including real-valued sequences with changing mean or variance and sequences of counts or binary observations. We use the resulting BASIC framework to analyze DNA copy number variations in the NCI-60 cancer cell lines and to identify important events that affected the price volatility of S&P 500 stocks from 2000 to 2009.


Low Data Drug Discovery with One-Shot Learning

Date: April 18, 2pm

Speaker: Bharath Ramsundar

Location: Berryessa Conference Room (B53-2002)  (NOTE DIFFERENT ROOM!)

Abstract: Recent advances in machine learning have made significant contributions to drug discovery. Deep neural networks in particular have been demonstrated to provide significant boosts in predictive power when inferring the properties and activities of small-molecule compounds. However, the applicability of deep learning has been limited by the requirement for large amounts of training data. In this work, we demonstrate how one-shot learning can be used to significantly lower the amounts of data required to make meaningful predictions in drug discovery applications. We introduce a new architecture, the iterative refinement long short-term memory, that, when combined with graph convolutional neural networks, significantly improves learning of meaningful distance metrics over small-molecules. Our models are open-sourced as part of DeepChem, an open framework for deep-learning in drug discovery and quantum chemistry.


Bio: Bharath Ramsundar received a BA and BS from UC Berkeley in EECS and Mathematics and was valedictorian of his graduating class in mathematics. He is currently a PhD student in computer science at Stanford University with the Pande group. His research focuses on the application of deep-learning to drug-discovery. In particular, Bharath is the creator and lead-developer of DeepChem, an open source package that aims to democratize the use of deep-learning in drug-discovery and quantum chemistry. He is supported by a Hertz Fellowship, the most selective graduate fellowship in the sciences.

Learning Particle Physics by Example: Location-Aware Generative Adversarial Networks for Physics Synthesis

Date: Mar. 28, 2pm

Speaker: Michela Paganini

Location: Berryessa Conference Room (B53-2002)

Abstract: We provide a bridge between generative modeling in the Machine Learning community and simulated physical processes in High Energy Particle Physics by applying a novel Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) architecture to the production of jet images -- 2D representations of energy depositions from particles interacting with a calorimeter. We propose a simple architecture, the Location-Aware Generative Adversarial Network, that learns to produce realistic radiation patterns from simulated high energy particle collisions. The pixel intensities of GAN-generated images faithfully span over many orders of magnitude and exhibit the desired low-dimensional physical properties (i.e., jet mass, n-subjettiness, etc.). We shed light on limitations, and provide a novel empirical validation of image quality and validity of GAN-produced simulations of the natural world. This work provides a base for further explorations of GANs for use in faster simulation in High Energy Particle Physics.


Models and Algorithms for Solving Sequential Decision Problems under Uncertainty

Date: Mar. 21, 2pm

Speaker: Mykel Kochenderfer

Location: Sycamore Conference Room (040-195)

Abstract: Many important problems involve decision making under uncertainty, including aircraft collision avoidance, wildfire management, and disaster response. When designing automated decision support systems, it is important to account for the various sources of uncertainty when making or recommending decisions. Accounting for these sources of uncertainty and carefully balancing the multiple objectives of the system can be very challenging. One way to model such problems is as a partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP). Recent advances in algorithms, memory capacity, and processing power, have allowed us to solve POMDPs for real-world problems. This talk will discuss models for sequential decision making and algorithms for solving them.

Data Programming: A New Framework for Weakly Supervising Machine Learning Models

Date: Mar. 7, 2pm

Speaker: Alex Ratner

Location: Sycamore Conference Room (040-195)

Abstract: Today's state-of-the-art machine learning models require massive labeled training sets--which usually do not exist for real-world applications. Instead, I’ll discuss a newly proposed machine learning paradigm--data programming--and a system built around it, Snorkel, in which the developer focuses on writing a set of labeling functions, which are just scripts that programmatically label data. The resulting labels are noisy, but we model this as a generative process—learning, essentially, which labeling functions are more accurate than others—and then use this to train an end discriminative model (for example, a deep neural network in TensorFlow).  Given certain conditions, we show that this method has the same asymptotic scaling with respect to generalization error as directly-supervised approaches. Empirically, we find that by modeling a noisy training set creation process in this way, we can take potentially low-quality labeling functions from the user, and use these to train high-quality end models. We see this as providing a general framework for many weak supervision techniques, and at a higher level, as defining a new programming model for weakly-supervised machine learning systems.

ProxImaL: Efficient Image Optimization using Proximal Algorithms

Date: Feb. 28, 2pm

Speaker: Felix Heide

Location: Truckee Room (B52-206) (NOTE ROOM CHANGE!)

