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Cornell-SLAC Pixel Array Detector

CsPad geometry, as described in ElementIterator.hh
//  Each "Element" represents one quadrant of a complete detector
//  and they are arranged as follows (viewed from upstream):
//  +---+---+
//  | 0 | 1 |
//  +---+---+
//  | 3 | 2 |
//  +---+---+
//  Each "Element" is composed of 8 "Section"s arranged as follows:
//  +---+---+-------+
//  |   |   |   6   |
//  + 5 | 4 +-------+
//  |   |   |   7   |
//  +---+---+---+---+   (for quadrant 0)
//  |   2   |   |   |
//  +-------+ 0 | 1 |
//  |   3   |   |   |
//  +-------+---+---+
//  The layout of each successive quadrant is rotated 90 degrees clockwise
//  with respect to the previous quadrant.
//  Each "Section" is composed of 2*194 rows by 185 columns with the following 
//  orientations (for quadrant 0):
//    Sections 0,1: row index increases from bottom to top, column index increases from left to right
//    Sections 2,3: row index increases from left to right, column index increases from top to bottom
//    Sections 4,5: row index increases from top to bottom, column index increases from right to left
//    Sections 6,7: row index increases from left to right, column index increases from top to bottom
//  Again, the orientations of the Sections for quadrant 1 are rotated 90 degrees clockwise 
//  and so on for each successive quadrant.

Here's a picture showing the approximate position and alignment of the sections in the CSPAD detector image. The value of each pixel is set to increase with increasing row and column number, so the blue corners are (row 0,column 0) in the section array.

Namespace CsPad


  enum           { MaxQuadsPerSensor = 4, ASICsPerQuad = 16 }
  enum           { RowsPerBank = 26, FullBanksPerASIC = 7, BanksPerASIC = 8,
                   ColumnsPerASIC = 185, MaxRowsPerASIC = 194 }
  enum           { PotsPerQuad = 80, TwoByTwosPerQuad = 4 }
  enum RunModes  { NoRunning, RunButDrop, RunAndSendToRCE, RunAndSendTriggeredByTTL,
                   ExternalTriggerSendToRCE, ExternalTriggerDrop, NumberOfRunModes }
  enum DataModes { normal = 0, shiftTest = 1, testData = 2, reserved = 3 }

class CsPadDigitalPotsCfg

Public Member Functions

         // Constructor
         CsPadDigitalPotsCfg ()
uint8_t  value (unsigned i) const

Public Attributes

uint8_t 	pots [PotsPerQuad]

class CsPadReadOnlyCfg

Public Member Functions

     // Constructor
     CsPadReadOnlyCfg ()

Public Attributes

  uint32_t 	shiftTest
  uint32_t 	version

class CsPadGainMapCfg

Public Types

   typedef uint16_t 	GainMap [ColumnsPerASIC][MaxRowsPerASIC]

Public Member Functions

    // Constructor
    CsPadGainMapCfg ()

    GainMap *  map ()
    const GainMap * map () const

Public Attributes

    GainMap 	_gainMap

class ConfigV1QuadReg

Public Member Functions

   // Constructors
   ConfigV1QuadReg ()
   ConfigV1QuadReg (uint32_t shiftSelect[],
                    uint32_t edgeSelect[],
                    uint32_t readClkSet,
                    uint32_t readClkHold,
                    uint32_t dataMode,
                    uint32_t prstSel,
                    uint32_t acqDelay,
                    uint32_t intTime,
                    uint32_t digDelay,
                    uint32_t ampIdle,
                    uint32_t injTotal,
                    uint32_t rowColShiftPer)

   const uint32_t * 	shiftSelect () const
   const uint32_t * 	edgeSelect () const
   uint32_t 	readClkSet () const
   uint32_t 	readClkHold () const
   uint32_t 	dataMode () const
   uint32_t 	prstSel () const
   uint32_t 	acqDelay () const
   uint32_t 	intTime () const
   uint32_t 	digDelay () const
   uint32_t 	ampIdle () const
   uint32_t 	injTotal () const
   uint32_t 	rowColShiftPer () const

