
Sara Masood, Saqib Ali, Topher White, Bebo White, Les Cottrell


Discuss, resolve and create action items for porting PingER MA to Android


Topher put together a scope for the PingER/Android project

Sara asks: "In which  format data will be stored on android and pulled by SLAC, Csv format or Jason , and how to store this CSV file on server and in case denial of services we need to develop a server which retries  after some time()May be min/sec) if SLAC is not available, and what will be database field that need to stored by mobile phone remote host other then Round trip time(RTT)."

Is there a perl interpreter so we can use the existing, and code? Is there a problem with libraries?  

From the existing PingER management/archive site point of view the closer the interaction with the Android MA is to  the standard PingER MA the better. Otherwise we need to create and then manage new components to gather, convert and store the data, worry about security etc.

  • The goal is no changes to the PingER management code, i.e. as seen by SLAC the format will be the same, and SLAC will continue to use the http GET (wget) to gather the data.
  • This may mean that a proxy of some kind is needed. The Android will send the data to the proxy, and it will listen for the SLAC gatherer to send the HTTP GET to get the data.
  • We discussed using Google disk. 
  • Research and some development will be needed to decide how to implement this

Is there a web server for an android so we can gather by the data on a regular basis (nightly) by a web get?

Can the Android MAs download the beacons from a web site at SLAC?

If it is a push from the android how to we ensure to guard against denial of service (e.g. by only allowing certain IP addresses, having an ssl/ssh key etc) and we will need to develop a secure receiver, together with retries from the client at a later time if the receiver at SLAC is unable to answer, also add to the meta database extra information needed.

Do we need new install procedures?

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