Abstract: Computational photography systems are becoming increasingly diverse while computational resources, for example on mobile platforms, are rapidly increasing. As diverse as these camera systems may be, slightly different variants of the underlying image processing tasks, such as demosaicking, deconvolution, denoising, inpainting, image fusion, and alignment, are shared between all of these systems. Formal optimization methods have recently been demonstrated to achieve state-of-the-art quality for many of these applications. Unfortunately, different combinations of natural image priors and optimization algorithms may be optimal for different problems, and implementing and testing each combination is currently a time consuming and error prone process.

ProxImaL is a domain-specific language and compiler for image optimization problems that makes it easy to experiment with different problem formulations and algorithm choices. The language uses proximal operators as the fundamental building blocks of a variety of linear and nonlinear image formation models and cost functions, advanced image priors, and different noise models. The compiler intelligently chooses the best way to translate a problem formulation and choice of optimization algorithm into an efficient solver implementation. In applications to the image processing pipeline deconvolution in the presence of Poisson-distributed shot noise, and burst denoising, we show that a few lines of ProxImaL code can generate a highly-efficient solver that achieves state-of-the-art results. We also show applications to the nonlinear and nonconvex problem of phase retrieval.

Energy-efficient neuromorphic hardware and its use for deep neural networks

Date: Feb. 14, 2pm

Speaker: Steve Esser (IBM)

Location: Sycamore Conference Room (040-195)

Abstract: Neuromorphic computing draws inspiration from the brain's structure to create energy-efficient hardware for running neural networks.  Pursuing this vision, we created the TrueNorth chip, which embodies 1 million neurons and 256 million configurable synapses in contemporary silicon technology, and runs using under 100 milliwatts.  Spiking neurons, low-precision synapses and constrained connectivity are key design factors in achieving chip efficiency, though they stand in contrast to today's conventional neural networks that use high precision neurons and synapses and have unrestricted connectivity.  Conventional networks are trained today using deep learning, a field developed independent of neuromorphic computing, and are able to achieve human-level performance on a broad spectrum of recognition tasks.  Until recently, it was unclear whether the constraints of energy-efficient neuromorphic computing were compatible with networks created through deep learning.  Taking on this challenge, we demonstrated that relatively minor modifications to deep learning methods allows for the creation of high performing networks that can run on the TrueNorth chip.  The approach was demonstrated on 8 standard datasets encompassing vision and speech, where near state-of-the-art performance was achieved while maintaining the hardware's underlying energy-efficiency to run at > 6000 frames / sec / watt.  In this talk, I will present an overview of the TrueNorth chip, our methods to train networks for this chip and a selection of performance results.

Locating Features in Detector Images with Machine Learning

Date: Feb. 7, 2pm

Speaker: David Schneider

Location: Sycamore Conference Room (040-195)

Abstract: Often analysis at LCLS involves image processing of large area detectors. One goal is to find the presence, and location of certain features in the images.  We’ll look at several approaches to locating features using machine learning. The most straightforward is learning from training data that includes feature locations. When location labels are not in the training data, techniques like guided back propagation, relevance propagation,  or occlusion can be tried. We’ll discuss work on applying these approaches. We’ll also discuss ideas based on generative models like GAN’s (Generative Adversarial Networks) or VAE’s (Variational Auto Encoders).

Tractable quantum leaps in battery materials and performance via machine learning

Date: Jan. 17, 2017
Speaker: Austin Sendek

Abstract: The realization of an all solid-state lithium-ion battery would be a tremendous development towards remedying the safety issues currently plaguing lithium-ion technology. However, identifying new solid materials that will perform well as battery electrolytes is a difficult task, and our scientific intuition on whether a material is a promising candidate is often poor. Compounding on this problem is the fact that experimental measurements of performance are often very time- and cost intensive, resulting in slow progress in the field over the last several decades. We seek to accelerate discovery and design efforts by leveraging previously reported data to train learning algorithms to discriminate between high- and poor performance materials. The resulting model provides new insight into the physics of ion conduction in solids and evaluates promise in candidate materials nearly one million times faster than state-of-the-art methods. We have coupled this new model with several other heuristics to perform the first comprehensive screening of all 12,000+ known lithium-containing solids, allowing us to identify several new promising candidates.

Deep Learning and Computer Vision in High Energy Physics

Date: Dec 6, 2016

Speaker: Michael Kagan

Location: Kings River 306, B52 

 Abstract: Recent advances in deep learning have seen great success in the realms of computer vision, natural language processing, and broadly in data science.  However,  these new ideas are only just beginning to be applied to the analysis of High Energy Physics data. In this talk, I will discuss developments in the application of computer vision and deep learning techniques to the analysis and interpretation of High Energy Physics data, with a focus on the Large Hadron Collider. I will show how these state-of-the-art techniques can significantly improve particle identification, aid in searches for new physics signatures, and help reduce the impact of systematic uncertainties. Furthermore, I will discuss methods to visualize and interpret the high level features learned by deep neural networks that provide discrimination beyond physics derived variables, adding a new capability to understand physics and to design more powerful classification methods in High Energy Physics.