         Pds::CsPad::CsPadReadOnlyCfg & ro ()
   const Pds::CsPad::CsPadReadOnlyCfg & ro () const
         Pds::CsPad::CsPadDigitalPotsCfg & dp ()
   const Pds::CsPad::CsPadDigitalPotsCfg & dp () const
         Pds::CsPad::CsPadGainMapCfg * 	gm ()
   const Pds::CsPad::CsPadGainMapCfg * 	gm () const
         Pds::CsPad::CsPadReadOnlyCfg * readOnly ()
   const Pds::CsPad::CsPadReadOnlyCfg * readOnly () const

class ConfigV1

Public Member Functions

  // Constructors
  ConfigV1 ()
  ConfigV1 (uint32_t runDelay,
            uint32_t eventCode,
            uint32_t inactiveRunMode,
            uint32_t activeRunMode,
            uint32_t testDataIndex,
            uint32_t payloadPerQuad,
            uint32_t badAsicMask0,
            uint32_t badAsicMask1,
            uint32_t AsicMask,
            uint32_t quadMask)

   ConfigV1QuadReg * 	quads ()
   const ConfigV1QuadReg * 	quads () const
   uint32_t 	tdi () const
   uint32_t 	quadMask () const
   uint32_t 	runDelay () const
   uint32_t 	eventCode () const
   uint32_t 	inactiveRunMode () const
   uint32_t 	activeRunMode () const
   uint32_t 	payloadSize () const
   uint32_t 	badAsicMask0 () const
   uint32_t 	badAsicMask1 () const
   uint32_t 	asicMask () const
   uint32_t 	numAsicsRead () const
   uint32_t 	concentratorVersion () const
   uint32_t * 	concentratorVersionAddr ()

Static Public Member Functions

   static const int 	version ()

Static Public Attributes

   static const int 	Version = 1

class ConfigV2

Public Member Functions

// Constructors
  ConfigV2 ()
  ConfigV2 (uint32_t runDelay,
            uint32_t eventCode,
            uint32_t inactiveRunMode,
            uint32_t activeRunMode,
            uint32_t testDataIndex,
            uint32_t payloadPerQuad,
            uint32_t badAsicMask0,
            uint32_t badAsicMask1,
            uint32_t AsicMask,
            uint32_t quadMask,            uint32_t roiMask)

   ConfigV1QuadReg * 	quads ()
   const ConfigV1QuadReg * 	quads () const
   uint32_t 	tdi () const
   uint32_t 	quadMask () const
   uint32_t     roiMask      (int iq) const
   uint32_t     runDelay     () const
   uint32_t 	eventCode () const
   uint32_t 	inactiveRunMode () const
   uint32_t 	activeRunMode () const
   uint32_t 	payloadSize () const
   uint32_t 	badAsicMask0 () const
   uint32_t 	badAsicMask1 () const
   uint32_t 	asicMask () const
   uint32_t 	numAsicsRead () const
   uint32_t 	concentratorVersion () const
   uint32_t * 	concentratorVersionAddr ()

Static Public Member Functions

static const int 	version ()

Static Public Attributes

static const int 	Version = 2


Public Member Functions

    // Constructors
    ElementHeader ()

    // "unsigned" is shorthand for "unsigned int"
    unsigned 	virtual_channel () const
    unsigned 	lane () const
    unsigned 	tid () const
    unsigned 	acq_count () const
    unsigned 	op_code () const
    unsigned 	quad () const
    unsigned 	seq_count () const
    unsigned 	ticks () const
    unsigned 	fiducials () const
    unsigned 	sb_temp (unsigned i) const
    unsigned 	frame_type () const


Inherits from ElementHeader.

Public Types

  Version = 1
  enum  { Version = 1 }

Public Member Functions

    // Constructors
    ElementV1 ()

    const uint16_t * 	data () const
    const uint16_t * 	pixel (unsigned asic, unsigned column, unsigned row) const
    const ElementV1 * 	next (const ConfigV1 &) const


Inherits from ElementHeader.

Public Types

  Version = 2
  enum  { Version = 2 }

Public Member Functions

    // Constructors
    ElementV2 ()


Iterates through Elements.

Public Types

    class Section {
      uint16_t pixel[ColumnsPerASIC][2*MaxRowsPerASIC];

Public Member Functions

      ElementIterator(const ConfigV1&, const Xtc&);
      ElementIterator(const ConfigV2&, const Xtc&);

      //  Iterate to the next Element/quadrant (0..3)
      const ElementHeader* next();
      //  Iterate to the next Section (0..7) within the current quadrant
      const Section* next(unsigned& sectionID);
  • No labels