Links to papers discussed:


Label-Free Supervision of Neural Networks with Physics and Domain Knowledge

Date: Oct 18, 2016

Speaker: Russell Stewart

Abstract: In many machine learning applications, labeled data is scarce and obtaining more labels is expensive. We introduce a new approach to supervising neural networks by specifying constraints that should hold over the output space, rather than direct examples of input-output pairs. These constraints are derived from prior domain knowledge, e.g., from known laws of physics. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach on real world and simulated computer vision tasks. We are able to train a convolutional neural network to detect and track objects without any labeled examples. Our approach can significantly reduce the need for labeled training data, but introduces new challenges for encoding prior knowledge into appropriate loss functions.

Russell_constraint based learning slac.key

Can machine learning teach us physics? Using Hidden Markov Models to understand molecular dynamics.

Date: Sept 21, 2016

Speaker: T.J. Lane

Abstract: Machine learning algorithms are often described solely in terms of their predictive capabilities, and not utilized in a descriptive fashion. This “black box” approach stands in contrast to traditional physical theories, which are generated primarily to describe the world, and use prediction as a means of validation. I will describe one case study where this dichotomy between prediction and description breaks down. While attempting to model protein dynamics using master equation models — known in physics since the early 20th century — it was discovered that there was a homology between these models and Hidden Markov Models (HMMs), a common machine learning technique. By adopting fitting procedures for HMMs, we were able to model large scale simulations of protein dynamics and interpret them as physical master equations, with implications for protein folding, signal transduction, and allosteric modulation.

On-the-fly unsupervised discovery of functional materials

Date: Aug 31, 2016

Speaker: Apurva Mehta

Abstract: Solutions to many of the challenges facing us today, from sustainable generation and storage of energy to faster electronics and cleaner environment through efficient sequestration of pollutants, is enabled by the rapid discovery of new functional materials. The present paradigm based on serial experimentation and serendipitous discoveries takes decades from initiation of a new search for a material to marketplace deployment of a device based on it. Major road-blocks in this process arise from heavy dependence on humans to transfer knowledge between interdependent steps. For example, currently humans look for patterns in current knowledge-bases, build hypotheses, plan and conduct experiments, evaluate results and extract knowledge to create the next hypothesis. The recent insight, emerging from the materials genome initiative, is that rapid transfer of information between hypothesis building, experimental testing and scale-up engineering can reduce the time and cost of material discovery and deployment by half. Humans, though superb at pattern recognition and complex decision making, are too slow and the major challenge in this new discovery paradigm is to reliably extract high-level actionable information from large and noisy data on-the-fly with minimal human intervention. In here, I will discuss some of the strategies and challenges involved in construction of unsupervised machines that perform these tasks on high throughput and large volume X-ray spectroscopic and scattering data sets.


Machine Learning and Optimization to Enhance the FEL Brightness

Date: Aug 17, 2016

Speakers: Anna Leskova, Hananiel Setiawan, Tanner M. Worden, Juhao Wu

Abstract: Recent studies on enhancing the FEL brightness via machine learning and optimization will be reported. The topics are tapered FEL and improved SASE. The existing popular machine learning approaches will be reviewed and selected based on the characteristics of different tasks. Numerical simulation and preliminary LCLS experiment results will be presented. 


Automated tuning at LCLS using Bayesian optimization

Date: July 6, 2016

Speaker: Mitch McIntire

Location: Truckee Room, B52-206 T

Abstract: The LCLS free-electron laser has historically been tuned by hand by the machine operators. Existing tuning procedures account for hundreds of hours of machine time per year, and so efforts are underway to reduce this tuning time via automation. We introduce an approach for automated tuning using Bayesian optimization with statistical models called Gaussian processes. Initial testing has shown that this method can substantially reduce tuning time and is potentially a significant improvement on existing automated tuning methods. In this talk I'll describe Bayesian optimization and Gaussian processes and share some details and insights of implementation, as well as our preliminary results.

Using Deep Learning to Sort Down Data

Date: June 15, 2016
Speaker: David Schneider

We worked on data from a two color experiment (each pulse has two bunches at different energy levels). The sample reacts differently depending on which of the colors lased and the energy in the lasing. We used deep learning to train a convolutional neural network to predict these lasing and energy levels from the xtcav diagnostic images. We then sorted down the data taken of the sample based on these values and identified differences in how the sample reacted. Scientific results from the experiment will start with an analysis of these differences. We used guided back propagation to see what the neural network identified as important and were able to obtain images that isolate the lasing portions of the xtcav images.



  • No labels